• 因此需要针对汽车消费信贷建立风险防范体系有效防范化解汽车消费信贷风险

    Therefore, as to auto consumption credit, we should establish a set of risk prevention system to prevent and dissolute its risks effectively.


  • 因此需要针对个人消费信贷建立风险防范体系有效防范化解个人消费信贷风险

    Therefore, as to personal consumption credit, we should establish a set of risk prevention system to prevent and dissolute its risks effectively.


  • 最后本文结合一般企业共性电网企业的特殊性设计出了电网企业适用风险防范体系

    At the end, associating the common points of each industry with the special point of power grid industry, this paper designs a financial risk prevention which fits for power grid enterprises.


  • TOT模式风险进行分析建立相应风险防范体系,不仅具有理论意义,更具有实践意义。

    So, analyzing the risk of TOT mode and establishing a corresponding precautionary system has the theoretic and practical benefits.


  • 所以筹资风险分析尤为重要本文从筹资风险成因入手进行分析,重点探讨筹资风险防范体系构建

    So the analysis of fund-raising is important. This text tries to study the construction of the system of fund-raising from its cause.


  • 可以肯定的是,目前证券市场存在的这些问题主要由于成熟的市场行为完善风险防范体系造成的

    To be sure, the current stock market in these issues was mainly due to an immature market behavior and inadequate risk prevention system for this.


  • 加强改善金融监管建立健全系统性金融风险防范预警体系处置机制

    We will strengthen and improve financial oversight, and establish a sound early warning system and a risk response mechanism to prevent systemic financial risks.


  • 提高金融机构风险管理水平推进金融体系安全网建设,防范系统性金融风险

    We will improve financial institutions' ability to manage risks, make progress in developing a security network for the financial system, and guard against systemic risks.


  • 主要原因在于对小额信贷风险认识没有真正建立风险预警防范体系

    The main problem lies in the lack of a clear understanding of the risk involved and the failure to establish a risk warning and prevention system.


  • 建立财务预警分析指标体系防范企业财务风险尤其必要

    Setting up financial affairs early warning analysis index system is especially essential to take precautions against enterprise financial risk.


  • 提出在树立风险防范优先”的理念下,建立健全内控制度特别是建立内部信用评级体系上狠做文章,成为进出口银行防范风险关键

    Thus it is proposed that the key to prevent risk for the Bank is to build internal control institution, especially the internal rating system.


  • 虽然存款保险制度有助于推动金融体系的稳定,但是,一些国家经验表明,存款保险制度防范系统性风险时作用并不太明显

    Although the Deposit Insurance system is benefit to international finance system, in the other words some countries practice it is not obvious to keep away the systemic risk.


  • 得出我们可以通过调整资产负债结构防范银行体系破产风险结论

    We can draw a conclusion that we can prevent the insolvency risks through adjustments of assets and liabilities of the banking system.


  • 本文合同能源管理风险回避风险防范风险分配风险转移等四个方面论述合同能源管理的风险控制体系

    In this paper, the author discusses risk control system of contract energy management from four areas, risk aversion, risk prevention, risk allocation and risk transfer.


  • 因此防范银行风险保护存款人利益,防止发生挤兑及其引起风险扩散从而稳定金融体系我国具有十分重要意义。

    So, it is very important to prevent the risk of banking, protect the depositor's interests, avoid the run on a bank and the spread of financial crisis, thus keep the financial system steady.


  • 企业物流外包风险防范控制体系

    The control mechanism of the logistics outsourcing risks in the enterprises.


  • 由于金融控股公司形式下存在特有风险需要从内部控制外部监管两方面着手,建立相应的监管体系防范风险

    Because of the particular risk of the financial holding company, it is necessary to establish the correspondent regulation system on both internal control and external regulation to avert risk.


  • 存在问题入手,分析可能产生风险因素此基础上,建立了风险测评体系最后提出一些风险防范化解措施

    It analyzes the probable risk factors by absolving the remaining problems, and based on these, establishes risks evaluating system, finally gives some measures that can help people avoid the risks.


  • 有效内部制约体系使企业获得大盈利防范规避风险保护投资者利益

    Effective internal control system helps the enterprises to get more profit, keeps away from the business risk and protect the interest of the investors.


  • 我国建立个人诚信体系可以扩大内需防范化解信用风险金融风险,促进现代市场信用体系完善

    In China, the establishment of individual credit system can enlarge domestic demands, prevent and resolve credit risks and financial risks and perfect the construction of modern market credit system.


  • 建立政策保障体系提高防范抵御风险能力

    Fifth, it is to build safeguarding system and enhance the competence in fending off the risk.


  • 如果存款保险制度设计合理有助于降低道德风险提高公众银行体系信心防范有问题银行的风险扩散。

    Provided such a system is carefully designed to limit moral hazard, it can contribute to public confidence in the system and thus limit contagion from Banks in distress.


  • 本文着眼于营销预警防范体系中的营销风险评价层面,将多分类支持向量方法做为一种新的评价模型引入营销风险评价实务中

    This paper focuses on the marketing risk evaluation, and introduce the method of Multi-Class Support Vector Machine as a new appraisal model to the marketing risk assessment practice.


  • 一方面,商业银行需要构建高效利率风险内部防范体系

    On the other hand, commercial Banks need to construct the effective interest rate risk management system.


  • 工程项目风险防范控制工程项目管理重要研究课题构建工程项目风险评价体系具有重要意义。

    Risk control of engineering project is an important research issue in the study of engineering project management, also in constructing risk assessing system.


  • 工程项目风险防范控制工程项目管理重要研究课题构建工程项目风险评价体系具有重要意义。

    Risk control of engineering project is an important research issue in the study of engineering project management, also in constructing risk assessing system.


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