• 开发队伍很多报纸杂志出版商合作,他们开发和发布针对他们内容个人化阅读器程序

    My team has been working with a number of Newspaper and Magazine publishers to help them develop and launch personalized reader applications for their content.


  • 很少有人原样查看XML文件,大多数都会使用所谓的提要阅读器——一种简单的程序用于读取格式化提要。

    It is unusual to view the XML file as it stands. Instead, people use a so-called feed reader, a simple program that reads and formats the feed.


  • 计算机上使用RSS必须一个程序称为新闻阅读器使你能所选网站收集显示RSS提要传送

    To use RSS on your computer you will need to obtain a program called a news reader, which allows you to collect and display RSS feeds from your chosen web sites.


  • 搜索契约不是应用程序内部搜索准备的,比如pdf阅读器查找对话框那种

    The search contract is not for internal searching such as a PDF reader's find dialog.


  • 一些平台上屏幕阅读器可以直接已经实现标准易访问性体系结构GUI应用程序中提取文本信息

    On some platforms, screen readers can extract text information directly from GUI applications that have implemented the standard accessibility architecture.


  • 这些语义对于页面非视觉用户(包括使用屏幕阅读器这样辅助技术的用户)搜索引擎爬虫这样计算机程序重要

    These new semantics are important for non-visual users of the page (including anyone using assistive technologies like screen readers) but also for computer programs like search engine crawlers.


  • 提要阅读器可以所有新闻其他内容聚合一个程序从而创建信息单一视图

    Feed readers, you can aggregate all of your news sources and other content into one program, creating a single view for this information.


  • Sugar装备Web浏览器计算器绘图程序新闻阅读器以及其他可以其他用户分享用来这个项目中协作的程序

    Sugar comes equipped with a Web browser, a calculator, a paint program, a news reader, and other programs that you can share with other users to collaborate on projects.


  • 我们虚拟的”收集器邮件程序,你的RSS阅读器,如EVERNOTE的笔记管理应用,甚至在桌面上文本或者WORD文档

    We also havevirtualinboxes: your email program, your RSS reader, note-organizing apps like Evernote, even a text or word processing file you keep open on your desktop.


  • 例如IBMLotusNotesV8提供了用于Lotus Sametime联系人当天日程安排提要阅读器应用程序查看活动安排侧栏组件

    For instance, IBM Lotus Notes V8 comes with sidebar components for Lotus Sametime contacts, the current day's schedule, a feed reader application, and a view of your activities.


  • 上班的时候,阅读器翻阅你的RSS订阅,Skype即时通讯软件进行交谈,这些还是应用程序

    Another app. At work, you scroll through RSS feeds in a reader and have Skype and IM conversations. More apps.


  • Platforms新闻组应当了解复杂PDE首选位置(选择链接启动默认Usenet新闻阅读器应用程序打开eclipse .platform)。

    Platforms newsgroups should be your first stop to learn about the intricacies of PDE. (Selecting this will launch your default Usenet news reader application and open eclipse.platform.)


  • EclipsePlatform新闻组应当讨论关于 Eclipse 的问题第一选择链接启动默认Usenet新闻阅读器应用程序打开 eclipse.platform)。

    The Eclipse Platform newsgroups should be your first stop to discuss questions regarding Eclipse. (Selecting this will launch your default Usenet news reader application and open eclipse.platform.)


  • eclipseplatform新闻组讨论eclipse相关问题最佳选择(单击这个链接启动默认usenet新闻阅读器应用程序打开eclipse .platform)。

    The eclipse platform newsgroups should be your first stop to discuss questions regarding eclipse. (Selecting this will launch your default Usenet news reader application and open eclipse.platform.)


  • 查阅gmf新闻组了解错综复杂gmf(选择链接启动默认Usenet新闻阅读器应用程序打开eclipse . modeling .gmf)。

    Check out the GMF newsgroups to learn about the intricacies of GMF. (Selecting this will launch your default Usenet news reader application and open eclipse.modeling.gmf.)


  • ercp新闻组兴趣了解ercp的人们准备了许多资源(选择链接启动默认Usenet新闻阅读器应用程序打开eclipse .technology . ercp)。

    The ercp newsgroups has many resources for people interested in ercp. (Selecting this will launch your default Usenet news reader application and open eclipse.technology.ercp.)


  • 查阅gef新闻组以获得开发帮助(选择链接启动默认Usenet新闻阅读器应用程序打开eclipse . tools .gef)。

    Check out the gef newsgroups for development help. (Selecting this will launch your default Usenet news reader application and open eclipse.tools.gef.)


  • 访问性改进(可以指定中的标题从而屏幕阅读器应用程序可以检测到它们)。

    Accessibility enhancement (You can designate row and column headers in tables so that screen-reader applications can detect them.)


  • 对于盲人至少要有一个屏幕阅读器目标执行平台上可用的,并且应用程序配合得很好

    For the blind, at least one screen reader should be available on targeted execution platforms and work well with the application.


  • 屏幕阅读器其他AT使用操作系统程序设计平台,和应用程序资源用户提供专门输入输出方法

    Screen readers and other ATs use operating systems, programming platforms, and application resources to provide a specialized input or output method for the user.


  • 大多数阅读器具有电子邮件应用程序新闻组阅读器相同外观,其文件夹左侧内容右侧

    Most feed readers have the same look and feel as E-mail applications or newsgroup readers, with folders on the left and content to the right.


  • 其他平台上阅读器利用屏幕以外的建模直观推断组合GUI应用程序中提取文本

    Readers on other platforms use a combination of off-screen modeling and heuristics to extract text from GUI applications.


  • BBN预计阅读器会配备很多面向人民大众的应用程序

    BBN expects there may also be many useful civilian applications for its new reader.


  • 本文的末尾,完成提要阅读器应用程序框架

    At the end of this article, you will have completed the framework of the feed-reader application.


  • 如此所示所有电子文档阅读器(无论是应用程序还是专用设备)支持的都只是这些格式有限几个

    As this table illustrates, all electronic document readers-whether applications or dedicated devices-support a limited number of these formats.


  • 在后台博客阅读器应用程序遵循APPHTTPGET请求发送提要URI

    Behind the scenes, the blog reader application follows the app and sends an HTTP GET request to the feed URI.


  • 款iPhone应用程序本身款好用电子书阅读器不过一点不爽电子教材并专门屏幕设计。

    The iPhone app itself is a decent eBook reader, though it suffers from the fact that the textbooks haven't been formatted for the small screen.


  • 可以Web浏览器提要阅读器任何其他使用标准HTTP协议应用程序中调用提要URL

    The feed URL can also be invoked from a Web browser, feed reader, or any other application using standard HTTP protocol.


  • RSS阅读器所有这些内容聚合一个简单易于查看的应用程序中,不会骚扰生产力工具(电子邮件)。

    Feed readers aggregate all of this content into a simple, easy-to-view application, and do not intrude on your productivity tools, such as E-mail.


  • RSS阅读器允许单一应用程序Web站点阅读新闻blog

    RSS feed readers allow you to read news sources or blogs in a single application or Web site.


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