• 评论家认为等于是非法移民变相特赦

    Critics say this amounts to a backdoor amnesty for illegal aliens.


  • 警方墨西哥卡车进行了突袭扣留了10非法移民嫌疑人

    Police held 10 suspected illegal immigrants after a swoop on a Mexican truck.


  • 奥地利派遣3个到达匈牙利接壤边境处,阻止非法移民流入

    Austria has sent three army battalions to its border with Hungary to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.


  • 也许农场工人有一半非法移民

    Perhaps half of the farm laborers are undocumented immigrants.


  • 非法移民弊端上,这些也是集中的。

    As for the drawbacks of illegal immigration, these, too, are concentrated.


  • 关于非法移民争论核心一个关键问题移民经济还是

    At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question: are immigrants good or bad for the economy?


  • 抓获绝不是恐怖分子,他们大多来自中美洲南美洲非法移民

    But those captured were anything but terrorists, most of them illegal immigrants from Central or South American.


  • 他们希望移民归化局雇佣数百边境巡逻人员调查人员非法移民拒之门外,他们抵达他们进行追踪

    They also want the INS to hire hundreds more border patrol agents and investigators to keep illegal immigrants out and to track them down once they're here.


  • 另一些人强调非法移民学校医院监狱公共服务带来的压力

    Others highlight the strain that undocumented immigrants place on public services, like schools, hospitals, and jails.


  • 不幸是,参议员忽视了非法移民带来经济学意义

    Unfortunately, the senators' plan ignores the economics of illegal immigration. Its laws of motion are set out in a recent paper* by Gordon Hanson of the University of California, San Diego.


  • 此同时,白宫一直静悄悄地进行一场针对非法移民最为强硬的战役

    Mexico border and blast states for providing services to illegal immigrants, the White House has been quietly waging the toughest-ever campaign on undocumented immigrants.


  • 非法移民习惯于少数几个大城市加利福尼亚,德克·纽约

    Illegal immigrants used to be clustered in a handful of big states, like California, Texas, and New York.


  • 缔约双方合作打击非法移民包括打击通过本国领土非法运送自然人行为

    The contracting parties shall conduct cooperation to crack down on illegal immigration, including the crack down on illegal transportation of natural persons via its territory.


  • 随着美国逐渐远离农耕农场主他们必须依靠非法移民采摘美国人餐桌新鲜蔬果

    As Americans have moved away from agriculture, farm employers say they have come to rely on illegal immigrants to harvest the fresh fruits and vegetables on the nation's dinner tables.


  • 强制美国接近1100万非法移民回到墨西哥或者其他他们原籍地,极不可能的。

    It is highly unlikely that most of the approximately 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States will ever be forced to return to Mexico, or wherever else they came from.


  • 但是共和党初选中选民打击非法移民反应及其强烈参议员想触及话题还需足够的勇气

    But the backlash against illegal immigration has been so severe among voters in Republican primaries that it will be a brave senator who touches the subject.


  • 通常,西班牙移民寻找经济机会,随着非法移民工作消失,可以预计移民数量下降

    Migrants to Spain traditionally moved in search of economic opportunities, so it was to be expected that their Numbers would decline as jobs for irregular migrants dried up.


  • 在我们了解到底有多少非法移民孩子出生由于美国公民地位的保证之前广泛研究十分必要的。

    Extensive studies would be necessary before one could know how many of the children of illegal immigrants were born here because of the guarantee of American citizenship.


  • 这些非法移民开辟了转为正式美国公民的道路:学习英语缴纳罚金以后,进入美国公民申请程序。

    He set out a path for illegal immigrants to become legal citizens: learn English, pay a significant fine and go to the back of the line in applications for citizenship.


  • 意大利很久以来就敦促利比亚更好地在沿海巡逻防止欧洲寻找更好生活非洲非法移民乘船离岸

    Italy has long pressed Libya to better patrol its coasts to prevent boats carrying African immigrants from leaving its shores in search of a better life in Europe.


  • 阿根廷南美国家的移民解除最大限制再次承诺他们(甚至包含非法移民)享有公共医疗接受教育的权利。

    Argentina has lifted most restrictions on immigration from South America, again guaranteeing access to public health and education, even for illegal migrants.


  • 得克萨斯墨西哥边境处发表讲话时,巴马总体来说,非法移民地下经济挽救出来美国来说好事

    Speaking in Texas close to the border with Mexico, Mr Obama said bringing illegal immigrants out of the underground economy would be good for the country as a whole.


  • 大体上来说拉丁美洲恰美国移民主要发源地,而明尼苏达州远离拉丁美洲,所以非法移民担忧不大

    Being far removed from Latin America, the main source of immigrants to the country in general, Minnesota has little cause to worry about unauthorised migration.


  • 法案将会要求所有非美国公民携带证明他们移民身份证件要求警察检查任何方式接触可能非法移民

    It would require all non-US citizens to carry documents proving their immigration status, and would require police to check those papers in any contact with anyone who might be illegal.


  • 凯恩先生由于一项削减9%个人计划而支持率一度领先利先生主张非法移民孩子提供教育,失去了民众支持

    Mr Cain surged briefly to the front of the pack because of a plan that would cut personal taxes to 9%; Mr Perry lost support for wanting to educate the children of illegal immigrants.


  • 由于历史冲突目前让人困扰经济衰退贩毒非法移民足够理由跨越格兰德河的关系无疑变得更加让人担忧

    A history of conflict and a present bedevilled by recession, drug-trafficking and illegal immigration should be reason enough to make relations across the Rio Grande decidedly fraught.


  • 这种敌意被理所当然认为正确信念助长了,即对于美国总的出生人口数量来说,非法移民生产的孩子有着重大贡献

    The hostility is also fueled by the apparently correct belief that children born of illegal parents are a significant contributor to the total number of births in the United States.


  • 语言文化也是问题移民同时自然而然恐惧心理也阻止了移民(部分可能为非法移民)与警方取得联系

    Languages are a problem as well as cultural issues and a natural fear that many immigrants - some of them possibly illegal - have of contacting the police.


  • 接下来开始关注非法移民,这些人生活墨西哥中部富饶山谷,CONOVER移民一起冒险通过边境进入美国

    Then he turned his attention to illegal immigrants, living in a “feeder” valley in the Mexican state of Querétaro and ventured with migrants across the border into America.


  • 接下来开始关注非法移民,这些人生活墨西哥中部富饶山谷,CONOVER移民一起冒险通过边境进入美国

    Then he turned his attention to illegal immigrants, living in a “feeder” valley in the Mexican state of Querétaro and ventured with migrants across the border into America.


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