• 防护手套可以减少皮肤化学物质吸收

    Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin.


  • 穿戴防护防护手套化学安全护目镜

    Wear appropriatc protective clothing compatible chemical-resistant gloves and chemical safety goggles.


  • 注意事项采用,意见穿戴防护手套

    Caution: Wear gloves for protection when using this product...


  • 我们全球领先安全防护产品(防护手套服装)和服务提供商。

    We are leading in design, supply, and marketing of barrier protection products (protective gloves and attires) and services.


  • 施药戴好防护手套面罩避免药物接触皮肤眼睛污染衣物。

    When applying pesticide, ware protects glove, face guard etc. , avoid pesticide contacting skin , the eye and the clothe.


  • 为了防止触电事故的发生,除规定穿戴防护工作服、防护手套绝缘胶鞋外,还保持干燥清洁

    To avoide electric shocks you should wear protective work cloth protective gloves and insulating rubber overshoes according to regulations and keep yourself dry and clean as well.


  • 电池连接过程中,请戴防护手套使用扭矩扳手金属工具将金属工具进行绝缘包装以防触电

    In the course of the battery connection, wear protective gloves. When use a torque wrench and other metal tools, please insulation packaging to prevent electric shock.


  • 针对火箭推进剂作业特点研制了复合橡胶为主体材料的防护手套用于硝酸作业人员皮肤防护

    According to the trait of rocket propellant a kind of protective gloves made of composite fluorine rubber is developed which can be used to protect the skin of red fuming nitric acid worker.


  • 聪明骑车人穿上长靴、长手套防护

    The smart biker also wears boots, gauntlets, and protective clothing.


  • 处理染病动物或者感染的组织以及屠宰过程中,应当配戴手套其它适当的防护

    Gloves and other appropriate protective clothing should be worn while handling sick animals or their infected tissues, and during slaughtering procedures.


  • 我们必须呼吸面罩,穿上辐射白色防护,戴上手套,还要鞋子外面套上塑料

    We had to wear white suits to protect against radiation, a full respirator mask, two pairs of gloves, and plastic booties over our shoes.


  • 橡胶手套可以防护不触及电池化学物质比如镍、同时可以保护电池精密组织,不被手指天然皮肤油脂污染。

    The gloves protect him from the chemicals in the battery, which include nickel, cobalt and manganese, and shield the battery's delicate tissues from the natural oils on his fingers.


  • 工作之前,他穿上防护手套一个带有呼吸系统安全帽所有一切都是为了把自己规整的实在,确保没有一丁点皮肤暴露在外

    Before he starts he must put on two sets of protective clothing, four pairs of gloves and a helmet with breathing apparatus, all of which is taped up so that not a particle of skin is exposed.


  • 烤漆房内应当穿戴纤维掉落的作业橡皮手套防护面罩呼吸器,在喷涂各道漆面时都要坚持这么的穿戴。

    In the baking room, should wear no fiber from work clothes, wearing rubber gloves, protective masks and respirators, spraying the paint on to wear so.


  • 农业劳作工人们会(经常)忙于把手套视为防护屏障工作

    In the agricultural industry, workers are involved in a number of tasks where gloves serve as a protective barrier.


  • 奶牛农场应该确保储备丁腈手套获得防护屏障不是生产质量牛奶失去利润

    Rather than risking lost profits and low-quality milk, dairy farmers should be sure to replenish their nitrile glove supplies to get the appropriate level of barrier protection.


  • 适合各种夹克女装衬衫休闲服运动服羽绒服工作服箱包手套礼品包装防护功能性服装。

    Suitable for all kinds of jackets, women's, shirts, casual wear, sportswear, down jackets, overalls, gloves, bags, gift packaging, and protective clothing and performance apparel.


  • 遵照制造商所有说明,将这些产品当作溶剂处理执行安全防范措施佩戴防护眼镜手套呼吸器衣物

    Follow all instructions in the manufacturer, these products as strong solvents to handle, the implementation of safety precautions, wear protective glasses, gloves, respirators and clothing.


  • 纯天然乳胶做成弹性好的加长家用手套用于洗衣洗碗防护

    Pure natural latex, a good stretch of home made flexible gloves. Protection when used in laundry washing.


  • 穿戴规定防毒面具防护护目镜化学防渗手套

    Wear approved respirator, protective clothing, safety goggles and chemically impervious gloves.


  • 我们总是采取必要措施保证我们工人安全危险货物他们必须穿戴劳动防护用具面具手套,安全第一知道

    We always take necessary measures to ensure the safety of our stevedores. When loading dangerous cargo they have to wear Labour protective appliance, such as masks and gloves. Safety first, you know.


  • 棒球手套种较大的防护手套用来接球尤指防守员手套几个手指手套

    An oversized padded leather covering for the hand used in catching balls especially one with more finger sheaths than the catcher's or first baseman's mitt.


  • 我们已经涵盖我们整个身体头盔靴子特制手套白色防护

    We had white protective suits that covered our whole body, helmets, big boots and special gloves.


  • 考古队员最初进入墓室时候都会穿戴防护服装以及面罩手套等等

    The archaeology members are entering the tomb chamber at first time can dress the clothing which on protects as well as face guard glove and so on.


  • 进行住宅维护建筑工作记得穿戴安全手套眼部和头部的防护装置以及其它的个人防护装置。

    Remember to wear safety shoes, gloves, eye protection, hearing protection and other PPE when doing home maintenance and building projects.


  • 使用用于钢瓶操作正确个人防护装备穿戴罩的安全眼镜手套、安全其它合适的装备

    Use the proper PPE for cylinder handling. Wear safety glasses with side shields, leather gloves, safety shoes, and other appropriate equipment.


  • 切割焊接操作必须穿戴焊接工手套护目镜、皮围裙其它标准防护装备

    Welder 's gloves, welder' s goggles, leather sleeves, a leather apron, and other standard protective equipment must be worn for cutting and welding operations.


  • 工作防护面罩。我们建议手套眼镜穿工作服

    Always wear the correct protective face mask when spraying. We also recommend wearing gloves, goggles and overalls.


  • 为了保证手下10名警察安然无恙史密斯决定购置橡皮手套防护面具

    To ensure that under the 10 police unharmed, Smith decided to purchase rubber gloves and protective masks.


  • 为了保证手下10名警察安然无恙史密斯决定购置橡皮手套防护面具

    To ensure that under the 10 police unharmed, Smith decided to purchase rubber gloves and protective masks.


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