• 颜色三类暖色冷色中性色

    Color has three classifications: warm colors, cool colors and neutrals.


  • 合金按照颜色主要白色金合金彩色金合金两种。

    Gold alloy can be classified as white gold alloy and color gold alloy by color.


  • 颜色并不适合这么,你不会介意吧

    That colour doesn't really suit you, if you don't mind my saying so.


  • 屏幕格式引入推迟了四之一个世纪颜色尽管接下来二十年里被用于特制产品,它也是直到二十世纪五十年代成为一种常态

    The introduction of new screen formats was put off for a quarter century, and color, though utilized over the next two decades for special productions, also did not become a norm until the 1950s.


  • 生活一部颜色电影同一屋子发生

    It's a part of her life, something that can happen in the same room where she colors and watches movies.


  • 默认情况下,这个标准设置0.20,这样任意给定节点有百之二十的可能改变颜色

    By default, this level is set to 0.20, and so there is a twenty percent probability that any given node will change its value and color.


  • 有些人喜爱艺术本身就是一类形式颜色细节光线非常多变艺术作品

    Same goes for the fractal art which itself is a very diversified form of artwork in terms of forms, colors, details and lights.


  • 手表上第一个圈表示第二个圈表示第三个圈表示秒,并且圈的颜色相同

    One line for hour, second for minute and third for seconds, and three different colors for every lines.


  • 最近的一次旅行,主要欣赏了令人惊叹的日落海滩,像调色板一样,短短三十时间内,如七彩虹般呈现出令人难以置信颜色

    A recent trip highlighted stunning beach sunsets, and the color palette is mind-boggling-one evening boasted seven different rainbows in a 30-minute period.


  • 做下面这个实验盯住颜色然后闭上眼睛

    Try this experiment: stare at a color for about a minute and then close your eyes.


  • 他们研究可以得出基因组来看,组蝴蝶种群颜色偏好接近的;两种特质甚至来自同一个基因

    Their work suggests that the genes for color and preference are very close to one another in the genome; the two traits could even be caused by the same gene.


  • 惊讶这么多年漫画传统压制下如何完成电影版本里制服设计和布局以及颜色方案的。

    I was actually pretty surprised to see how much the layout and color scheme of his movie outfit stuck to the tradition in comics.


  • 人们还发现另一个令人惊愕事实颜色变得最深的时间每天推迟50

    Yet another startling fact was revealed: the crab's shell reached the darkest color about 50 minutes later each day.


  • 颜色选择重要,因为这些颜色稍后用于透明创建过程

    Note that the color selection is important because these colors will be used later in the process for transparency creation.


  • 之一受访者考虑通过有色隐形眼镜来“暂时”改变一下眼睛颜色——其中,蓝色隐形受欢迎。

    One quarter of respondents have considered wearing coloured contact lenses to change their eye colour temporarily - and blue is most wanted colour.


  • 因为照片背景颜色单一所以选区容易建立

    The background contains only a flat color, so the selection should be very easy to make.


  • 加热中式炒锅或是平底锅,倒入少许油,晃一下锅,加入猪肉颜色转为粉红色就可以继续添加姜末火炒2

    Add pork and stir-fry, breaking up lumps, until no longer pink. Add garlic and ginger and stir-fry over moderate heat until very fragrant, about 2 minutes.


  • 这件官司真正地方决定什么时候颜色衣服设计一部,什么时候是个商标

    The true challenge of the case, says Ms Scafidi, is to determine when the use of colour on a portion of apparel is a design element and when it is a trademark.


  • 然而,在全国范围内有之一调查者考虑过通过配戴彩色隐形眼睛的方法暂时改变自己的眼睛颜色蓝色正是受人们欢迎的镜片颜色

    However, one quarter of respondents nationwide have considered wearing coloured contact lenses to change their eye colour temporarily - and blue is most wanted colour.


  • 为了便于回收,瓶子需要进行捡和移动,使得每个废品箱都只有一个颜色的瓶子。

    In order to be recycled, the bottles will need to be moved so that each bin contains bottles of only one color.


  • 没有选定颜色型号的是现金并且告诉店员们,我将星期三下午4点30带着我老婆决定颜色和型号。

    I didn't pick the color and I didn't pick the model, but I paid cash and told them I'd bring Jane in on Wednesday at 4:30 to make those two decisions.


  • 一阵,他用手指触摸斗篷圆环形符号半黑的颜色一条蜿蜒的曲线一为二。

    For a moment he fingered the symbol on his cloak, a circle half white and half black, the colors separated by a sinuous line.


  • 《应用认知心理学》杂志报告称,测试中,一半志愿者接听2半钟的电话需要给不同的形状颜色,另一半则可以随意地涂鸦。

    During the study, half of the volunteers were asked to colour in shapes on a piece of paper while they listened to a 2.5 minute telephone message.


  • 清单7清单8可以看到,将颜色保存UIDefaults简单对于那些接触UI创建人来说应该,应该比较熟悉这些内容。

    As you can see in Listings 7 and 8, storing colors in UIDefaults is straightforward and should be familiar to anyone who's worked with UI creation.


  • 宫扎格说:“一部记得照片人物衬衫颜色照片是否纽约拍的,他们记不清任何具有吸引力的特征。”

    "These people could remember the color of a shirt or whether the photo was taken in New York, but they didn't remember anything tempting about the person," Gonzaga said.


  • 代码一部读取EchoTops图像根据图像每个像素颜色记录相应高度设置

    The next section of code will read the Echo Tops image and record the appropriate setting of altitude based on the color of each pixel in the image.


  • 四周沙子却因一夜5降雨而变得颜色更深。

    But the surrounding sand had been darkened by five minutes of rainfall the previous night.


  • 尽管有很多一直眼线认为是旧式妆容,但Zoller试镜时这个妆容从来没有真正过时颜色重的黑眼线是吸引力的。

    Though many people continue to identify black eyeliner with a retro look, Zoller says it's never really gone out of style at auditions, and it's attractive as long as it's not applied too heavily.


  • 你戴眼镜后,你身上的颜色比例就有了变化粉色看起来变了,所以要十注意颜色的搭配!

    After putting on glasses color perception changes, the pink color becomes duller! Beware!


  • 你戴眼镜后,你身上的颜色比例就有了变化粉色看起来变了,所以要十注意颜色的搭配!

    After putting on glasses color perception changes, the pink color becomes duller! Beware!


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