• 欧洲加拿大美国普朗克项目科学家一起工作分析普朗克数据

    European, Canadian, and U.S. Planck scientists will work together to analyze the Planck data.


  • 实际上我们现在见证冰山的形成,”冰桥项目科学家迈克尔·斯杜丁格

    "We are actually now witnessing how it happens," said IceBridge project scientist Michael Studinger.


  • 金星快车项目科学家hakanSvedhem期待测量

    Venus Express project scientist hakan Svedhem looks forward to the measurement.


  • 乔纳森·加德纳太空望远镜项目科学家我们询问这个装置如何回顾过去。

    Jonathan Gardner is a project scientist for the telescope. We asked him how the device can look back in time.


  • JPL的卡西尼项目科学家琳达·斯皮克最后说道:“这些发现令人惊讶振奋。”

    "These new results are surprising and exciting," said Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at JPL.


  • 美国航空航天局戈达德太空飞行中心太阳动力观测卫星项目科学家,瓦特·迪恩派斯奈尔这样说。

    Dean Pesnell, project scientist for the Solar Dynamics Observatory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.


  • 项目科学家制作了一个包括不同距离超过150,000星系三维天图追溯宇宙演化过程

    WiggleZ scientists have made a 3-D map of more than 150,000 galaxies near and far to trace the universe's evolution over time. [Chris Blake et al.


  • 实施这项新的项目科学家考察两个注入地点一百水下,约2,5003,500米岩石深处。

    The two injection sites being surveyed for the new carbon-sequestration project are under about 100 meters of water, and about 2, 500 to 3, 500 meters down in the rock.


  • 伊利诺斯州大学项目科学家HarrisLewin城乡会上预测未来会有更多实验室奶牛

    Project scientist Harris Lewin from the University of Illiones at Urbana-Champaign predicts there will be more laboratory cows in the future.


  • 我们全球团队来说一个巨大成就,”JohnMather,詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜项目科学家也是诺贝尔奖得主

    "This is a tremendous accomplishment for our worldwide team," said John Mather, James Webb Space Telescope Project Scientist and Nobel Laureate.


  • 尽管颗行星不在居住发现还是让人兴奋无比,因为它表明了更多类似发现可能性,”开普勒项目科学家道格拉斯·哈金斯说道

    "Although this planet is not in the habitable zone, the exciting find showcases the kinds of discoveries made possible by the mission," said Kepler program scientist Douglas Hudgins.


  • 中心作为前任科学家研究项目的信息搜集所。

    The centre will act as a clearinghouse for research projects for former nuclear scientists.


  • 长期以来,欧盟资助框架项目一直一个专门针对社会科学家类别

    The European Union Framework funding programs have long had a category specifically targeted at social scientists.


  • 想象永远不会有结局的书,一个一百万层楼图书馆或者一个有着成千上万的科学家昼夜不停忙碌的研究项目

    Imagine a book that never ends, a library with a million floors, or imagine a research project with thousands of scientists working around the clock forever.


  • 日本科学家发起了一个名为机器人进入东京大学吗?”项目

    A group of Japanese scientists started a project called "Can a Robot Get into the University of Tokyo?"


  • 他们可以拒绝他们认为自己利益相悖科学家申请或者他们日常生活传统活动影响大的研究项目

    They can turn down applications from scientists they believe will work against their interests, or research projects that will impinge too much on their daily lives and traditional activities.


  • 对与人类联系密切两个物种——猕猴松鼠——进行热量限制的项目使科学家对模拟热量限制可以帮助人类抱有乐观的态度。

    Caloric-restriction projects underway in two species more closely related to humansrhesus and squirrel monkeys—have made scientists optimistic that CR mimetics could help people.


  • AIS 系统科学家研究许多运动项目,并其中一项运动中学到技能——例如如何增强高尔夫球手的肌肉力量——运用其他项目上,比如游泳壁球

    AIS scientists work across a number of sports, applying skills learned in onesuch as building muscle strength in golfersto others, such as swimming and squash.


  • 项目使科学家地球大气层正在发生的情况有更新的了解

    The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the Earth's atmosphere.


  • 科学家艺术家项目拥有共同的利益能够共同设计项目并且能够相互评价对方工作时,他们联盟才是具价值的。

    The alliances are most valuable when scientists and artists have a shared stake in a project, are able to jointly design it and can critique each other's work.


  • 参与科学家选择了建设4G网络不是第五5G网络。

    The scientists working on the project opted to build a 4G rather than a fifth generation or 5G network.


  • 项目由中国科技部赞助,许多来自合作国家(如巴基斯坦)的有才华的年轻科学家被给予在中国工作的机会。

    The program is sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology and many young talented scientists who come from collaborating countries, such as Pakistan, are given opportunities to work in China.


  • 基斯坦农业科学家 Sayyar Khan 在中国参加了一个短期研究项目,这不仅让他得以推进他的学术研究,也让他有机会去一个他久经耳闻的国家看看。

    Joining a short term research program in China has not only allowed Pakistani agricultural scientist Sayyar Khan to push forward with his academic studies, but also given him a chance to see a country he had heard so much about.


  • 借助人类基因组项目搜集信息科学家已经掌握了一些改善人们健康方法。

    With information gathered from the Human Genome Project, scientists have already improved the health of some people.


  • 托马斯.B.科克兰是华盛顿私人团体自然资源保护委员会项目高级科学家,他说:“他们暗示出了问题。”

    They imply some kind of core problem,” said Thomas B. Cochran, a senior scientist in the nuclear program of the Natural Resources Defense Council, a private group in Washington.


  • 参与这个项目亚的斯亚贝巴大学科学家英国进行合作研究访问

    Scientists from the University of Addis Ababa who are working on the project will undertake collaborative research visits to the UK.


  • 2003年以来,一项国际原子能机构等国际组织资助项目下,伊拉克科学家开始对废墟核污染物进行清理

    Since 2003, relics and contaminants have been gradually decommissioned in a programme sponsored by international backers, including the IAEA, and run by Iraqi scientists.


  • 2003年以来,一项国际原子能机构等国际组织资助项目下,伊拉克科学家开始对废墟核污染物进行清理

    Since 2003, relics and contaminants have been gradually decommissioned in a programme sponsored by international backers, including the IAEA, and run by Iraqi scientists.


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