• 载荷试验确定承载力方法基本最可靠方法。

    Static load experiment is the most basic and reliable method for ensure single pile bearing force.


  • 介绍一种载荷试验极限承载力预测——多项式回归法

    In this paper, a method, called multinomial regression for forecasting for ultimate bearing capacity of singe pile with static load experiment is proposed.


  • 工程上通常通过载荷试验测取荷载-沉降曲线耗资巨大。

    The costly plate loading test is usually used to obtain the load-settlement curve of the pile.


  • 同时通过实例对比说明这种方法对于载荷试验具有一定经济效益

    The practical comparison shows that this method can reduce cost of static load experiment.


  • 利用拔、抗压载荷试验微型承载力进行了探讨。

    Based on the uplift tests and the loading tests of vertical and raking piles the bearing capacity of mini piles is discussed.


  • 方法具有载荷试验荷载沉降曲线安全、准确、方便等优点

    Compared with the past used determination method of the load bearing capacity according to the load-settlement curves from static load tests, this new method has distinct advantages of more safety.


  • 载荷试验中,由于种种原因终止荷载达到极限荷载时,可用上述方法进行推测

    In a static load experiment, such a method can be used to make estimation in the case that exerted final load can is not up to ultimate bearing capacity.


  • 通过挤扩灌注桩载荷试验,寻求挤扩支盘灌注桩基础杭州地区应用可行性

    By performing a static load experiment on cast-in-place with branches and plates pile, the paper discusses the feasibility of cast-in-place with branches and plates pile in Hangzhou area.


  • 自平衡一种新型桩基承载力测试方法,与传统载荷试验方法相比具有许多优点

    As a new method to test pile's bearing capacity, self-balancing method has many advantages over the traditional ones for static loading test.


  • 对软土地质条件下管桩载荷试验异常原因进行研究分析设计施工角度提出合理建议

    In this article, the author analyzes the causes of abnormal static load test of pipe pile in soft soil stratum, puts forward reasonable advices from design and construction aspect.


  • 根据载荷试验结果,研究褥垫层厚度荷载在水泥土搅拌桩四复合地基传递影响规律。

    The load transfer mechanism of cement-soil pile composite foundations with different cushion heights were studied according to the results of static loading tests.


  • 结合载荷试验结果,利用FLAC3D试桩建模分析,与现场试验结果进行对比,模拟结果可行

    Combined with the static load test results, this paper creates trial pile modeling with FLAC3D software, and compare with the test results, the effect of simulation is viable.


  • 文章介绍了一个完整工程实例,并给出了处理后单桩复合地基载荷试验数据和沉降观测数据。

    By using a complete engineering example, this paper gives the data of static load test and the data of settlement observation of treated single pile and single pile complex foundation respectively.


  • 根据载荷试验结果全面系统分析了扩支盘桩的承载机理荷载传递性状FEM模拟结果。

    Bearing mechanism, loading transfer behavior and results of FEM simulation of squeezed branch pile are analyzed systematically in this paper based on results of static loading test.


  • 载荷试验试验环境虽然极限承载力影响较小,但是试桩荷载位移曲线的影响不可忽视的。

    Although there is little effect to limited capacity by circumstance of load test, yet is not ignore effect to the P-S curve of single pile.


  • 工程实例验证表明采用轻型动力探来估算加固后复合地基承载力载荷试验所得的承载力较为接近。

    Verified with the solid example of engineering, the loading capacity of composite foundation estimated by the light dynamic penetration is close to that by the static test.


  • 以呼和浩特绕城高速公路碎石复合地基工程依托,通过载荷试验,对碎石复合地基的桩土应力进行现场测试

    Relied on the project of the gravel pile composite foundation in Huhhot rounding highway, the pile-soil stress ratio was tested by static load test in the field.


  • 分析已有载荷试验资料及单桩竖向抗压极限承载力确定标准基础上,本文提出了确定单桩承载力的一种建议方法

    A proposed method to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of pile is presented based on analyzing the data of loading tests and the related criterions for single pile.


  • 通过温州土地超长钻孔灌注桩载荷试验测试探讨了软土地基超长钻孔灌注桩承载力性状荷载传递机理

    In this article, the bearing capacity behavior and load transfer mechanism of super long bored pile in Wenzhou soft clay are discussed, on the basis of the static loading test and axial force test.


  • 本文采用平衡静载荷试验基础上,分别对浙江嘉兴湖州两个工程中的同一场地挤扩支盘灌注桩与普通直孔灌注桩进行对比试验研究。

    To study vertical bearing behavior of the foundation, a shaft diaphragm wall foundation of bridge in loess area was tested for bearing capacity by use of the self-balanced method.


  • 结合一工程实例比较复合地基承载力动力触计算载荷试验结果说明动力触探计算结果有较高可靠性,在检测中可以得到较为连续的土层承载力变化情况。

    Combined with practical work comparative analysis of the test results is made for bearing capacity of composite foundation between static load test and dynamic sounding test.


  • 强度载荷研究通过机体结构强度计算全机试验,论及静载荷下全机强度刚度品质

    By means of calculating structure strength of the frame and doing static test of the frame quality of strength and rigidity of the frame are discussed in research of static strength loads.


  • 结合灰土挤密处理湿性黄土地基工程实际进行桩、复合地基载荷现场试验

    The field loading test of single pile and three piles composite ground are studied combining the construction of lime-soil compacted pile in collapsible loess foundation.


  • 介绍平衡深层平板载荷试验原理试验设备试验方法传统荷载试验进行效益对比分析。

    It introduces the principle, equipment and method of deep plate loading test by self-balance method, and compares it with the traditional loading test of single pile.


  • 罐体承受主要载荷分析测试前的准备工作罐体动态试验以及应力电测试验数据处理等作了简要介绍

    The major loads borne on the tank body are analyzed, and stress measurements, from the preparation work to static and dynamic test conditions as well as data processing are presented in this article.


  • 罐体承受主要载荷分析测试前的准备工作罐体动态试验以及应力电测试验数据处理等作了简要介绍

    The major loads borne on the tank body are analyzed, and stress measurements, from the preparation work to static and dynamic test conditions as well as data processing are presented in this article.


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