• 英国阿根廷重新建立了外交关系

    Britain and Argentina reopened diplomatic relations.


  • 阿根廷经济政策混乱得一塌糊涂

    Argentina's economic policies were a hopeless mess.


  • 只是震惊阿根廷盛夏高温

    I was simply staggered by the heat of the Argentinian high-summer.


  • 1816年,阿根廷宣布脱离西班牙独立

    In 1816, Argentina declared its independence from Spain.


  • 迭戈马拉多纳荣获阿根廷足协颁发的一个奖项

    Diego Maradona was honoured with an award presented by Argentina's football association.


  • 1978年,世界杯上获胜阿根廷踢球

    In 1978 he played for the victorious Argentinian side in the World Cup.


  • 阿根廷达到作为贷款偿还条件的的经济目标

    Argentina failed to hit the economic targets set as a condition for loan payments.


  • 阿根廷动荡不定通货膨胀打乱这些计划的危险。

    Argentina's erratic inflation rate threatens to upset the plans.


  • 阿根廷已经取消了所有贸易限制签证就要废除了

    Argentina has lifted all restrictions on trade and visas are about to be abolished.


  • 阿根廷比赛进行期间全国上下事实上进入了停顿状态。

    Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played.


  • 许多逃亡者一样阿根廷不受打扰地住许多

    Like many fugitives, he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years.


  • 他们的邻国阿根廷排在第18位。

    Argentines, their neighbors, ranked 18th.


  • 阿根廷智利·马丁被尊称解放者

    San Martín is still revered as the liberator in Argentina and Chile.


  • 工作人员升起加拿大美国阿根廷等国国旗

    Work crews have raised the flags of Canada, the US, and Argentina, among others.


  • 贾斯汀·比伯的粉丝闯进阿根廷酒店

    Watch! Justin Bieber's fans break into his Argentina hotel!


  • 幸运阿根廷顺利度过危机而且经济迅速回暖

    Fortunately, Argentina has survived this crisis pretty well, and the economy is coming back rapidly.


  • 加利福尼亚阿根廷蚂蚁由于缺乏基因变异得以广泛传播

    In California, a lack of genetic variation in the Argentine ant has allowed the species to spread widely.


  • 大约40名前阿根廷军官人权指控被捕可能被引渡西班牙

    Around forty former military officers in Argentina have been arrested for possible extradition to Spain on human rights charges.


  • 阿根廷西北部萨尔跟一个穿着节日盛装的小姑娘恶作剧

    The wind makes mischief for a girl dressed in her festival best in Salta Province in northwestern Argentina.


  • 如果迪拜拖欠债务2001年阿根廷之后最大主权债务违约国。

    If Dubai defaults on its debts, it would be the largest sovereign default since Argentina in 2001.


  • 阿根廷少数拒绝国际货币基金组织IMF)进行所有交易国家之一

    Argentina is one of only a handful of countries that refuse all dealings with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


  • 外国客机试图夜间降落阿根廷山区,结果撞到了座山上起来可怕了

    A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area in Argentina and flew into a hill! That sounds really terrible!


  • 外国客机试图夜间降落阿根廷山区,结果撞到了座山上起来可怕了

    A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area in Argentina and flew into a hill! That sounds really terrible!


  • 理论上阿根廷加拿大智利中国俄罗斯英国可以利用风能满足所有能源需求

    In theory, Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Russia, and the United Kingdom could use wind to meet all of their energy needs.


  • 大自然保护协会众多入侵物种发起了宣战羊群植物,再到具有攻击性的阿根廷

    The Nature Conservancy has declared war on a multitude of invasive species here, from sheep to plants to the aggressive Argentine ant.


  • 1966年、1974年1978年,英格兰西德阿根廷作为东道主队赢得世界杯

    In 1966, 1974 and 1978, the home teams of England, West Germany and Argentina all won the World Cup.


  • 去年11月阿根廷法官鲁道夫·卡尼科巴·科拉尔发出了涉嫌爆炸案男子国际逮捕令

    Last November, Argentine Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral issued international arrest warrants for eight men wanted in connection to the bombing.


  • 包括日本丹麦西班牙德国阿根廷在内国家都有一份经过批准名字清单家长们必须从中选择

    Countries including Japan, Denmark, Spain, Germany and Argentina have an approved list of names from which parents must choose.


  • 后来加布里埃尔成为阿根廷Corta一部分,为各个年龄层提供服务以便他们掌握工作所需技能

    Later, Gabriel became part of Argentina Corta, offering his services to people of all ages so they can build up the skills they need to get a job.


  • 10时间里,阿根廷已经成为世界最大的蜂蜜出口国每年9万蜂蜜销往国外市场其中一半销往美国

    In little more than a decade, Argentina has become the world's leading exporter of honey, with nearly 90,000 tons a year sold to foreign markets, almost half of which is going to the United States.


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