• 王尔德也是叶芝朋友叶芝的诗歌的确经历了重要值得一提风格改变

    Wilde is also a friend of Yeats, but Yeats' poetry has indeed undergone important and notable stylistic changes.


  • 探讨山在词内容风格上的开拓革新

    The article probe into the development and innovation of the content and style of Yuan Yishans poetry.


  • 但是风格无节制已经历史薄雾所遮蔽

    But his stylistic excesses have been obscured by the gauzy haze of history.


  • 同时就格式风格特征以及相关问题进行了探讨

    It studies the characteristics of its format, style, and discusses some relevant questions.


  • 例子发现这本书不断更新,反映风格上的变化

    The examples you will find in this book are right up to date and reflect this change in style.


  • 名称空间前缀使用可选但是像是一种风格选择

    The use of namespace prefixes is optional, but it's more than just a stylistic choice.


  • 有些编辑允许有人期刊刊登的文章评论员他们一些风格上的自由

    Some editors allow others to act as commentators on papers published in the journal, and provide them with more freedom of style.


  • “长体”诗歌形象一定程度表现出与中国古典诗歌整体风格差异

    'Changji-style' poetry images, to some extent, demonstrate the difference from that of the whole style in Chinese classical poetry.


  • 目的探讨大学生外语焦虑认知风格分布特征以及外语成绩影响

    Objective To study the distributed characteristic of foreign language anxiety in cognitive style as well as the influence on foreign language performance among college students.


  • 王尔德也是叶芝朋友,但叶芝的诗歌的确经历了重要值得一提风格改变

    Nonetheless Oscar Wilde, a friend of Yeats nonetheless, Yeats's poetry does undergo an important and notable stylistic change.


  • 不是纯粹风格发明物而是适应众多人类需求进化物—他们形成场所精神。

    They are not mere stylistic contrivances, but evolutionary adaptations to the transcendent needs of human beingsthey form the genius loci.


  • 墓室壁画常见于西汉晚期北齐墓室壁画处于汉唐之间,形成一风格启下。

    It came on to boom which Frescos Tomb chamber during the last phase of later Western Han Dynasty. Moreover folow the ones in Beiqi which were just being between Han and Tang Dynasty.


  • 卫生间不在扩建部分我们很喜欢浴缸洗脸池风格上的巨大差异有超现实主义色彩。

    Image above: the bathroom is in the old part of the cottage, and we love that the bath and basin at are odds with that, as they are ultra-modern.


  • 还有许多其它不错教科书呈现方式对于在观念风格上的通盘了解来看的话,这些最爱

    There are many other good textbooks and many other styles of presentation, but these are my favorites for comprehension of concepts and styles.


  • 英俊的一个豪华棉丝混纺的格纹图案精雕细琢我们报童夹克结合经典舒适复古风格链接

    Crafted in a handsome plaid pattern from a luxurious cotton-silk blend, our Newsboy jacket combines vintage style with classic comfort out on the links.


  • 由此引出杜诗内容修辞风格一系列变化:穷愁生活的描写、修辞上的用拙以及具有反讽意味戏谑风格

    Out of these, one can deduce various changes in the content, rhetoric and style of du Fu's poetry such as how he depicted poverty and anxiety, his irony and mockery, etc.


  • 由于创作主体以及作品风格差异悼亡意象类型多种多样,其中尤琴、、啼猿、黄昏等为常见常用之意象

    For the difference of creation subjects and works style, the imagery type of mourning poems are variety, the psalterium, sword, cow ape, dusk are especially common used image in which.


  • 专辑一个包括乐队现场录音室录音大杂烩,体现乐队美国音乐风格实验承认他们众多音乐影响力

    The album is a hodgepodge of live material and new studio recordings that furthers the band's experimentation with American music styles and recognize many of their musical influences.


  • 接下来是1931年,专辑《克里·奥尔狂想曲》发布,我们从中能够感受到艾灵顿曲调节奏风格转变,如同画家调色板色调的变换一样。

    We reached 1931 with Creole Rhapsody, which reflected Ellington's command of the tonal and rhythmic resources of his band as if they were colours on a painter's palette.


  • 这座塔独特建筑风格使世界独一无二。

    The uniqueness in the architecture style of the tower makes it have no parallel in the world.


  • 建筑于1798年1802年间流行的古典主义风格基础建造的。

    The building was erected between 1798 and 1802 in the neoclassical style of the time.


  • 学习作家写作风格时,不要只停留风格上探索多种风格

    When you study an author's writing style, don't stop on a single one, but explore numerous styles instead.


  • 纪实写作例子包括书皮专辑封面笔记以及篇幅较长的文章比如可能音乐鉴赏读到过描述某种音乐风格的文章。

    Examples of factual writing include notes on a book jacket, or album cover and longer pieces, such as an article describing a style of music, which you might read in a music appreciation course.


  • 事实蓝调诗歌风格上更接近模仿民间蓝调,而不是高雅古典的蓝调。

    His blues poems are in fact closer stylistically to the folk blues on which he modeled them than to the cultivated classic blues.


  • 最近黑色拍了一些宣传照片乐队身着荷叶边鸡尾酒Sammy 在脖子了一30年代风格项链

    When Black Luna shot some promotional photos recently, the rockers put on flouncy cocktail dresses, with Sammy wearing a 1930s-style choker.


  • 最近黑色拍了一些宣传照片乐队身着荷叶边鸡尾酒Sammy 在脖子了一30年代风格项链

    When Black Luna shot some promotional photos recently, the rockers put on flouncy cocktail dresses, with Sammy wearing a 1930s-style choker.


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