• 另外附带给出支撑树简便计数方法

    The simple enumeration methods about the spanning-tree of several types of graphs are obtained.


  • 事实上所有其他类人猿甚至大猩猩通常水果坚果时会附带昆虫

    In fact, all the other great apes - even the gorillas - consume insects incidentally along with their normal diet of fruits, shoots, leaves and nuts.


  • 可以实现接口附带地派生清单12 - 10包含了一个例子

    Classes can implement an interface in addition to being derived from a base class. Listing 12-10 contains an example.


  • 本文附带两个示例更多了解XDIME表单提供了一个良好的起点

    The two samples included with this article provide a great starting point to learning more about XDIME forms.


  • CppUnit附带一整套预先定义可以它们方便设计测试

    CppUnit comes with a whole host of predefined classes that you'll make good use of while designing the tests.


  • 但是通过使用AIX实用程序chpasswdLinux 系统附带这个工具),可以简便重复执行这些任务

    However, using the AIX utility chpasswd (which is also shipped with Linux variants), these tasks can be carried out and repeated with ease.


  • 这些信息包每个前面所附带一些数据位,它们包含有关信息包目的协议类型信息

    These packets have headers, i.e. bits of data prefixed to every packet that contain information about the packet's source, destination, and protocol types.


  • 描绘导航一个重要附带作用就是可以迅速发现孤儿页面”。孤儿页面这样一些页面,它们要么没有链接其他页面,要么是没有应该那么的页面链接它们。

    An important side effect of mapping out the navigation is that you'll quickly discover "orphan pages," which are pages that either aren't linked to or don't have as many links to them as they should.


  • 登提出,强大的品牌不仅公司提高收入利润空间,也它们更好配置资产获得附带优势

    Ms Seddon argues that strong brands allow companies not only to increase their revenues and margins but to deploy capital better and gain ancillary advantages.


  • 因为如此设计需要特别关注模型因为功能模型更加接近于行为,并且附带一些以技术为中心的OO方法不能承载的信息。

    As such, the model requires certain caution when designing things because function much closer to the human behavior and carries some aspects of it that are not present in technology-centric OO.


  • 关于他本人能够真诚面试问好握手并且附带非常诚恳的微笑

    And on himself, he greet and also with a firm handshake with the interviewer and also a smile - very sincere.


  • 证书附带某些有关所有者身份信息公钥信息为确认身份的第三签名

    Certificate: a public key with some information attached about the identity of its owner and, optionally, the signatures of third parties confirming this identity.


  • 于是公司发布产品之前发送给博客作者一个免费的样品附带特别条件邀请评测产品。

    Just prior to launching a new product, the company sent the blogger a free sample, inviting him to review it with no strings attached.


  • 这个满足了,身体就会自然排毒另外,减低体重达到适当平衡后附带结果

    When this happens, the body will detoxify itself naturally. In addition, weight loss is a side effect of being properly balanced.


  • 布朗先生与其前任者不同似乎真正遵循着自由原则他却认为这些附带条款能让他所实行的方案原则更加一致

    Unlike his predecessor, Mr Brown seems genuinely attached to the concept of liberty, but thinks these provisos make his scheme compatible with that principle.


  • 我们国家之间很多议题需要探讨而且我们原意互相尊重基础上附带任何条件推进两国的交流。

    There will be many issues to discuss between our two countries, and we are willing to move forward without preconditions on the basis of mutual respect.


  • 附带我们东西那样丰富、那样合意,使我们感到没有伤亡无关紧要的。

    Its other appendages were so abundant and satisfying that we felt the absence of dead or wounded game to be a trifling circumstance of no account.


  • 虽然没有任何东西能够阻挡系统上安装软件,例如在Ubuntu 上安装Fluxbox但是您会发现如果简单使用发行版附带默认DE,一切轻松很多

    There is nothing stopping you from installing, say, Fluxbox on Ubuntu; however, you'll find that life is a lot easier if you simply use the default DE that comes with your distribution.


  • 即使他们的犯罪行为存在着一些可使罪刑减轻的因素,但这些事件不能简单归结为由飓风带来附带损失

    And even if there are mitigating circumstances, the cases cannot be chalked up as simply collateral damage from the hurricane.


  • 理论实务界对民事诉讼调解已有较深入研究对新形势下的刑事附带民事诉讼调解关注不多

    Much research has been done in civil lawsuit mediation from theoretical and practical perspectives, but civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit has attracted little attention.


  • 附带上诉制度有助于公平保护双方当事人的利益防止诉讼拖延最大程度实现实体上的公平

    Incidental appeal system conduces to impartially protecting the parties benefit, preventing law 'delay and realizing substantial justice to a great extent.


  • 这项研究有助于全面认识上下文词汇频率词汇附带习得中的作用

    This will enable a more comprehensive understanding of the role of context and word frequency in incidental vocabulary learning.


  • 虽然通风附带着滗析过程而产生葡萄酒通过酒杯中旋转能有效通风(可以呼吸)。

    Aeration is a by-product of decanting, though wine is most efficiently aerated (' allowed to breathe ') by swirling in the glass.


  • 目前正在使用它们因为组件附带默认布局管理器正确使用它们。

    You are currently using them since your components come with default layout managers, but are not using them correctly.


  • 专注量的学习任务专注量的学习任务更加有效促进了词汇的附带得。

    Tasks with higher involvement load are generally more effective for IVA than tasks with lower involvement load.


  • 勿庸置疑出售价格为¥1500,附带一月免费授权。

    The site will be sold for ONLY $1500 with NO debts and one free month with hosting!


  • 本文选择介绍其中的精品附带对乾隆青花瓷的瓷品特点样式种类说明

    The article chooses some classic ones to introduce and illustrate their characters, style and types.


  • 本文选择介绍其中的精品附带对乾隆青花瓷的瓷品特点样式种类说明

    The article chooses some classic ones to introduce and illustrate their characters, style and types.


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