• 但是目前生成输出必要区分链接链接,所以这里有两个不同重复部分

    For now, however, it becomes necessary to differentiate between null links and non-null links when generating output, which is why there are two distinct repeat sections.


  • 这个框架目的结构化分析提供一个通用平台,从而提供能够减少重复开发可重用分析组件

    The purpose for this framework is to have a common platform for unstructured analysis that can provide reusable analysis components that reduce duplication of development effort.


  • 通过重复应用模式转换确定最佳匹配验证解决方案满足功能需求时,方法有价值的。

    This approach is valuable when verifying that the solution meets nonfunctional requirements, where you repeatedly apply patterns and transformations to identify the best match.


  • 试着母语听众几个笑话后,很快明白哪些值得重复

    Try a few out with your non-native speaking audience; you will soon learn which ones are worth repeating.


  • 母语同事机会说话他们常常重复的话,以此肯定自己已经理解表达的意思。

    Make sure your non-native speaking colleagues have the chance to talk; they will often be paraphrasing your words in an attempt to satisfy themselves that they have grasped what you said.


  • 正如上面介绍那样,大多数测试自动化方案都有扩展性的架构,该架构创建了一个可重复使用的构件

    As explained above, most of the test automation solutions have a non-extensible architecture that creates non-reusable components.


  • 富有技巧倾听者一些诸如语调手势语言信息同样敏感这样的信息会支持重复加强语言信息,但也有可能会起到相抵触的作用。

    Skilled listeners are sensitive to nonverbal information, such as voice tone and gestures, that supports, repeats, enhances, or contradicts verbal messages.


  • 这种机制具有限制针对特定约束条件重复条件测试好处集合大小之前讨论过的null情况

    This mechanism has the benefit of limiting repeated conditionals testing for certain constraints, such as collection sizes or the previously discussed not-null condition.


  • 可以小时渠道合作伙伴个合作伙伴一个独特的非重复内容

    You can't spend an hour per channel partner to develop a unique, non-duplicate-content page for each partner?


  • 下部空间包含一些大体量非重复校园公共功能食堂礼堂体育馆游泳池等。

    The lower part contains large and non-repetitive public functions of the school, such as the canteen, the auditorium, the gymnasium, and the swimming pool.


  • 事例事例非重复成员一个事例可以多个事例的成员。

    A case is a distinct member of a case set, and can be a member of multiple case sets.


  • 如果优化程序检测到在查询执行过程可能会出现内存不足情况将避免使用重复散列算法生成访问计划

    The optimizer avoids generating access plans using the hash distinct algorithm if it detects that a low memory situation may occur during query execution.


  • 重复散列将使用工作因此可以提供敏感语义敏感的语义。

    The hash distinct uses a work table, and as such can provide insensitive or value sensitive semantics.


  • 这样实验中,能够训练昆虫紫外线紫外线对我们来说只是一片黑暗。(限制性定语从句后置,重复先行词)。

    In such an experiment the insects can be taught to fly to the ultra-violet, which for us is just darkness.


  • 再生城市生活污水经化学处理达到一定水质标准重复使用饮用水资源

    Renewable water is sewage that the city or after chemical treatment to certain water quality standards and the repeated use of non-potable water resources.


  • 本文着重讨论语言代码文化特征内涵差异以及在交际中的重复补充替代调节等功能

    This paper mainly deals with the cultural features and connotation differences of nonverbal codes, and functions like repeating, complementing, substituting and regulating.


  • 因此实践如实重复看作是:生命延续开始造成断裂通过艺术来创造出历史的剩余时间

    Hence, practicing literal repetition can be seen as initiating a rupture in the continuity of life and creating a non-historical excess of time by means of art.


  • 限制性进入机制符合随机配对的要求有利于建立重复博弈信任机制,有利于契约管理

    The restricted access mechanism meets the request of nonrandom matching and is favorable for setting up repeated game and trust mechanism and also favors contract management.


  • 重复充装瓶阀技术要求型式试验采用国家标准和欧洲标准进行了比较分析

    This paper analyses the specification and type testing of cylinder valves for non-refillable cylinders at home and abroad.


  • 本地连接里程基于与电话总局的里程针对专用(交换)线路重复使用收费考虑因素

    Local Access mileage refers to a recurring charge rate element for dedicated (non-switched) private lines that are based on mileage to the Central Office.


  • RNA发现一类编码RNA分子,动植物细胞中广泛表达,基因反向重复序列

    MicroRNAs(miRNA) are a new class of noncoding RNAs, which are encoded as short inverted repeats in the genomes of animals and plants.


  • 本文给出一种重复数据情形下等距正交多项式回归模型

    In this paper, an orthogonal polynomial repression model of non-equidistant points for equal-replicate data was proposed.


  • 为了提高数控车削系统直线伺服单元跟踪精度,该文提出了一种改进离散重复控制算法

    An improved repetitive control algorithm was developed to improve tracking accuracy for a linear servo unit in a numerical piston lathe.


  • 缺失数据因素随机区组试验资料两因素水平组合重复数不等平衡资料。

    The data with missing values in two-factor experiment with randomized block design is the unbalanced data with unequal replications of level combination of two factors.


  • 作物品种区域试验多年资料参试品种试验年份地区上重复数不等的平衡资料。

    Crop variety regional trials in several years result in unbalanced data in which every variety was tested in different years and sites.


  • 完全信息合作无限重复博弈理论框架内,对默契合谋形成的机理进行了定性研究。

    In the framework of infinitely repeated non-cooperative game theory under complete information, an effort is made for examining the mechanism of tacit collusions among generation companies.


  • 本文选取重复压气机平均半径处的线,进行平面叶栅定常数值模拟

    In this paper unsteady numerical simulation of planar diffuse cascade is performed in the model profiles that choosing from mid-span of the blade in a repeated compressor.


  • 相对周期重复排列薄膜,周期单元周期性重复排列方式提高异质薄膜介电性能介电损耗较

    The periodic-unit periodic repeated arrangement relative to the non-periodic repeated arrangement increases the dielectric property of the heterogeneous thin film, and lowers dielectric loss.


  • 所有长时间遭到压抑因素,那些不可重复的独一无二的、日历化的事件,所有长时间遭到否定的神秘性,迅速冲决出来

    All its long-suppressed elements of unrepeatability, uniqueness, and incalculability, all its long-denied mysteries, come rushing through the breach.


  • 所有长时间遭到压抑因素,那些不可重复的独一无二的、日历化的事件,所有长时间遭到否定的神秘性,迅速冲决出来

    All its long-suppressed elements of unrepeatability, uniqueness, and incalculability, all its long-denied mysteries, come rushing through the breach.


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