• 牙根关系间接联系

    The relationship between the types of cusps and the types of roots was indirect contact.


  • 这些分析表明近期全球经济活动减缓,很大程度上股本价值下跌直接间接联系起来。

    Such analyses suggest that much of the recent decline in global economic activity can be associated directly or indirectly with declining equity values.


  • 这些因为他们间接联系产品服务创造良好的前景

    These people make excellent prospects for your products or services because of your indirect association with them.


  • 鉴于森林(若非直接)至少间接几乎所有人类活动相关因此不难发现大多数企业与森林之间都存在某种联系

    Since forests are, if not directly, at least indirectly related to nearly every human endeavor, it is not difficult to trace a line between most any business and forests.


  • 开发工件需求之间联系默认条件下,会作为一个间接联系创建

    The link between the development artifact and the requirement is, by default, created as an indirect link.


  • J2EE 1.3规范中引入资源引用EJB引用概念,它们作为一种机制调用组件实际组件之间提供间接联系

    The J2EE 1.3 specification introduced the notion of resource references and EJB references as a mechanism for providing a level of indirection between the calling component and the real component.


  • 然后就要使用间接了:需要这些联系使用默认查看器;相反可以使用一种不同的查看器。

    And here's where the indirection comes in: you need not use the default viewer for those contacts; instead, you can substitute a different viewer.


  • 企业是以盈利主要目的经济单位,因此,唯有利润才是重要目标其他目标利润目标都有着直接间接联系

    Seeking profits is the main goal of enterprises, so only profit is the most important goal, and other goals have direct or indirect connections with it.


  • 头岭文化阶段可能洞庭湖区的汤家岗文化、大溪文化存在直接或间接联系

    The later stage of Xiantouling culture may have connections with the Tangjia 'gang and Daxi cultures of Dongting Lake region of Northern Hunan.


  • 工程管制办公室假如工程实施组织设立了工程管制办公室,并且工程的结果负有直接间接责任就估计成了一个利害联系者。

    PMO. If it exists in the performing organization, the PMO can be a stakeholder if it have direct or indirect responsibility for the outcome of the project.


  • 这里我们可以看到绘画空间教育空间没有直接联系但却有着间接的、必然的联系

    We can see from here, although there is not direct connection between painting space and educational space, but there are indirect, inevitable connections.


  • 通过这个体量庭院露台空间相互呼应联系不同生活区域直接间接联系着。

    Within this volume, courtyards and terraces play and interact with each other and provide direct and indirect environments relationships to the different living areas.


  • 采煤活动诱发岩体开裂崩塌加强了滑坡体危岩体水力联系间接扩大了滑坡体的受面积

    Coal mining-induced cliff rock cracking and collapse enhanced hydraulic connection between the landslide and the cliff, indirectly increased the precipitation area of the landslide.


  • 成本动因联系实际资源消耗量相关程度间接成本分配准确性越高。

    The higher the relation between a cost driver and the actual consumption of associated activity, the greater the accuracy of the cost assignments.


  • 分析各种各样经济犯罪多数会计故意性信息失真直接间接联系

    On analyzing all kinds of economic crimes, the majority of the crimes have something to do with the deliberate accounting information distortion directly or indirectly.


  • 通货膨胀失业率之间关系间接不是必然因果关系,而是带有不确定性随机联系

    The relationship of the rate of inflation and the rate of unemployment is indirect, unsure and random, not inevitably consequent.


  • 实际上这些事情全都间接联系并且相互影响。

    Those things, indeed, are all indirectly connected, and react upon one another.


  • 结构性污染形成与经济系统中的多种结构性因素相关这些结构性因素相互联系结构性污染的形成造成直接间接影响

    Structural pollution bears upon various structural factors which are interrelated within the entire economic system and cause the direct or indirect influences for the emergence of the pollution.


  • 自由间接引语语体中,话语联系通过维持转换叙事视角发挥类似作用

    In free indirect speeches, discourse connectives perform similar cohesive functions by sustaining or transferring narrative point of view.


  • 区域间主要联系1两个区域主要的年代际跃变出现近,冬季反映最明显。

    And there are also relationships in the two areas: 1 For the interdecadal time scale, there is the same abrupt change both in the North Pacific and in the Tropical Pacific, especially in winter.


  • 研究内容而言包括地区联系、中心地联系城市等级联系商品联系相互作用联系扩散联系模型模拟间接反映的区域联系七个方面

    As far as content of studies, seven aspects are included: regional, central-place, urban hierarchical, commodity flow, interactive, diffusive, and model simulating linkages.


  • 研究内容而言包括地区联系、中心地联系城市等级联系商品联系相互作用联系扩散联系模型模拟间接反映的区域联系七个方面

    As far as content of studies, seven aspects are included: regional, central-place, urban hierarchical, commodity flow, interactive, diffusive, and model simulating linkages.


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