• 谢林展示了可以从许多美国人身上看到不可阻挡友善之情---尽管自己没什么空闲时间,但自愿参加每周六举行流浪宠物慈善活动

    Shareen exhibits that knockdown goodwill that you find in many Americans – in spite of having little time on her hands, she volunteers on Saturdays for the Lost Pets charity.


  • 加州大学河滨分校科学家已经发现防晒霜中能阻挡紫外线辐射分子时间一长就会渗透皮肤里,使体表容易受紫外线攻击。

    Scientists at the University of California at Riverside have found that molecules(6) that block UV radiation in sunscreen can, over time, penetrate(7) into the skin, leaving the outer body vulnerable.


  • 这些额外需要付出的努力时间足以阻挡提交一个补丁包了,项目本身是个好事

    That extra friction is sometimes enough to prevent me from submitting a fix, and that's not good for the project.


  • 防晒因子30能让比只依赖天然防护系统多呆30时间,也就是阻挡97%的紫外线防晒因子15则能阻挡93%。

    An SPF 30 gives you 30 times your natural protection, and deflects 97 percent of the sun's burning rays, whereas SPF 15 deflects 93 percent.


  • 自己证明,只要是下定决心了,你有能力将其做好。向不可阻挡自信抛锚,随着时间的推移根据自身的情况调整的位置。

    Prove to yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to. Anchor in that state of unstoppable confidence and then condition the anchor over time.


  • 它们时间差不多用完我们应该高兴移除它们这样它们再也不能阻挡你们道路

    Their time is just about up and we shall delight in removing them so that they can no longer get in your way.


  • 时间从来不能阻挡梦想脚步有着一份固执坚持学会让梦想每天壮大一点点

    Time has never been able to stop the footsteps of the dream, there is a stubborn insistence, learn to grow a little bit of a dream every day.


  • 还有许多忘不了时间脚步我们阻挡不了也许长大了,以前所怀念只能忘不了匣子里了。

    Many forget, but time is the pace that we can stop. Maybe people grow up they can only miss previously installed in the forgotten years of the cassette.


  • 原因2007年同在迈凯轮车队的他们由于排位赛中维修站阻挡一事产生矛盾,从去年亨格罗林赛道到周末为止已经年的时间了。

    The zenith of their troubled tenure alongside one another at McLaren in 2007 was at the Hungaroring circuit, host of the same grand prix this weekend almost exactly a full year later.


  • 大气压氩气介质阻挡放电研究了不同电介质温度放电时间特性影响

    The influence of different temperature of dielectric on temporal behavior of dielectric barrier discharge in argon at atmospheric pressure is studied.


  • 分别计算和分析了介质阻挡放电电场带电粒子浓度以及电流密度放电空间分布和随时间演变过程。

    The distribution in discharge space, time change of electric field intensity, electron and ion density and the current density are calculated.


  • 任何力量阻挡不了时间推移只有忘我工作的人才赢得时间

    No force on earth can stop the passage of time; only those who work selflessly are able to gain time.


  • 我们大脑其实在把注意力放在某一个吞噬了我们注意力的事件事物上;将其它输入时间阻挡在外,随后,释放开,关注于别的东西上面。

    Our brains are actually paying attention to one event or thing which swallows up our attention, blocking out other inputs for short periods, then it releases and fixates on something else.


  • 加班过劲儿不仅会打乱工作与生活间平衡,将爱人阻挡鹊桥两边更有甚者,能让你连你的睡觉时间都无法保证。

    Working into the wee hours totally disrupts work-life balance, causes you to miss out on time with loved ones, and more often than not, leads you to lose precious hours of sleep.


  • 根据电荷相邻两次微放电不同影响,建立介质阻挡放电时间序列映射方程

    Considering the different effects of wall charges on the adjacent micro-discharges in DBD, we have proposed a mapping equation of discharge moment.


  • 时间成为毫无意义概念德威尔,减少一个简单的生物倒计时,是不可阻挡做法,即将届满日期

    Time had become a meaningless concept to Caldwell, reduced to a simple biological counting down, the unstoppable approach of an impending expiry date.


  • 设置布气体通过层材料渗透动态影响,从而根据增大时间延迟相对减小气体渗透原理提出阻挡层合理布位的看法。

    Thus the suitable positions of barriers in the laminates are suggested according to the theory that enlarging time-lag may reduce gas permeation relatively through multiple laminates.


  • 完美地杀入禁区时机几乎不可阻挡随着时间不断增加,丹尼斯·博格坎普罗伯特·皮雷达成完美心灵感应

    The immaculate timing of his forays into the box made him nigh on impossible to shackle and as the years progressed he developed a fine telepathy with Dennis Bergkamp and Robert Pires.


  • 正义联盟战胜一个不可阻挡星际弯曲时间本身力量

    Can the Justice League prevail against an unstoppable intergalactic machine with the power to bend time itself!


  • 亚马逊花了600万时间形成发现并未牴触这项假设,因为有可能代表,就是这座浅海阻挡早期亚马逊河流大西洋途径

    The discovery that the amazon river took millions of years to mature did not contradict that view because it left open the possibility that this sea barred the incipient river's path to the atlantic.


  • 亚马逊花了600万时间形成发现并未牴触这项假设,因为有可能代表,就是这座浅海阻挡早期亚马逊河流大西洋途径

    The discovery that the amazon river took millions of years to mature did not contradict that view because it left open the possibility that this sea barred the incipient river's path to the atlantic.


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