• 孩子朗读父母正在培养孩子阅读兴趣技巧

    Parents who read aloud to their children are developing their interests and skills in reading.


  • 另一个例子大声朗读研究表明大声朗读可以让孩子学校里拥有更大词汇量更好阅读理解能力

    Another example is reading aloud, which studies have shown gives children bigger vocabularies and better reading comprehension in school.


  • 朗读者》希望通过阅读告诉我们世界是什么样子的,并带我们看到美丽的世界。

    The Reader hopes to tell us what the world is like and it takes us to see the beautiful world by reading.


  • 阅读不仅包括做笔记,还包括大声朗读和对所读材料提出问题。

    Active reading includes not only asking notes, but also speaking aloud and asking questions about the material that they are reading.


  • 了提高阅读能力,你可以尝试读者剧场的形式,即让读者大声朗读格式化的剧本。

    To improve your reading, you can try the form of readers' theatre, a formatted script for readers to read aloud.


  • 有可能的是,孩子父母身上所获得的是学习阅读兴趣而非由他人他们进行朗读具体行为本身

    It is far more likely that the child gains an interest in learning to read from the parents themselves, not the physical act of having something read to them.


  • 如果孩子看见家里朗读就能你看待阅读的态度传递你的孩子。

    If your child sees you reading at home, that sends a message to that child that you value reading.


  • 虽然这些图标桌面上不是单击链接但是屏幕阅读可以朗读视图每个图标相关号码

    While these are not clickable links on the desktop, the screen reader does speak the Numbers associated with each icon in the view.


  • 如果将视为证据,说明他人朗读本书便能刺激一颗年幼的心灵学习如何具有更强阅读能力,这充其量也是十分令人怀疑的。

    It is at best doubtful that this provides proof that listening to someone read a book stimulates a young mind to learn to read better.


  • 如果我们因为学生阅读理解或者没有能力理解,而自己他们朗读真的只是治标治本。

    If we're reading aloud to kids because they don't understand or don't have the ability to understand when they read to themselves then reading aloud is really treating the symptom and not the disease.


  • 周一新品发布会上,亚马逊创始人CEO杰夫贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)为来宾演示了Kindle的有声阅读功能朗读林肯名篇《底斯堡演讲》。

    At Monday's launch event, Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, demonstrated this technology by having the Kindle read from the Gettysburg Address.


  • 最后不管是一名曲棍球(NHL球员教室里所有的孩子朗读还是父母睡觉前为孩子朗读作为可以激励孩子阅读榜样,这非常重要,乔治奥

    Finally, having role models as a motivation to read, whether it be an NHL player reading to a classroom full of kids or a parent at bedtime, is also highly important, says Georgiou.


  • 研究表明阅读的人当轮到他们大声朗读时会变得紧张这种焦虑的情绪干扰了他们集中精神

    Research shows weaker readers get so stressed out about taking turns to read aloud that anxiety interferes with their ability to concentrate.


  • 一些不仅阅读这些书,还要大声朗读

    She said she was going to give me some books and that I not only must read them, I must read them aloud.


  • 其次作者援引了某一理念作为证据,用来为盒式录音磁带的使用进行辩护,一理念便是,一个学生父母他进行朗读时,他便有可能成为一个精于阅读人。

    Secondly, the writer cites as evidence in favor of the use of audiocassettes the idea that students whose parents read to them are even more likely to become proficient readers.


  • 阅读大声朗读电子书用户也可以在听书看书轻松切换

    The device can read a book aloud to a user, and is designed to make it easy to switch between reading and listening.


  • 例如可以采用一些步骤确保使用屏幕阅读可以正确读取web页面这样的屏幕阅读器可以视觉障碍大声朗读web页面。

    For example, you can take steps to make sure that your Web pages can be read properly with screen readers, which read Web pages aloud to people who have difficulty seeing them.


  • 作为一名公民记者每天阅读博客的两万名者展示以色列的样貌以及这里居民生活

    As a citizen journalist, I'm going to show my 20,000 daily Iranian readers what Israel really looks like and how people live there.


  • 朗读所有习题,无论是语法题还是阅读题。

    Do all exercises using your voice. Grammar exercises, reading exercises, everything should be read aloud.


  • 两个学习英语方法大声朗读一个是坚持尽可能多做阅读

    I have two ways of learning English. One is reading aloud the other is keeping reading as much as possible.


  • 借给一些不仅阅读它们必须大声朗读

    She said she was going to give me some book and that I must not only read them, but I must read them aloud.


  • 阅读材料中选择一些句子突出实义读音。然后朗读这些句子的时候,注意重读这些实词,功能词则只需快快速

    Choose ea few sentences from your reading material and highlight content words. Read these sentences focusing on accenting these content words, while quickly speaking over the structure words.


  • 两分钟时间跟孩子谈论电视杂志自己正在阅读书籍上出现的某个话题,产生大声朗读同样积极效果

    A two-minute conversation about something on television or something in a magazine or something that you're reading yourself can also have some of the same positive effects as reading aloud.


  • 目前没有强有力的研究成果显示,给较大年龄的小孩大声朗读有助于提高他们的阅读能力

    There is not yet strong research that connects reading aloud at older ages to improved reading comprehension.


  • 目前没有强有力的研究成果显示,给较大年龄的小孩大声朗读有助于提高他们的阅读能力

    There is not yet strong research that connects reading aloud at older ages to improved reading comprehension.


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