• 对于节点输电系统,本论文研究发现降低市场集中程度降低市场效率(即使成本影响)。

    For the four-knots power transfer system, it is found by the paper that decreasing market concentration degree will reduce market efficiency (although the cost will not be influenced).


  • 如果美国劳动力市场效率降低该国的“结构属性失业率增加

    If America's Labour market is less efficient, the country's "structural" or "natural" rate of unemployment will be higher.


  • 目前来看,凭借着降低风险提高总体效率方便制定战略决策卖点,GRC市场领先者已经得到了大批客户

    All the leaders in the market thus far have sold a respectable amount of customers on the notion that they decrease risk, boost overall efficiency, and make strategy and decision making easier.


  • 理论上来讲市场营销面向潜在客户群以此降低成本增加营销效率

    In theory, only those customers likely to buy were targeted with marketing activity, reducing costs and increasing marketing efficiency.


  • 尽管道德风险保险成本更为高昂,降低了保险效率但许多保险市场运转足够有效

    While moral hazard makes insurance more expensive and less efficient, many insurance markets work well enough to be useful.


  • 他们愿意采用诸如squeak之类语言是因为这个框架生产效率非常高,大大降低开发成本提前了产品进入市场时间

    They're willing to put up with a niche language like Squeak because the framework is so productive, lowering the total cost of development dramatically, and improving time to market.


  • 与此同时审计服务市场激烈竞争要求会计师事务所提高审计效率降低审计成本,增加审计服务的价值。

    At the same time, the audit service market steep competition requests the accounting firm enhance audit efficiency, reduce the audit cost, increase audit service value.


  • 通过供应链管理能够帮助企业大幅度提高运作效率降低成本及时捕捉新的市场机会

    By using supply chain management, enterprises can greatly improve their running efficiency, reduce their costs, and seize new market opportunities.


  • 降低佣金标准有助于提高证券市场效率合理配置资源

    Lowering of commission charge standard contributes to the improvement of security market's efficiency and resource allocation.


  • 运输中间层组织通过减轻选择道德风险降低运输交易成本大大提高了运输交易效率创造出新的市场机会

    Intermediaries in transport market decrease the transaction costs by reducing the adverse selection and moral hazard, tremendously increase transaction efficiency and create new opportunities.


  • 涨跌机制证券每日最高和最低成交价,或每日最高涨跌幅度进行的限制旨在降低股市波动提高市场效率

    The price limiting mechanism (PLM) aims to limit the range of daily fluctuations of stock prices in order to reduce stock market fluctuation and enhance market efficiency.


  • 就要求企业不断变化市场需求做出快速响应优化配置物流资源降低物流成本提高物流效率

    To cope with this, enterprises should be able to respond to the changing market needs swiftly, optimize logistics resources, promote logistics efficiency and lower logistics costs.


  • 降低生产成本,同时又提高钨钢戒指生产效率满足了日益增长市场产品更高质量需求

    The method has the advantages of reducing production cost, enhancing production efficiency of the tungsten steel ring, and meeting increasing market demand and higher product quality demand.


  • 制度作用在于降低交易成本扩大市场配置资源范围提高市场配置资源的效率

    The role of institutions is to reduce transaction cost, expand the scope of market-allocated resources and enhance the efficiency of market-allocated resources.


  • 竞价上网市场原则迫使热电厂必须最大限度挖掘机组潜力,提高效率减少人员降低成本

    The market principle of competitive price forces the thermal power plant to tap the potentialities of the unit, raise the efficiency, reduce personnel, lower cost.


  • 摘要当前医疗市场中,由于医患双方处于信息高度不对称状态极大地降低医疗市场效率

    Abstract: in current medical market, because medical trouble both sides are at the information highly asymmetrical condition, cuts the medical market efficiency enormously.


  • 会计师事务所为了审计市场保持自己的一席之地,要么努力提高效率降低审计成本,要么客户保持一种“非正常”的关系

    For sharing with audit market, the accounting firms either improve the audit efficiency to cut down the audit cost, or maintain "unusual relations" with clients.


  • 这种情况下,会计信息作为能够促进市场交易效率最优化降低市场风险资源就显得尤为稀缺。

    Accounting information, as a kind of resource that can be used to approach the optimization of market transaction efficiency and degrade the market risks, is very scarce.


  • 竞争性电力市场中,寡头垄断特性以及输电阻塞存在会降低市场运行效率

    In competitive electricity market, oligopoly and transmission congestion lead to the reduction of the operational efficiency of the market.


  • 相应的导致产品质量市场能力甚至生产效率降低最终导致行业生产工作岗位减少

    From this will follow a corresponding decline not only in product quality and marketability, but also in production efficiency, and thus ultimately a loss of manufacturing jobs in the industry.


  • 我国创业板市场引入做市商制度可以起到提高交易效率降低市场风险维持价格稳定等作用。

    Therefore, to adopt the market-maker system can improve the exchange efficiency, decrease market crisis, and stabilize the price.


  • 研究结果证实双方坦诚合作交易降低交易成本、提高市场交易费用效率战略

    The finding substantiates the straight-out collaboration transaction between sides is the best strategy to reduce the transaction cost and increase the transaction efficiency.


  • 随着焊接技术工业生产中的广泛应用,各生产厂家为了增强市场竞争力越来越强烈要求降低成本提高焊接生产效率

    With the application of the welding process in the industry, in order to strengthen their competition, manufacturers scream for the less cost and higher efficiency welding process.


  • 此外本文发现不完全竞争的市场结构会通过影响买卖双方交易策略降低市场交易效率

    Besides, the author finds that the imperfect market structure influences trader's strategy, and accordingly debases trading efficiency.


  • 国有股、法人股存在降低了二级市场流动性,导致证券定价缺乏效率,从而降低社会福利

    This paper delves into the intrinsic relationship among the presence of state and legal-entity shares, market liquidity and social welfare.


  • 各国股票市场监管者力图降低股票市场信息风险信息不对称程度维护市场公平效率

    Every country's supervisors of stock market try to reduce information risk or the extent of information asymmetry in stock market in order to maintain the justice and efficiency of market.


  • 各国股票市场监管者力图降低股票市场信息风险信息不对称程度维护市场公平效率

    Every country's supervisors of stock market try to reduce information risk or the extent of information asymmetry in stock market in order to maintain the justice and efficiency of market.


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