• 许多参与者在法雅节期间穿上中世纪盛装长期以来传统

    During the long-held tradition of las Fallas, many participants don medieval attire.


  • 传统知识长期以来传统部族长期生产生活实践创造出来知识、技术、经验的总称,知识形态知识产品

    Traditional Knowledge(TK) is all the knowledge, technique and experience that the traditional tribes have created in their long process of production, and it is a kind of intellectual product.


  • 他们亵渎教会长期以来所持守传统

    They have profaned the long upheld traditions of the church.


  • Bottlemaster塑料瓶塞不会泄漏碎裂发霉长期以来一直葡萄酒制造商提供价格高于传统价的软木塞。

    Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold, have long been available to winemakers, at a price slightly higher than that of traditional cork stoppers.


  • 大西洋月刊》长期以来一直试图提供一种设计环境,让文学新闻两种不同传统保有尊严愉悦共存

    The Atlantic Monthly has long attempted to provide a design environment in which two disparate traditionsliterary and journalisticcan co-exist in pleasurable dignity.


  • 不是英国传统立场欧盟理智的敌意塔思而是各个国家长期以来针对欧洲更为阴险虚伪的趋势

    He was not referring to the intellectual hostility to the EU that is the traditional British position, Tusk said, but a more insidious and hypocritical trend in countries long committed to Europe..


  • 但是他们处理传统科学领域之外人们提出信息要求方式仍然存在问题,也导致这些长期以来一直对琼斯教授持批评态度

    Questions remain over the way in which they responded to requests for information from people outside the conventional scientific arena, some of whom were long-standing critics of Jones.


  • 旁遮普邦印度农民传统种植小麦水稻,他们长期以来依靠地下水灌溉庄稼

    Farmers in the Indian state of Punjab, traditionally wheat and rice growers, have long relied on groundwater to irrigate their crops.


  • 长期以来习惯于垄断操作亚洲拉美证券交易所现在面临传统平台竞争

    Long used to operating as monopolies, bourses in Asia and Latin America now face competition from alternative trading platforms.


  • 长期以来环境科学家们一直认为,对于肥胖很可能有些外部因素作用直到最近传统的肥胖研究组织驳斥这些说法

    Environmental scientists have long suggested that there were likely external factors at work, but until recently, the traditional obesity-research community rejected such claims.


  • 第四句是第二点:尊敬老人长期以来就是民族传统--中的女孩不仅自私无礼而且不文明、令人憎恶。 句中有平行形容词的用法,程度也是渐进的。

    Whats more, respecting the old has long been a national tradition-such a person as the girl depicted in the above picture is not only selfish and impolite but also uncivilized and detestable.


  • 首次出访即访问亚洲希拉里打破了美国国务卿长期以来上台后首访欧洲中东传统

    By visiting Asia on her maiden trip, Clinton has broken with a long tradition among new secretaries of state of first visiting Europe or the Middle East.


  • 这些漫画书里日本通常被描绘为金发碧眼具有西方白人特征——折射日本长期以来'脱入欧'的传统

    In the manga books, the Japanese are usually drawn with blond hair and Caucasian features—a habit that reflects a long-held desire in Japan to identify with the West rather than with Asia.


  • 他们长期以来一直流行的动物中国传统视为象征运气吉祥美德

    They have long been popular animals in China, and are traditionally seen as symbols of luck and auspicious virtue.


  • 长期以来制冷行业中换设备设计传统经验设计为主,主要依靠工程设计人员的手工设计计算

    For a long time, the heat-exchange equipments in thermal power system have been designing mainly depending on traditional experience and manual calculation.


  • 虽然盒子长期以来认为科技”艺术传统形式默认设置,但是高科技多媒体艺术通常需要黑盒子呈现其所有特征

    While the white box has long been established as a default setting for traditional forms of 'low-tech' art, high-tech multimedia art usually requires a black box to bring out all of its features.


  • 但是长期以来传统形而上学视野日常生活领域很少引起哲学家们的关注,成为一个被忽视、被遗忘的领域。

    However, a long time, in the traditional metaphysical vision in areas of daily life rarely cause concern philosophers, has become a neglected and forgotten areas.


  • 中国,为一些活动举办大型的开幕闭幕仪式长期以来传统

    To hold grand opening and closing ceremonies for some activities is the tradition for China for a long time.


  • 对于长期以来以艺妓交谈歌舞来哄得男性顾客欢心国家日本来说,这算是令人晕眩的传统性别角色转换。

    It's a dizzying reversal of traditional gender roles in a country long known for geishas pampering male clients with conversation, singing and dancing.


  • 长期以来,人们一直采用传统育种方法选育高蛋白质的水稻新品种收效不大

    Traditional breeding is applied frequently to select new rice varieties with high protein content for a long time but achieved less.


  • 长期以来人们一直采用传统育种方法选育高蛋白质的水稻新品种收效不大。

    People always used traditional breeding to select new rice varieties with high protein content for a long time but achieved a few.


  • 长期以来路基工程质量检测评价方法是采用传统开挖检查钻孔取样试验常规技术

    For a long time, the subgrade project quality testing and evaluation method follows the traditional excavation inspection and drilling and sampling test techniques.


  • 长期以来传统语言学只是介词语义进行描述,而没有进行全面系统分析

    For a long time, traditional linguists had just described the meanings of a preposition and had not analyzed them generally and systematically.


  • 但是长期以来传统形而上学视野中,日常生活领域很少引起哲学家们的关注,成为了一个忽视、被遗忘的领域。

    But for a long time, in the vision of traditional metaphysics, the field of everyday life seldom arouses the attention of philosophers, so it has been ignored and forgotten.


  • 长期以来传统照明技术还是无法光源安装在不切实际位置上。

    LED lighting has long held the promise of being able to integrate light into places that were impractical or impossible using traditional lighting technologies.


  • 长期以来一直采用传统确定性随机性或两者结合方法来描述水文过程,揭示水文系统内在确定性规律外在随机性规律。

    The hydrologic processes have been described by regular methods of internal determinacy or external randomness or both of them for a long time.


  • 长期以来村民养猪多用传统方法周期耗料效益

    But for a long time, the villagers used traditional methods, which took a long time, consumed much resource, and was low in efficiency.


  • 长期以来村民养猪多用传统方法周期耗料效益

    But for a long time, the villagers used traditional methods, which took a long time, consumed much resource, and was low in efficiency.


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