• 不少昆虫都会使用类似喷血行为防御攻击,例如斑蝥,石蝇幼虫以及蝗虫等。

    A number of insects, including blister beetles, stonefly larvae and bushhoppers behave in similar way when attacked.


  • 黑熊防御经常生活在没有树的环境中的棕熊北极熊依靠攻击保护它们的幼崽。

    Black bear cubs use trees for defense, whereas brown bears and polar bears, which regularly inhabit treeless environments, rely on aggression to protect their cubs.


  • 由于上述对策研究重在防御攻击因此未形成一场军备竞赛

    With the emphasis on defence rather than attack, it is not an arms race yet.


  • 个人攻击使人们会使人自我防御然后他们不会进去任何话

    Personal attacks make people feel defensive, and then they won't really listen to anything you have to say.


  • 一个明显攻击,“可能使条纤维光缆崩溃”并且也许严重可以根据议定书第5条中的联合防御条款作出响应

    The next significant attack, it said, “may well come down a fibre-optic cableand may be serious enough to merit a response under the mutual-defence provisions of Article 5.


  • 这些不断演变攻击有可能通过现有网络防御展开,不见而且不受控制。

    These continually evolving attacks are far more likely to go unseen and unchecked by existing network defences.


  • 快速反应可以帮助躲避眼镜蛇防御攻击有力的下颚能够一下子杀死条蛇

    The mongoose’s quick reflexes help it dodge the cobra’s defensive bite, and its powerful jaws can dispatch a snake in one blow.


  • 大多数参赛队都列出传统海军编制- - -由一系列不同类型的军舰组成,艘都能很好地防御敌方攻击

    Most teams fielded some version of a traditional naval fleet-an array of ships of various sizes, each well defended against enemy attack.


  • 快速反应可以帮助躲避眼镜蛇防御攻击有力的下颚能够一下子杀死条蛇

    The mongoose's quick reflexes help it dodge the cobra's defensive bite, and its powerful jaws can dispatch a snake in one blow.


  • 公司用于检测漏洞保护s OA基础结构业务策略中包含用于目标攻击之间多个SOA深度防御模型

    A defense in depth model with multiple SOAs between the target and the adversary should be part of a company's business strategy for detecting vulnerability and protecting SOA infrastructure.


  • 腾讯表示这么做针对恶意软件攻击防御举措,此举引发大量指责,称腾讯权势过大

    Tencent said it was defending itself against a malicious software attack, but the move triggered accusations that Tencent had too much power.


  • 网民来说,密码对于诸如钓鱼攻击键盘记录之类的密码盗窃手段毫无防御能力。 相反,强密码网民带来相当大负担

    Strong passwords do nothing to protect online users from password stealing attacks such as phishing and keylogging, and yet they place considerable burden on users.


  • 本文概述e - Commerce系统中的关键参与者安全性攻击防御

    This article outlined the key players and security attacks and defenses in an e-Commerce system.


  • 然后从事电脑安全企业RSA它的服务器被黑客破坏,这个攻击或许导致RSA大客户LockheedMartin 电脑防御系统失效。

    Then computer security firm RSA had their servers breached, an attack that may have led to the hacking of defence giant Lockheed Martin, an RSA client.


  • 许多国家已经拥有正在进行对反导弹以及击垮瓦良格这样体型庞大防御较弱的军舰攻击潜艇的研究,”Storey指出

    "Many countries have, or are, investing in anti-ship missiles and attack submarines which make large, poorly defended warships such as the Varyag highly vulnerable," pointed out Storey.


  • 年多情报搜集,攻击防御措施后,今天的美国,的确看似年前九月脆弱的美国大有改善。

    But after a decade of intelligence-gathering, counter-attacks and defensive measures, America does seem a good deal less vulnerable than it was on September 10th ten years ago.


  • Tomcat 7针对会话固定攻击(sessionfixation attack)采取了一些防御措施

    Preventative measures have also been taken to protect against session fixation attacks.


  • ModSecurity能够立即针对WEB应用系统进行攻击防御三种通用方法

    ModSecurity can also act immediately to prevent attacks from reaching your web applications. There are three commonly used approaches.


  • 加强监测防御网络攻击能力

    Improve ability to detect and defend against cyber attack.


  • 网络适当的安装这些组件,就可以确保任何攻击必须通过一个多个这样防御系统

    By placing these components, as appropriate, throughout your network, you can ensure any attack must pass through one or more of these defenses.


  • 外部攻击那些必须透过的“深度防御试图闯入系统的人。

    External attackers are those who must traverse your "defense in depth" to try and break into your systems.


  • 欧洲还有处城堡防御设施是用于防御来自攻击

    There is also a castle in Europe with defenses set to defend against an attack from the inside out.


  • 它们并不倾向主动攻击人类很强的防御意识,一旦被激怒就会发动攻击

    They do not actively seek out humanprey, but are very defensive and will attack when provoked.


  • 星球大战防御绻统支持者希望不仅保护一个遭受攻击国家,也希望它能成为使攻击游不发生的足够威胁。

    Supporters of the Star Wars defense system hope that this would not only protect a nation against an actual nuclear attack, but would be enough of a threat to keep a nuclear war from ever happening.


  • 这些防御措施有效地阻止了基于解析器创建外部网络连接所有攻击

    These defenses effectively stop any attacks based on the parser making external network connections.


  • 空中单位能越过悬崖的死神作出最好偷袭因为他们大部分地形的干扰,并且能够对方防御薄弱的区域攻击目标

    Aerial units or cliffjumping Reapers make the best raiders, as they are unbothered by most terrain, and you can hit your target from its least defended area.


  • 美国必须证明这些攻击都是合法性防御的范围内,而且没有超出防御攻击的底线。

    America must show that the attack is within its right to self-defence and that it is proportionate.


  • 即使海边专门用来抵御最强热带风暴防御性建筑本周日袭击亚洲诸多国家10攻击下也毫无招架之力。

    Even coastal defences built to withstand the strongest tropical storms may be little use when struck by a wall of water up to 10m high, as hit some Asian countries on Sunday.


  • 即使海边专门用来抵御最强热带风暴防御性建筑本周日袭击亚洲诸多国家10攻击下也毫无招架之力。

    Even coastal defences built to withstand the strongest tropical storms may be little use when struck by a wall of water up to 10m high, as hit some Asian countries on Sunday.


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