• 奥巴马政府的预算主管彼得·奥斯最近美国预算赤字是不可持续的,的。

    Peter Orszag, Obama's Budget Director, recently called the US budget deficits unsustainable and he's right.


  • 企业里面预算编制工作常常是预算主管预算委员会共同负责完成的。

    In a company, a budget officer or director and budget committee usually work together to take the responsibility for budget preparation.


  • 同时评价结果成为预算主管部门增加削减预算和精兵简政重要依据之一

    Meanwhile, appraising the result will become one of the important bases that the responsible institution of the budget increases or slashes the budget and reduces the staff.


  • 在上述部门预算的基础上,预算主管便可着手编制预算财务报表,包括损益表资产负债表

    The income statement, the capital expenditures budget, and plans for raising cash and paying debts provide information for the cash budget, which feeds into the budgeted balance sheet.


  • 预算主管彼得·奥尔·格peter Orszag则曾经国会预算办公室的领导

    Peter Orszag, his budget chief, is a former head of the Congressional budget Office.


  • 里根先生预算主管大卫·斯托克曼透露,他用自己故事职员们高兴起来,因为在他还是一个演员时常常会为了应对免税代码改变自己的工作计划

    According to his budget director, David A. Stockman, Mr. Reagan would regale the staff with stories of how he, as an actor, used to alter his work schedule in response to the tax code.


  • 好的知道所有主要预算决策需要经过首席执行官财务主管批准

    B: Ok. Well, you know, all major budget decisions must be approved by our CEO and the financial offer.


  • 通过部门主管的谈判,想办法将预算调高了一些,同时也在部门之间争取了更多平等待遇。

    In negotiations with the branch chief, she made a pitch for a modest budget increase as well as for greater equality between departments.


  • 只有客户组织中的资源掌控者--高级主管一般负有资产损益责任--才能重新分配资源,从而厂商提议留出预算

    Only the resource owners in the client organizationsenior executives, typically with P&L responsibilitiescan reallocate resources to create the budget for the vendor’s offering.


  • 分发主管人员经理提供预算其他决策者使策略能够实施

    Distribute it to executives, managers, and other decision makers who will be providing you with the budget to make your strategy happen.


  • 由于任命额外团队成员对于提案开发预算而言属于意外情况,所以,在分配额外资源之前必须咨询提案主管

    Since the appointment of addition team members is contingent on the total budget allocated for the proposal development, the proposal lead needs to be consulted before assigning additional resources.


  • 曾和大型科技集团主管聊到一个项目预算回答道:“坦率地讲,我从没有看过关于预算电子图表。”

    As I asked an exec in a large tech group what the budget of the project we were discussing was, he answered: "Look, honestly I've never seen any spreadsheets on this."


  • 巴马竞选主管大卫普劳夫,给上百万奥巴马支持者邮件怂恿他们他们选区的国会代表施加压力以使预算通过

    Mr Obama's former campaign manager, David Plouffe, is e-mailing millions of Obama supporters to encourage them to put pressure on their congressional representatives to pass the budget.


  • 前任广播管兰迪·麦克尔斯,现被任命为论坛公司执行主管,泽尔与其很快开始重组论坛报业,他们从自已的财产调整削减了庞大的预算

    He and Randy Michaels, the former radio executive he made Tribune's chief operating officer, soon started redesigning Tribune papers in ways that justified huge budget cuts at their properties.


  • Lego公司是一家丹麦玩具公司,财务主管StenDaugaard说:作为2009年财务预算一部分公司编制了几套不同的远景规划。第一采用这种方式编制公司的预算

    Sten Daugaard, the finance chief of Lego, a Danish toymaker, says his firm generated a number of different scenarios as part of its 2009 budget, the first time it had used such an approach.


  • 好的知道所有主要预算决策需要经过首席执行官财务主管批准

    Ok. Well, you know, all major budget decisions must be approved by our CEO and the financial offer.


  • 莱司特好的知道所有主要预算决策需要总裁财政主管批准

    Lester: OK. Well, you know, all major budget decisions must be approved by our CEO and the financial officer.


  • Tatum一家咨询公司并兼有为客户提供临时财务主管业务。 该公司的CynthiaJamison说:“今年编制的年度预算往年错误更多,完全就是废纸。”

    “The annual budget is even less of a meaningful document this year than usual, ” argues Cynthia Jamison of Tatum, a consulting firm that also provides clients with interim CFOs.


  • 前台主管负责保持高标准服务从而赢得客人最大的满意,同时通过有效的日常管理,确保前台预算的范围内得以高效运作

    Front Desk Supervisor is responsible and accountable for achieving and maintaining the highest standards of guest service and satisfaction. Responsible for daily operations of the Front Desk.


  • 第10中央直辖市()主管机关及学校每年参考所设之性别平等教育委员会各项实施方案编列经费预算

    Article 10 the competent authority at central, municipal, county or city shall designate budgeting in accordance with all the projects planned by its gender equity education committee.


  • 采购主管部门应当根据批准的预算其他财政性资金使用计划编制公布采购计划。

    The competent procurement department shall formulate and publish the procurement plan according to the approved budget and the using plan of other financial capital.


  • 巴马竞选主管大卫普劳夫,给上百万奥巴马支持者邮件怂恿他们他们选区的国会代表施加压力以使预算通过

    Mr Obama's former campaign manager, David ise, is e-mailing millions of Obama supporters to encourage them to put pressure on their congressional representatives to pass the budget.


  • 关于孟加拉国代表团提出有关预算来源资助最不发达国家问题强调最不发达国家地区主管的。

    On the question raised by the Delegation of Bangladesh concerning the financing of the LDCs coming from extra-budgetary sources, it was stressed that the LDCs were covered by the Regional Bureaus.


  • 其次矿山企业编制年度复垦资金预算,报国土资源相关行政主管部门审批申请年度复垦资金;

    Secondly, mining enterprises will prepare annual reclamation fund budget table to apply the reclamation investments after approved by the related administration department of land resources;


  • 其次矿山企业编制年度复垦资金预算,报国土资源相关行政主管部门审批申请年度复垦资金;

    Secondly, mining enterprises will prepare annual reclamation fund budget table to apply the reclamation investments after approved by the related administration department of land resources;


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