• 往往项目导向学习一种形式

    That tends to be one form of project-based learning.


  • 赞同信任影响项目导向虚拟团队因素吗?

    Do you agree with the factor of Trust is the key factors influencing teamwork of project-oriented global virtual team?


  • 赞同领导力影响项目导向虚拟团队因素吗?

    Do you agree with the factor of Leadership is the key factors influencing teamwork of project-oriented global virtual team?


  • 赞同任务种类影响项目导向虚拟团队因素吗?

    Do you agree with the factor of Task type is the key factors influencing teamwork of project-oriented global virtual team?


  • 矩阵结构则是两种结构以上混合,带有项目导向的性质。

    And the matrix structure are two or more of the above combined together, often is case oriented.


  • 探讨了基于项目导向教学模式设计思路主要内容,研究项目导向教学模式实施条件要求

    This paper discusses the designing ideas about project-oriented teaching mode, studies requirements and practicing conditions for this teaching mode.


  • 基于订单项目导向合同管理运用项目管理思想方法每个订单做成项目,按照项目进行管理。

    The so-called project oriented type contracts management based on orders is to manage each of orders as project with the application of ideas and means of projects management.


  • 即“项目导向式”教学学习过程若干个实战项目串连起来通过项目的熟练运用零散知识进行系统集合。

    The "project-oriented" teaching use the practical project to make the study process together, and systematize the scattered knowledge by project.


  • 由于发动机实际尺寸部分最重的元部件起重设备起重能力有具体要求。这些要求均项目导向中的“发动机空间规划部分作出了描述。该部分主要是解决起重设备的问题。

    Required lifting capacities for some of the heaviest components, due to the actual engine size, are described in section "Engine room planning" dealing with lifting appliance in the Project Guide.


  • 接下来张幻灯片详述了这个项目,提供清晰定义,这种长期强有力的安全导向文化

    Next several slights detail this program and also provide a clear definition I think of the strong safety-oriented culture in the long term.


  • 采用RUP优方法并且使用RUP作为导向重构项目计划不够。

    Adopt RUP best practices and be guided by the spirit of RUP. Restructuring your project plan is not enough.


  • 新的善因导向网站网络上也一直层出不穷,比如帮助人们寻找可供支持的善因的Causecast展示社会倡议项目Amazee

    New cause-oriented sites, such as Causecast, which helps people find causes to support, and Amazee, which showcases various social-advocacy projects, are popping up on the Internet all the time.


  • 项目将效率更高规划方式成果导向组织方式引入公路主管机构

    CREMA has introduced more efficient planning and results-oriented organization in roads agencies, emphasizing.


  • 我们精益敏捷项目方法工作见到相似的思路,建议他们以结果导向不是计划导向

    We see a similar mindset at work in Lean and Agile project approaches, which advertise themselves as more results-oriented than plan-driven.


  • 理论认为项目一项一次性工作,有必要制定个以指导、管理为导向任务级别计划

    The theory casting projects as one-off operational work seems to insist upon the necessity of a guiding, management-produced, task-level master plan.


  • 任务教学法师生通过共同实施完整项目工作进行的教学活动,是行动导向教学方法中的一

    The task teaching method is the teaching activity through carrying on a complete project work by the teachers and students together, which is one kind of the motion guidance teaching method.


  • 它以市场导向并注重市场资源耦合状况进行旅游项目设计开发

    On the basis of market, it pays, attention to link market with sources to proceed the design and exploitation of tourism projects.


  • 这些标准有助于减少浪费提高价值使项目更多业主建筑生命周期导向交付必然会对整个资本设备行业产生积极的影响

    The standards must make a positive impact across the capital facilities industry by reducing waste, increasing value, and making project delivery more owner and lifecycle oriented.


  • 以费用为导向建设项目计划控制侧重包含最终成本估算内的成本项次。

    Expense oriented construction planning and control focuses upon the categories included in the final cost estimation.


  • 随着全球市场逐步形成,以客户的需求为导向商业竞争越来越激烈建设项目水平要求也发生较大的变化。

    With the formation of the global market, customer demand-oriented business competition is more and more vigorous, and the level demand for construction projects has considerably changed.


  • 根据前面分析结果目标市场导向南国雅苑项目制定价格策略品牌推广策略、产品销售策略和促销策略。

    Basis front of analysis the result and the target market direction, is Nanguo Yayuan item establishment price strategy, brand expansion strategy, the product sale strategy and promote sales strategy.


  • 台帐管理是以岗位职责导向绩效考核工具值得施工企业项目管理推广

    Accounting-type management-oriented job responsibilities based on performance appraisal tool, it is worth to promote the construction enterprise project management.


  • 介绍燕化公司化工三间甲酚装置改造项目第一异丙基甲苯提塔(201E改造设计方案导向筛板的优点设计方法。

    The paper introduces the revamping design scheme of the primary cymene stripper (201E) in them-cresol plant revamping project and puts forward the detailed design method of Linde sieve tray.


  • 项目教学法师生通过共同实施个完整的项目工作而进行的教学活动,是行动导向教学方法中的一种。

    The "project teaching method" is a teaching movement that is carried out together by the teacher and students.


  • 项目管理实践注重目标为导向系统子系统它们之间的关系以及环境就是使项目管理成为管理的“系统方法”。

    The practice of project management pays attention to goal-oriented systems, subsystem, their relationships, and environment; this is what makes project management a "system approach" to management.


  • YPEC成立以来,以诚信本、服务客户为宗旨,以市场导向,在所承担所有工程项目评定工程质量合格率100%。

    Since the founding and through the hard working of all the staff, YPEC bases on credit, serves the clients, follows the guidance of market, by the assessment, the project qualified rate is 100%.


  • 这不意味不得不同意每一个设计决定,即已经项目进入(不同意健康的)或者写入石头中的导向原理轮廓

    This doesn't mean that you have to agree with every design decision that's been made in the project (dissent is healthy) or that the guiding principles outlined here are written in stone.


  • 这不意味不得不同意每一个设计决定,即已经项目进入(不同意健康的)或者写入石头中的导向原理轮廓

    This doesn't mean that you have to agree with every design decision that's been made in the project (dissent is healthy) or that the guiding principles outlined here are written in stone.


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