• 真空处理中的一项技术

    The vacuum preloading method is a new technique in treating weak foundations.


  • 真空堆载联合压法地基处理有效之一。

    Surcharge preloading combined with vacuum preloading is an effective method for soft soil consolidation.


  • 深圳填海造地工程采用堆载压法进行基处理。

    Pre-loading Technique is adopted to improve the soft soil in Shenzhen bay reclamation engineering.


  • 袋装砂井堆载预压一种常用的软土地基处理

    Surcharge precompression combined with vertical drains Method has been proved to be a normal and effective way to improve soft clay ground.


  • 真空联合预压法一种较好的桥头处理

    Vacuum combined with surcharge preloading is a good method to reinforce soft foundation at bridge-head.


  • 证明采用真空预压法加固淤泥地基行之有效

    Certifiably, vacuum preloading is an effective technology for consolidating silt foundation.


  • 根据场地条件土层特性,其采用真空预压法加固处理

    According to the site condition and soil characteristics, vacuum preloading was adopted for soft ground reinforcement.


  • 高速公路采用真空压法加固填方路堤超软弱土地基。

    The vacuum preloading method is used to consolidate the supersoft ground of an expressway.


  • 抗剪强度增长规律性研究真空推广应用具有重要意义。

    The study on development of the shear strength of soft clay is very significant for the use of vacuum preloading method.


  • 堆载压法加固土地过程,堆填速率影响孔隙水消散

    In the process of reinforcing soft soil foundation by preloading, preloading rate will impact on excess pore pressure dissipation.


  • 正是如此本文主要研究真空压法处理路基沉降计算问题。

    Therefore, this paper mainly studies settlement calculation and forecast of soft soil subgrade by vacuum preloading.


  • 介绍真空-堆载联合加固机理施工工艺及其水利工程中应用的特点

    The paper analyzes the mechanism of vacuum preloading combined with surcharge preloading method, its construction techniques and its characteristics in hydraulic engineering.


  • 针对地质特点采取真空联合塑料排水板加固处理潮间带土地基。

    According to geologic characteristics, the vacuum preloading with prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) method was adopted to treat the soft soil in the intertidal zone.


  • 堆载预压法作为一种简单有效土地基处理已经工程得到广泛的应用

    As a simple and effective method of soft ground treatments, the sand drain preloading method has been widely used in construction projects.


  • 本文结合环胶州湾公路工程实例介绍了塑料排水超载处理施工

    Combining the engineering examples, the construction method to process soft terrain base using overload and prepressed plastic drainage plate is introduced in this paper.


  • 嘉兴电厂二煤场工程基处理预压法进行软基加固进行了分析研究。

    Taking Coalfield Project of Jiaxing Power Plant project for example, soft foundation improved by self-preloading of coal is analyzed.


  • 塑料排水加载预压软弱地基进行处理,近年填海区地基采用基本之一

    The method of add Loading precompression on the plastic plank to work on the weak base is the one of the basic way to the stuffing sea area.


  • 真空堆载联合预压处理近年来在沿海三角洲地区高速公路路基施工经常出现。

    In recent years the vacuum preloading method for treating soft foundation is often used in the construction of speedway roadbed of littoral and delta area.


  • 真空压法加固处理土地基连云港地区试验成功说明了该施工施工工艺合理

    The tests of vacuum preloading method to improve the soft soils in Lianyungang region were successfully completed, showing that the procedure and technology for the tests were rational.


  • 厦门西堤岸线整治工程采用预压加固超软地基,加固后土体各项物理力学指标均有提高

    Surcharge preloading method was adopted for ultra-soft ground treatment in Xiamen West Dike Shoreline Regulation Engineering, by which all physical-mechanical indices were improved.


  • 真空联合预压法作为新的处理公路及其他工程建设软基处理中得到了广泛应用

    The vacuum associated heaping pre-compressing process is a new soft subgrade treatment method, which has been widely applied in the soft subgrade of the highway and the other engineering construction.


  • 采用真空压法有效加固深度小于动态完整井所能达到深度、残余沉降量大于竖向回弹

    By the vacuum preloading, the efficient reinforced depth is less than the depth of the dynamic full-wells, and the remained sedimentation is more than the vertical sprang quantity.


  • 结合现场强度试验结果,得出了经真空-堆载联合加固后的土体上部土层下部土层及其他有益结论

    Combined with data of local strength testing, some useful conclusion, including effect of reinforcement in upper layer is superior lower layer, is presented here, which can be recommend by...


  • 结合现场强度试验结果得出了经真空-堆载联合预压法加固后的土体上部土层下部土层及其他有益结论。

    Combined with data of local strength testing, some useful conclusion, including effect of reinforcement in upper layer is superior lower layer, is presented here, which can be recommend by other...


  • 通过对监测沉降数据以及测斜数据分析,认为真空联合堆载预压处理段软弱路基成功的,类似工程应用可行的。

    Through analyzing the obtained data, it is shown that the jointed vacuum-preloading treatment method is successful; and it can be adopted in the similar engineering cases.


  • 本文在总结已有研究成果基础上,对真空预压加固吹填土地基进行研究运用大型通用有限元软件ABAQUS加固过程进行了有限元模拟。

    Base on the existing research results, this paper make a study on it and do a simulation of the improvement process with the help of finite element software ABAQUS.


  • 西安市西北大酒店二层客房增加五层,对地基结构墙体加固补强,采用预压托换及钢筋网片夹板墙

    Precompressed pile foundation under pinning technique is used to reinforce the foundation and structural wall for adding the building named Xibei hotel from two floors to seven floors in Xian city.


  • 西安市西北大酒店二层客房增加五层,对地基结构墙体加固补强,采用预压托换及钢筋网片夹板墙

    Precompressed pile foundation under pinning technique is used to reinforce the foundation and structural wall for adding the building named Xibei hotel from two floors to seven floors in Xian city.


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