• 陆机提出“缘”说,认为诗歌因为情感波动而作,但是陆机诗歌却往往缺少真情

    Luji puts forward the view that beauty of poems comes from emotion. Although he thinks poem come from the fluctuation of emotion, but his poem lack of emotion.


  • 本文文赋》出发,联系陆机其他著作中的音乐资料,分别阐明五个范畴音乐美学内涵

    From the Wen Fu, and to contact Lu's other music materials, the paper was to clarify the meanings of music aesthetics in these five categories.


  • 架直升机茂密丛林中的片空地着陆了

    A helicopter landed in a clearing in the dense jungle.


  • 诺曼底登陆开始连夜降落伞滑翔机着陆大规模的空袭海军轰炸

    The Normandy invasion began with overnight parachute and glider landings, massive air attacks, naval bombardment.


  • 同时展出的还发动机控制电子装置,目前正在生产并用于升级美国陆军和国民警卫队CH-47UH-60直升机发动机。

    Alo on display will be electronic engine control, currently in production to upgrade CH-47 and UH-60 helicopter engine for the U.S. Army and National Guard.


  • 吉普为了履行一个契约创造出来的,就是创造重量轻直升机可以任何地形着陆

    The flying jeep was created to fulfill a contract to create a lightweight helicopter that could be landed in any terrain.


  • 这种第五战斗机美国海军陆战队其他未来客户提供更的能力以及前沿作战基地部署选择

    This fifth-generation fighter will provide the US Marine Corps and other future customers with increased capability and the option to deploy from forward bases.


  • 目前海军红海拥有航母战斗一搜两栖登陆舰,载有海军陆战队批直升机

    The Navy currently has an aircraft carrier strike group and an amphibious landing vessel, with Marines and helicopters, in the Red Sea.


  • 为了使直升机尘土安全地着陆需要复杂的激光扫描仪探测旋翼倒灌气流扬起的灰尘隐藏障碍物

    To land a chopper safely in the dirt requires sophisticated laser scanners to detect obstacles hidden by dust thrown up by the downdraught of the rotors.


  • 陆军海军空军都各自特制版本恩尼格玛密码机

    The army, navy and Luftwaffe each had specialized versions of the Enigma.


  • 只有少数几个国家进行强光攻击但却很多国家能利用陆基发射机淹没卫星信号干扰这些信号。

    Only a few countries can carry out dazzle attacks, but dozens of countries can jam satellite signals using ground-based transmitters to overwhelm their signals.


  • 另外美国陆军计划扩展无人机地面控制器直升机之间的链接

    In addition, the Army plans to extend efforts to link UAVs, ground controllers and helicopters.


  • 直升机所拥有盘旋任何地方着陆能力成为非常便捷的工具

    THE ability of a helicopter to hover and land almost anywhere makes it an enormously useful machine.


  • 一望无际卡车挖掘机行列,在陆前高田市的废墟中来回行驶。

    An endless fleet of trucks and excavators rolls through what remains of Rikuzentakata.


  • JATAS项目提供下一代威胁预警系统保护美国海军海军陆战队攻击机增加恶劣环境生存能力。

    The JATAS program will provide the next generation threat warning system to protect U.S.Navy and Marine Corps assault aircraft for increased survivability in hostile environments.


  • JATAS项目提供下一代威胁预警系统保护美国海军海军陆战队攻击机增加恶劣环境生存能力。

    The JATAS program will provide the next generation threat warning system to protect U.S. Navy and Marine Corps assault aircraft for increased survivability in hostile environments.


  • 早晨时一半美国人受伤了武装分子将炮火对准即将赶来的救援直升机防止他们着陆

    By midmorning, nearly half of the Americans were wounded, but the militants directed their gunfire on the arriving medevac helicopters, preventing them from landing.


  • 今天上午,我们的战斗机海滩向内陆横扫七十五英里试图寻找德国战机难觅踪迹。

    This morning some of our own fighters swept some seventy-five miles inland from the beaches to seek out German fighters - but they did not find them.


  • 虽然不是第一架可以公路上行驶可折叠飞机,特拉·弗吉亚表示他们的陆空两用机唯一一种可以做到在陆空之间做到无缝连续切换的飞机。

    Though not the first such roadable plane with folding wings, Terrafugia claims its transition is the only one capable of a seamless transition from road to air and back again.


  • 整个升级项目要求100UH - 1y直升机然而海军陆战队目前请求增加23架飞机满足扩军计划

    The total program requirement for the UH-1Y is 100 helicopters; however the Marine Corps is requesting an additional 23 aircraft to meet its Grow the Force initiative.


  • 如果说蜻蜓喷气式战斗机,那么蝗虫就像横跨大陆波音747型飞机。这项研究研究人员之一,牛津大学艾德里安·托马斯如是说

    If dragonflies are like fighter jets, then locusts are like continent-spanning 747s, says Adrian Thomas of the University of Oxford, coauthor of the new study.


  • 抢救群众生命我军陆航直升机穿越高山峡谷,开辟出一条条“空中生命走廊”,有5名机组成员壮烈牺牲

    In order to rescue lives, PLA Army Aviation helicopters flew through mountains and valleys and blazed an air corridor of life, at the cost of the lives of 5 crew members.


  • 美国空军经营新的F - 35变种A一种传统的起飞和着陆战斗机

    The U. S. Air Force also will operate an F-35 variant, the a model, a conventional takeoff-and-landing fighter.


  • 当海军陆战队官员等候佳机,大摇大摆地炫耀亲善友好时,这些嫌疑犯站在帐篷

    The men were staged outside the tent, as the marines’ officers were waiting for the just right moment to make a conspicuous display of goodwill.


  • 海军陆战队官员等候佳机,大摇大摆地炫耀亲善友好时,这些嫌疑犯站在帐篷

    The men were staged outside the tent, as the marines' officers were waiting for the just right moment to make a conspicuous display of goodwill.


  • 大陆好几个港口正在使用中国起重机进行大修改造

    Several ports on the continent are being overhauled with Chinese cranes.


  • 大陆好几个港口正在使用中国起重机进行大修改造

    Several ports on the continent are being overhauled with Chinese cranes.


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