• 一步同意所有政策宣布都首先议院进行

    The governor went further by agreeing that all policy announcements should be made first in the House.


  • 中国青年报》最近对1504名家长进行的一项调查显示,近90%的中国家长表示,他们在学校给孩子提供了太多帮助。

    Nearly 90% Chinese parents said that they had helped their kids too much in school, according to a recent survey of 1,504 parents done by China Youth Daily.


  • 如果还是使用字幕i长进

    If you decide to use subtitles anyway, don't blame me for your lack of progress.


  • 这个年半来的每一学习长进

    This is a man who has learned in every date he has been in in the last year-and-a-half.


  • 我们你们个体学习没有插手的余地。

    We have no place in interfering with your individual learning and developing process.


  • 他们所以学习更刻苦,英语大有长进

    I didn' t want to be worse than them, so I studied harder, and my English improved.


  • 跆拳道方面,额外耐力也让拳击技术大有长进

    In Tae Kwon Do, the extra endurance really gave a boost to my sparring skills as well.


  • 巴马决定保留上述大多数政策这表明他们没有什么长进

    Obama's decision to retain many of these policies suggests they were not a temporary aberration.


  • 来自纽约都市艺术博物馆大英博物馆行竞争

    Two teams of curators would compete; say one from New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art and the other from the National Gallery. A picture would be shown to them.


  • 因为没有明确规则可以提供所以设计师会运用不同行实验

    Since no rules of thumbs are provided, designers experiment with a variety of different line lengths.


  • 给予药物优先审批权决定意味着大大审批过程的时间。

    The decision not to give the drug a priority status means it will take significantly longer to move through the review process.


  • 基本上所有植物关键的决定作用包括植物荫蔽躲避反应

    They play a decisive role in almost all plant growth processes, including the shade avoidance reaction.


  • 如果这个行年化处理,我们讨论M2货币供应量6.1%增长率

    If you annualize this increase, we are talking about a 6.1% increase in the M2 money supply.


  • 另外一些国家继续实施调整计划也要准备好在一步受阻的情况下随时改变航向

    Others should stick to their adjustment plans, but be ready to change course if growth falters further.


  • 然而批评人学更多东西;而每一个小小长进也足以让我们的祖母倍感欣慰

    Yet the criticism teaches you something you need to know; a lesson learned that would make any grandma proud.


  • 屋前的洼地很快就雨水着踱着,突然想到应该那位长进避一避雨

    The hollow in front of the house soon filled with water, and as I paced about, it suddenly struck me that I ought to offer the shelter of the house to the magistrate.


  • WIPRO股价今年一直走低,本周公布季度利润去年相比长进不大,股价再走低

    Wipro's shares are well down on the year and this week's news of quarterly profits little changed from a year ago sent them a bit lower still.


  • 速度太慢以至于不能足球,12岁时的致命弧线球灌篮到了16却没有什么长进

    I was too slow to play football, and my devastating curve and drop at 12 didn't come with any more break at 16.


  • 国会预算办公室估计巴马一些社会政策将会白宫宣称更加耗费使得经济一步缓慢

    The Congressional Budget Office estimates that some of Mr Obama's social policies will be more expensive than the White House claims, and that the economy will grow more slowly.


  • 中国实力逐渐长进武装力量逐渐重新形成规模的同时,西方日本积累债务、出售技术

    Even as China has grown in power and rebuilt its armed forces, the West and Japan have run up debts and sold it their technology.


  • 如果训练计划一成不变身体就会产生适应,从而产生高原现象”(长进没有长进)。

    If you keep the same routine, your body will adapt and a plateau effect (slow or no progress) will occur.


  • 今天下午,海涅行会见时,就加强中国内布拉斯加州交流合作好地交换了看法。

    This afternoon, Governor Heineman and I had a good meeting and we explored ways to enhance cooperation Nebraska and China.


  • 现在续集剧情所知,阿宝应该不只是练了眼皮子功夫,而是实实在在地长进打斗功夫

    From what we know of the sequel's plot, though, Po should have been focusing a bit more on his fighting skills than on winning a staring contest.


  • 不过最近日本蜗牛研究提供了这样的线索:环境对每个发育阶段发生的事情产生着重大影响

    But recent research from Japan on the growth of snails gives some insight into how the environment can have a big influence on what happens at each stage of development.


  • 所有失败不仅仅使获得了长进可以避免那些同样错误而且帮助我获得很多机会机遇;

    My failures had not only helped me to improve myself and avoid similar mistakes in the future, but also opened up many other opportunities and chances for me; I just had to spot and identify them.


  • 基于Web应用程序规划典型方法因为用户对应用程序的需求可能今天、明天的。

    This is a typical way to plan for growth for web-based applications, because demand can be high one day and low another.


  • 我们必须服务请求未来增长进预计;使用者可能需要其他的功能或者需要对现有功能进行更改。

    We must anticipate that there will be requests for extensions to the service; new consumers may well need additional functionality and modifications to existing functionality.


  • 我们必须服务请求未来增长进预计;使用者可能需要其他的功能或者需要对现有功能进行更改。

    We must anticipate that there will be requests for extensions to the service; new consumers may well need additional functionality and modifications to existing functionality.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定