• 温斯酒杯,一下好打起精神,股子油味玩意儿一口吞下去

    Winston took up his mug of gin, paused for an instant to collect his nerve, and gulped the oily-tasting stuff down.


  • 按摩一下或者晚餐然后扩大工作圈子

    Give a massage to someone you love, or cook her dinner. Then, expand the circle to work.


  • 年前,有人预测,热门情景喜剧《老友记》观众们只需轻轻一下遥控器便很快詹妮弗·安妮斯那样毛衣

    Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of "Friends", a popular sitcom, would soon be able to purchase a sweater like Jennifer Aniston's with a few taps on their remote control.


  • 哈里胸膛默默地起伏一下严重屈辱愤怒感觉苦斗压制下去是容易的事。

    Hareton's chest heaved in silence a minute: he laboured under a severe sense of mortification and wrath, which it was no easy task to suppress.


  • 犹如弄一圣诞大餐压力够大,总那样恐慌临了临了犹豫是不是所有的东西需要倒出来醒一下

    As if the stress of getting Christmas lunch on the table were not enough, there's also that last minute panic of wondering whether anything needs to be decanted.


  • 可以行走一口或者坐下一下的饭接着又

    He could walk for two days without eating, or eat three meals in one sitting and then be off.


  • 自己外出享用晚餐看一场电影,或只是的时光来阅读书店古董店。

    Take yourself out to lunch or to a movie, or simply spend an afternoon reading, browsing in a bookstore, or antiquing.


  • 以为特里施打来的电话,想核实一下为什么克里斯托弗.阿拜用了那么长时间

    She had imagined the incoming call was from Trish, checking in to explain why she and Christopher Abaddon were taking so long.


  • 看到埃文·斯的墨西哥式餐馆不在当天日程安排之内,但是她可以当天稍后附近的位置路过检查一下这个情况

    She saw that the Chili's in Evanston was not on her schedule for the day, but she could stop by to check the situation at a later point in the day when she would be nearby.


  • 雷尼所言,“看到自己困难重重的关系之回忆一下初次见面——那时你是否觉得,这家伙就是几年之后那个与之开战其感到痛苦的人?

    As Rennie-Peyton says, "When you are looking at your difficult relationship, recall when you first met – did you think this was someone you wanted to fight with and make miserable in a few years time?


  • 下面我简单介绍一下我们团队,我们有上百人,包括普林斯,拉特兰大学的在读和毕业生。

    So take a overview of the team it is a group of a hundred of us including Princeton and Rutland Grad and Undergrad students.


  • 飞往波士的路上看了一下这本书,发表讲话找到了两个非常好的短短的笑话。

    I checked the book on my flight to Boston and found two perfect one-liners for my speech.


  • 为了改变一下气氛”,阿花室友们时不时会想象美餐:“青菜时候假装猪肉或者吃鱼

    Now and then, tochange the atmosphere, ’ Hoa and her roommates imagine a dream dinner. “While we are eating vegetables, we pretend that we are eating a chicken leg, or pork or fish.


  • 睡袋把扣子扣膝盖好好的美餐了一太阳,我拉下帽檐遮住眼睛很快就睡着了。

    I buckled myself to the knees into my sack and made a hearty meal; and as soon as the sun went down, I pulled my cap over my eyes and fell asleep.


  • 夫妇俩回忆当时情况说,罪犯枪指着基思·梅尔本能地大厅里退,后来一下跌倒了。

    According to the couple, when the assailant pointed a gun at him, Keith Melton instinctively started walking backward down the hall until he tripped and fell.


  • 旅途中,吃饭方面容易将就一下,结果都是快餐,不用下车虽然方便,食物长途旅行没有什么帮助

    It can be easy to fall into a fast food rut on the road, but while a drive-thru combo meal may satiate your appetite, it won't help your energy level in the long run.


  • 要想知道缘由,我们还要从第一布雷森林会议说起,来回顾一下近代国际金融监管

    To see why, leave behind the first Bretton Woods conference for the more recent history of international financial regulation.


  • 一下波特兰郊区比佛学区。

    Head on over to Beaverton School District, in the suburbs of Portland.


  • 如果正在橘子务必要去感受一下波特(Newport),亨廷(Huntington),海豹(Seal Beach)这三个地方。

    If you're visiting North Orange County, make sure to check out Newport, Huntington, and Seal Beach.


  • 4月假期玛丽亚·格利克曼提议家庭旅行途中顺道去一趟普林斯大学,“一下校园”,女儿拒绝了。

    During vacation in April, Maria Glickman suggested stopping by Princeton on a family trip 'just to see the campus,' but her daughter said no.


  • 想想看,比较一下多莉·和劳拉·布什·菲尔博士

    Think of Dolly Parton vs. Laura Bush. Don King vs. Dr. Phil.


  • 我们期望到的最好的圣诞节礼物就是可以稍微休息一下或许还能再狼吞虎咽般地迅速吃完野外烧烤

    The best we can hope for is a break and maybe a quick barbecue, "a Victorian Rural Fire Service spokeswoman told Reuters on Thursday." we.


  • 正如Gordon,所说,我会简短地介绍一下普林斯的,社会企业家首创协会比较新的一些东西。

    I just quickly introduce the Social Entrepreneurship Initiative here in Princeton, like Gordon just mentioned where relatively new in our organization.


  • Psych Yourself Rich金融时报出版社,$22.99)作者FarnooshTorabi《赫邮报》中解释一下精神方法

    Farnoosh Torabi, author of Psych Yourself Rich (FT Press, $22.99), explained a few mental approaches on Huffington Post


  • 尼克嗯,好吧一个可能就是波士回来的时候再安排见一下了。质。

    NICK: Uh-huh, well, the other possibility would be to arrange it after Boston on my way home.


  • 如果一瓶这样的陈年葡萄酒,那不妨准备丰盛的美食,庆祝一下美好回忆

    If you have an old bottle like those old Lafites, make a special meal, open the bottles and celebrate the memories.


  • 如果肚子饿了只要一下紫色按钮色香味俱全大餐就会呈现你的面前美美上一

    If hungry, you as long as the purple button, a table of delicious meals will appear in front of you, let you meimei eating a meal.


  • 罗伯特爵士时间考虑一下提议一周时间——三

    Sir Robert Chiltern: you must let me have time to consider your proposal. Give me a week-three days!


  • 法明先生一下罗杰的这个产品目录的广告吗?觉得我们没法

    Mr. Farmington? Would you take a look at these catalogue ads that Roger did? I don't think we can use them.


  • 法明先生一下罗杰的这个产品目录的广告吗?觉得我们没法

    Mr. Farmington? Would you take a look at these catalogue ads that Roger did? I don't think we can use them.


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