• 项目费用包括一项一次性注册费用每场考试的报考

    Program costs include a one-time enrollment fee and a registration fee for each exam you take.


  • 本文参加开发企业项目费用控制管理信息系统基础完成。

    This thesis is based on the development of our enterprise's project expense control management information system.


  • 财务数据库包括工时发生费用预算以及任何项目费用超支等信息

    Financial database containing information such as labor hours, incurred costs, budgets, and any project cost overruns.


  • 成功候选人要求指定日期内提交候选人签名接受表格以及项目费用

    Successful candidates are required to return a signed acceptance form together with a non-refundable deposit before the stated deadline...


  • 统计临床疗效指标,同时计算其经济学项目费用采用成本效果评价指标

    The clinical efficacy indexes of these two groups are statistically analyzed and the cost effectiveness ratio as the appraisal index is calculated.


  • 同时实现两个目标重要手段就是通过工程项目费用进度进行协调控制

    But the important means to achieve these two objectives at the same time is the Earned Value Method which is mean of project cost and schedule co-ordinate control.


  • 根据工程承包项目费用变更特点介绍费用变更分类,论述了加强费用变更管理措施

    The classification of cost changes and measures to strengthen cost change control are described based upon the special features of cost changes in EPC projects.


  • 本文首先探讨导致延期环境基于责任制延期分类以及它们项目费用进度计划影响

    This paper first discusses the circumstances that give rise to delays, the classification of these according to responsibility, and the effects they have on the project cost and schedule.


  • 每一个地区选民通过全民公决决定是否批准营业税增加美分支付那些地区项目费用

    Voters in each region will decide by referendum whether to approve a one - cent increase in the sales-tax to pay for those regional projects.


  • 软件项目来说,评估预测项目费用进度资源一部分,也是企业目标之间达成一致的平衡过程。

    For software projects, estimation is part of predicting costs, schedules, and resources, and striking a balance among them that best meets enterprise objectives and goals.


  • 风险登记簿包含信息有风险责任人成因效应状态概率、风险项目费用进度客户影响

    The risk register includes information such as the risk owner, cause, effect, status, probability, impact of the risk on the project cost, schedule and customer.


  • 工程项目费用承包存在着一定风险这些风险集中体现工程投标阶段、工程合同签订阶段工程施工阶段

    A certain risk would be in the charge-contract of engineering project, and would be incarnated centrally in the stages, such as engineering bid, engineering contracting, and constructing etc.


  • 对于所支付费用投资者要求更高质量服务相较于美国证券行业其他项目费用EB - 5项目要价不菲

    Influence investors to demand greater service and quality for the fees they pay. EB-5 fees are high compared to other fees paid in the U. S. securities industry.


  • 即使某些项目费用较高,但假如可以预计的话诉讼人便能够衡量是否值得继续下去,以及在经济上他自己是否能够负担。

    Even if something is expensive, it's got to be predictable so that a litigant can judge whether it's worth litigating and whether he can make provision for it.


  • 一些开发商谈到北京项目费用什么事情头绪很多发展商薄利多销都不可能, 羊毛出在羊身上,最后都摊在房价中。

    Some developers said that the cost of major projects in Beijing for, a lot of things around the situation, selling more at the developer can think, remember, the last in the field are assessed.


  • 应用本文给出模型求解方法,可以较好地解决业主建设项目费用支付的控制问题,也能够合理地兼顾到承包商利益一种双赢解决方案。

    The (model) is innovative in that both the interest of the owner and that of the client are taken into account and it provides a (win-win) solution for the optimization problem of project payments.


  • 关于这个项目费用他们面临着咄咄逼人的盘问。

    They faced some hostile questioning over the cost of the project.


  • 我们首先应该仔细考虑这一项目有关所有费用

    We need to examine all the costs involved in the project first.


  • 这些费用用于建立回收项目,向重复使用管道非盈利机构提供资助,对鼓励回收的制造商进行奖励

    The fees would go toward setting up recycling programs, providing grants to non-profit agencies that reuse the tubes and rewarding manufacturers that encourage recycling.


  • 项目启动以来,思买改变了策略增加回收电视机25美元费用维持的运行

    Since the launch of its program, Best Buy changed its policy to add a $25 fee for recycling old televisions in order to keep the program going.


  • 目前没有预测海水淡化项目费用具体需用多少立方的海水。

    There is no estimate yet of the total cost of the project or the volume of water involved.


  • 相对于长期使用应用灵活性来说,这些项目看重市场以及费用

    These projects value time to market and cost optimization above the long-term use and flexibility of the application.


  • 事务类型用于根据业务产品分组收入费用项目

    Transaction types are used to group revenue and expense items according to business or product groups.


  • 最近小企业扩大了项目降低了贷款费用

    The SBA recently expanded that program and cut lending fees.


  • 一些健身房每个月收取很少的会费他们一些认为应该包括在会费里的,例如有氧训练课程有锁储物柜甚至毛巾使用项目收取额外费用

    Some gyms have very low monthly membership dues, but they tack on additional fees for features you might think are included, like cardio classes, locker use, or even towels.


  • 一些健身房每个月收取很少的会费他们一些认为应该包括在会费里的,例如有氧训练课程有锁储物柜甚至毛巾使用项目收取额外费用

    Some gyms have very low monthly membership dues, but they tack on additional fees for features you might think are included, like cardio classes, locker use, or even towels.


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