• 甚至一个男孩都知道这些,“单单面包不能生存的。”

    There you have it! Even a little boy knows that "man shall not live by bread alone."


  • 快点格雷琴这些银币放在最小面包里并且

    Be quick, Gretchen! I had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf to give you.


  • 不是所说 “一般” ,你的面包等等请注意,我说的是同事们自己。

    I do not speak of your "little men, " your baker and so on; I speak of my colleagues and myself, learned men, mind you.


  • 丹麦早餐经常出现黑面包奶酪意大利蒜味腊肠火腿馅饼蜂蜜果酱有时候还会有平盘巧克力

    On Dane's breakfast plate, you'll often find rye bread, cheeses, salami, ham, pie, honey, jam, and sometimes even thin plates of chocolate.


  • 希腊首先有了把蔬菜放在面包片上的想法,罗马城里也发现了“比萨饼烤箱”。

    The ancient Greeks first had the idea of putting vegetables on pieces of bread, and "Pizza ovens" have been found in Roman cities.


  • 最近一个问卷调查发现巴基斯坦认为一杯他们重要程度仅次于面包每年消耗量将近4百

    One recent survey found that Pakistanis considered a cup of sweet tea to be their second most important food source after bread; annual consumption of sugar is around 4m tonnes.


  • 种做法(这种做法绅士一些),如果有发出衣食无忧的骗子不发出的信号可以面包交给这些

    Alternatively, and more elegantly, I could hand over bread only to those people who give me a signal that a well-fed con man would not be willing to give.


  • 不能单靠面包活着博客一样无法杀手级文章而存活下去。

    Just like a man does not live by bread alone, a blog does not live by killer articles alone.


  • 警告说,在晚餐之前面包会让下降,加大食欲

    Eating bread before dinner makes people lose their sense of fullness and eat more, Dr. Aronne warns.


  • 随即我们铺位上坐下,一边喝啤酒吃鸡肉面包,一边侃大山。

    Soon, the two of us were sitting on my bunk, clunking beer bottles, picking at sticky chicken, ripping bread and sharing stories.


  • 回家的路上遇到带着三只小羊,一个抱三条面包,一着美酒

    On your way there, you will meet three men. One with three young goats, the second one with three loaves of bread and the third one with a skin of wine.


  • 有些真的认为我们不如家里烤烤面包种种大白菜

    Some people genuinely seem to think we would be better off staying at home and growing our own cabbage and baking our own bread.


  • 如果允许的话,他们五个只能昨晚一样,自己面包再度一夜。

    If not, all five of them would be sleeping in their van again as they had the night before.


  • 一个厨房技术如果只限于按动多米诺速度批评为整个日常饮食只有油脂面包

    A man whose only kitchen skill involves the speed dial to Domino\'s is condemned to a diet of grease, salt, white bread, and sugar.


  • 萨米尔抱怨面包工作一些插队买面包其他顾客炎热的太阳下苦几个小时。

    He says the bakery employees let some people inside to get bread quickly while he and the rest are waiting in line outside in the sun for hours.


  • 现在即便很多,也许大多数津巴布韦仍旧排队面包,80%的没有工作,但是至少那些工作预见自己的收入

    Now, though many-perhaps most-zimbabweans are still on the breadline and 80% have no jobs, at least those in work can predict their income.


  • 无论我们如何解释有些依然我们家庭搞得完全困惑,就那个我们买面包车时碰到的本田销售员一样。

    No matter how much we explain ourselves, some people are completely baffled by our family, like the Honda salesman we visited when we were shopping for a minivan.


  • 公爵夫就命黄油面包蛋糕下午晚些时候送到房间里去吃。

    The Duchess asked that a tray of tea, bread and butter and cake be brought to her room during the late afternoon.


  • 这么做是因为出炉面包香气四溢,能勾食欲促使面包后再买别的食品比如冷冻食品就是其中一种。

    They do it for the smell of freshly baked bread, which makes people hungry and thus encourages people to buy not just bread but also other food, including frozen stuff.


  • 丹麦早餐盘里经常出现黑面包奶酪意大利蒜味腊肠火腿馅饼蜂蜜果酱有时候还会有平盘巧克力

    On a Dane's breakfast plate you'll often find rye bread, cheeses, salami, ham, pate, honey, jam and sometimes even thin 'plates' of chocolate.


  • 一些面包”,犹太回答

    “Just some bread crumbs,” replies the Jew.


  • 秒钟之内在四周群的一片尖叫声中,轮胎冒烟速度,表演"面包"旋转以及手刹过弯

    In a few seconds she will be screeching around vicious corners at speeds that send up smoke from the tires, performingdoughnutspins and hand-brake turns.


  • 妈妈就叫把地上的面包起来吃掉,—不得不说,全家面前这种事,还真让尴尬

    Now, Mother makes me pick them up, and eat them, which is one of the most embarrassing tasks in the whole of our house.


  • 凯尔特这种未发酵面包各种各样的食物,发现伍德今天放的食物就有很多,包括一种烟熏鱼韭葱榛子奶油混合物

    The Celts used these bowls of unleavened bread to hold a variety of fillings, including - as I discover when Wood hands me a sample - a tasty mixture of smoked fish, leek, hazelnuts and cream.


  • 丹麦早餐盘里经常出现黑面包奶酪意大利蒜味腊肠火腿,馅饼,蜂蜜果酱有时候还会有一平盘巧克力

    On a Dane's breakfast plate you'll often find rye bread cheeses salami ham pâté honey jam and sometimes even thin ‘plates' of chocolate.


  • 有些挨家挨户地去要灵魂蛋糕”或葡萄干面包作为回报他们答应对方家里过世祈祷

    Some would also go from house to house, begging for "soul cakes", square pieces of bread with currants. In return they promised to pray for dead members of the donors' families.


  • 有些挨家挨户地去要灵魂蛋糕”或葡萄干面包作为回报他们答应对方家里过世祈祷

    Some would also go from house to house, begging for "soul cakes", square pieces of bread with currants. In return they promised to pray for dead members of the donors' families.


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