• 认为成本领先战略企业竞争战略重要支撑

    It is thought that cost priority strategy is the key support of an enterprise competition strategy.


  • 企业经营战略分为成本领先战略差异化战略以及集中战略

    The operating strategy of enterprises can be divided into cost leading strategy, differentiation strategy and centralization strategy.


  • 成本领先战略迈克尔·波特教授提出三种基本竞争战略之一

    Overall cost leadership is one of the three basic competition strategies brought up by Michael Porter.


  • 成本战略上,必须一切可能降低成本实施好成本领先战略

    On cost strategy, we must do everything possible to reduce costs and implement cost-leadership strategy.


  • 公司主要采取成本领先战略购并战略价格战略以及品牌战略

    The company will mainly adopt cost leading strategy, consolidation by purchasing strategy, pricing strategy and trademark strategy.


  • 本文首先成本领先战略、成本管理系统成本制约理论进行了综述。

    The thesis firstly expatiates synthetically on cost leading theory, cost management theory and cost control theory.


  • 跨国企业依托自身技术优势,选择技术领先战略侧重高端市场的竞争;

    The paper comes to the conclusion that transnational corporations will choose technology advance strategy relying on their technology and focus on high extreme market;


  • 企业一般竞争战略,即成本领先战略产品差异战略集聚战略

    The general competitive strategy of enterprise has 3 kinds: the strategy of cost lead, the strategy of product difference, gather strategy.


  • 企业获得竞争优势基本战略成本领先战略差异化战略目标聚集战略

    There are cost leading strategy, diversity strategy and goal integrating strategy when enterprises want to attain basic strategy of competition adage advantage.


  • 我国汽车零部件国际市场开发采取成本领先战略差别化战略集中战略

    The cost superiority strategy, difference strategy and centralization strategy should be adopted in developing international mar - ket of automotive component and part in our country.


  • 第一标准模型基础提出了成本领先战略竞争模型市场领先战略模型。

    In section 1, the overall cost leading strategy competing model and the market leading strategy competing model will be introduced on the basis of Cournot normal form game.


  • 论文竞争战略角度,即成本领先战略产品差异化战略对供应商选择标准进行了分析。

    In this thesis, supplier selection criteria are analyzed from the perspective of competitive strategy, namely, cost-leadership strategy and product differentiation strategy.


  • 接着成本领先战略,探讨如何确定企业项目化管理关键环节以及一些具体项目化模式

    Then this study discusses how to decide the chains and some concrete models of project management in the example of the Overall Cost Leadership Strategy.


  • 跨国公司竞争战略开始依靠成本领先战略成本领先战略产品差异化战略综合应用转变

    The competitive strategy beginning of MNC changes by the strategy of cost lead to the comprehensive application of the strategy of cost lead and the strategy of product difference.


  • 生存竞争期,BMCC采取成本领先战略力争扩大市场份额通过规模经济取得效益

    In the current competition, BMCC took a low-cost leader strategy to enlarge market quota and also made profit through economies of scale.


  • 差异化战略成本领先战略不是两个相互排斥战略,二者可以一个企业同时采用获取竞争优势

    The strategies of differentiation and cost leadership are not mutually exclusive and can be achieved simultaneously by an enterprise to gain competitive advantage.


  • 主要内容包括决定产业竞争要素、影响市场进入的要素、以及公司成本领先战略差异化战略聚焦战略

    Including the industrial competitive factors, the factors of market entry, the cost leadership strategy, the differentiation strategy, and the Focus strategy of NXT company.


  • 成本领先战略作为种有效竞争战略,对企业规模素质提出了很高的要求充分自由价格竞争前提

    The leading cost strategy, as the effective competition strategy, requires the remarkable enterprise scale and qualities and takes the complete free price competition as the prerequisite.


  • 沃尔玛公司2002年世界500强第一名,能取得今天的成就,卓有成效的成本领先战略实施可谓功不可没。

    WalMart is the number one of world 500 in 2002, this achievement is due to the successful enforcement of cost leading strategy.


  • 指出陕西电科院战略实施重点放在三个职能战略的实施上,实施科技领先战略人力资源战略企业文化战略

    The key implementation points of SEPRI's strategy should be as three following strategies, i. e. leading in the development of science and technology, labor resources, and enterprise culture.


  • 即葛洲坝集团应采取以下竞争战略成本领先战略技术领先战略根据地战略联合战略品牌+诚信战略产业目标战略

    The bidding strategy of CGGC as follow: cost keep ahead, technology led, base area, union stratagem, brand name and good faith, industrial policy.


  • 再次找出泉州邮政竞争优势外部环境的机遇与威胁的基础上,本文提出了泉州邮政的竞争战略成本领先战略逐步差异化战略转变

    Third, with analysis of its competition advantage and environment, a competition strategy of Quanzhou Post is carried out which is changing from low cost to differentiation.


  • 第四章长虹TCL案例“点—线—面”顺序,历史逻辑角度出发,以理论联系实际的精神,具体说明低成本领先战略实施方式

    Then, in the third chapter, from the historical and logical perspective, it illustrates the ways of implementing the strategy concretely by the cases of Changhong, TCL successively.


  • 在接下来作者就电厂成本构成及其特点进行了分析并提出企业应在树立成本领先战略观念、健全成本管理体系基础降低成本的措施

    Later, author analyzed plant's content and character of cost, draw a few ways to reduce cost basic with building up idea of cost leadership and perfecting its cost management.


  • 在接下来作者就电厂成本构成及其特点进行了分析并提出企业应在树立成本领先战略观念、健全成本管理体系基础降低成本的措施

    Later, author analyzed plant's content and character of cost, draw a few ways to reduce cost basic with building up idea of cost leadership and perfecting its cost management.


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