• 几百万难民饱受生活颠沛流离之苦

    Millions of refugees have suffered a total dislocation of their lives.


  • 上百丧失生命或许颠沛流离

    Hundreds of people lost their lives or were rendered homeless.


  • 多年颠沛流离以后终于定居下来了

    He finally settled down after many years of moving around.


  • 青春一场无知的奔忙,总会留下颠沛流离的伤。

    Youth is a ignorant and moving, always leaves drift from place to place.


  • 有人颠沛流离如果没有请你成为自己太阳

    Someone is willing to accompany you to wander, if not please you become your own sun.


  • 3只狗在之前颠沛流离生活然后来到我家

    I have 3dogs in my home, one lead a vagrant life before, and then it came to my home.


  • 假如你们损坏,你们就只能海上颠沛流离,或滞留海上。

    If either your sails or our rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.


  • 颠沛流离来到离别长安见到了”的秦王李世民

    Displaced month let also came to the departure already a long time of changan, met her love and "hate" qin2 wang2 li shi-mm.


  • 整个国家将近战前一半人口颠沛流离,其中一百万成为国外难民,在国内则有同样人数背井离乡

    Nearly half the country’s pre-war population had been uprooted; about 1m had taken refuge abroad, and as many again were internally displaced.


  • 颠沛流离生活现实使故乡回忆变得清晰温暖创作于是成为种对故乡怀念精神还乡形式。

    The vagrant life in reality turns the native memory into clarity and warmth. In this sense, writing becomes a way of remembering one's homeland and going home in spirit.


  • 巴勒斯坦临时首脑马哈茂德·阿巴斯重申了承诺,即看到以色列建国颠沛流离的巴勒斯坦难民重返家园

    Interim Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has reaffirmed his commitment to seeing Palestinian refugees, displaced after Israel's establishment, return home.


  • 巴勒斯坦民众已经颠沛流离半个世纪始终没有建立自己家园这种公平不合理现象不能继续下去。

    The refugees of Palestine have been displaced for over half a century, unable to build their own homeland. Such an unfair and unreasonable phenomenon cannot be allowed to persist.


  • 也许当时心还落了俄罗斯,也许是离开钟爱的新闻业工作让感到难过,也许只是颠沛流离居无定所所引发正常反应。

    Maybe it was Russia’s pull, or maybe I felt bad about leaving the paper, or maybe it was just a normal symptom of expatriate dislocation.


  • 也许当时心还落俄罗斯,也许是离开钟爱的新闻业工作让感到难过,也许只是颠沛流离居无定所所引发正常反应。

    Maybe it was Russia's pull, or maybe I felt bad about leaving the paper, or maybe it was just a normal symptom of expatriate dislocation.


  • 亚斯在书中创造了众令人难忘人物角色,介绍了在持续不断的奴隶制度影响下,一个家庭代人颠沛流离的生活。

    Gyasi I creates an unforgettable cast of characters as she follows seven generations of a family through the dislocations and continuing repercussions of slavery.


  • 亚斯在书中创造了众令人难忘人物角色,介绍了在持续不断的奴隶制度的影响下,一个家庭代人颠沛流离的生活。

    Gyasi creates an unforgettable cast of characters as she follows seven generations of a family through the dislocations and continuing repercussions of slavery.


  • 地球很多国家中,天灾人祸颠沛流离人们有着相同一个经历,那就是生活转眼间便发生天翻地覆的变化。

    In country after country across the globe, people forced to flee natural disasters or man-made calamities share a common experience: seeing their lives turned upside down in the blink of an eye.


  • 冲突不断的国家妇女往往年轻守寡不得不战火中和颠沛流离生活肩负起照顾子女重担,她们得不到任何帮助支持

    In countries embroiled in conflicts, women are often widowed young and must bear the heavy burden of caring for their children amid fighting and displacement with no help or support.


  • 历史这样的例子很多仅仅著名史学家陈寅恪一生并不幸运,一直处在颠沛流离当中,到了晚年,甚至只眼睛失明了。

    Numerous examples can be found in history, just take a famous historian Chen Yinque as a case in point: he led an unfortunate and turbulent life. He even lost sight in one eye in his later years.


  • 获得安全饮用水适当的卫生条件以及卫生服务最基本的,可以防止疾病扩散道路上颠沛流离的人们、那些临时营地的人们以及生活设立社区的人们。

    Access to safe water, proper sanitation and health services is essential to prevent it from spreading to those displaced on roads, residing in temporary camps and living in established communities.


  • 斯提伊拉克展馆位于威尼斯双年展第54号,这次展览作品表达了他对家乡河流群山亲密感情,因为在一切的背后,是他颠沛流离生活的真实写照。

    On display at the Iraqi Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale, Mr Siti's works convey an intimacy with this region-the river, the mountains-that belies the peripatetic life he has led.


  • 斯提伊拉克展馆位于威尼斯双年展第54号,这次展览作品表达了他对家乡河流群山亲密感情,因为在一切的背后,是他颠沛流离生活的真实写照。

    On display at the Iraqi Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale, Mr Siti's works convey an intimacy with this region-the river, the mountains-that belies the peripatetic life he has led.


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