• 过于单纯考虑那些我们软件进行投资完全错误的。

    It's wrong to think simplistically about the people who pay for the software we produce.


  • 即使只是帮子市场预测者中的个——他有些著名错误——还是会数以千计投资观看节目所以他确有影响力。

    Even though he’s just one more in a long line of market soothsayersand has had some notable busts — thousands of investors watch his show, so he does have an impact.


  • 长期投资仍然能够利用暂时恐慌错误定价成本时期建仓的优势。

    Long-term investors can still take advantage of temporary panics and mispricings to build positions at low costs.


  • 那些从政者将大众投资者的利益华尔街对立起来十分错误原因由此可见。

    This is why those politicians who set the interests of Main Street against those of Wall Street are so wrong.


  • 过去十年间债券收益率不断压缩再次应征了投资者们寻求更高回报错误定价风险

    The compression of bond yields over the past decade was another manifestation of the mispricing of risk as investors sought higher returns.


  • ,只要审慎利用鼓励谨慎的投资提醒其他市场公司面临的被错误理解的风险卖空的确可以视为一种有利的社会行为

    Used judiciously, to reward attentive investors and alert the broader market to ill-understood risks that a company faces, shorting may indeed be seen as a positive social act, he says.


  • 受访投行内部律师中,有九成的人预言投资招股说明书中的错误陈述而向发股其它相关方索赔的案件变得更加普遍

    Almost 9 in 10 of the in-house lawyers predicted that claims by investors against issuers and other parties for mis-statements in the prospectus would become more common.


  • 错误把握市场波动会使他们损失惨重(或者如果投资专业基金经理,那么他们客户损失惨重)。

    Get market timing wrong and they may lose a fortune (or, if they are a professional fund manager, their clients will).


  • 提到自己所犯最大错误之一,就是授予了董事会两位投资否决行使权,导致他们有时滥用职权而且妨碍了进行好的买卖

    He references one of his biggest mistakes as giving veto power to two investors on his board of directors, who abused that power and blocked him from doing good deals sometimes.


  • 20多投资共有错误什么?

    What are some common mistakes investors in their 20s make?


  • 因为评级最大受益人并非长期债券投资而是利用这套系统错误评级债务转嫁到投资人身上的华尔街公司们。

    For the biggest beneficiaries of ratings have not been long-term bond investors but the Wall Street firms that used the system to foist misrated debt on them.


  • BP这次所犯错误之大和造成严重影响不能小觑,但是同时如果巴马按照程序来解决问题的话,吓跑来自世界各地投资

    Nobody should underestimate the scale of BP’s mistake, nor the damage that it has caused. But if the president does not stand up for due process, he will frighten investors across the board.


  • 存在一些其他可以避免错误但是底线保护你自己的利益的同时一定按照投资者的方式经营,这样才能他们给你钱。

    There are other pitfalls to avoid, but the bottom line is this: Play by the lenders' rules to get them to open their checkbook, but protect yourself at the same time.


  • 不多案例中,评级机构下调美国这样仍然拥有投资信任国家他们一直错误

    And in those rare cases where rating agencies have downgraded countries that, like America now, still had the confidence of investors, they have consistently been wrong.


  • 分析企业投资企业家往往把注意力放在“错误的”财务数据比率上

    So often investors and entrepreneurs look at the wrong financial numbers and ratios when analysing companies.


  • 如果投资本能认为金融技术板块一轮牛市错误的,那他们关注什么呢?

    If investors are wrong to automatically assume that the financial or technology sectors will lead the market's next major leg up, what should they be on the lookout for?


  • 新兴市场投资者们指出厄瓜多尔人口金融市场重要性是个国家他们主张把厄看成某个预兆错误的。在其他市场上迄今还没有“感染效应”的迹象。

    Emerging-market investors also point out that Ecuador is a small country, in terms of both population and importance to financial markets. They argue it would be wrong to see it as a harbinger.


  • 最近金融危机中,最大问题在于投资错误认为房产价格可以准确预测美国房市建造了一个巨大的衍生品体系

    In the latest crisis, the problem was that investors erroneously believed property prices were quite predictable and built a whole edifice of derivatives on the back of the American housing market.


  • 风险投资(那个例子就是立法者)很少两次相同错误现在已经有完备的方案清理房市的信用违约交换。

    After a crisis investors (and for that matter regulators) seldom make exactly the same mistake twice. There are, for instance, already plans for clearing houses for CDSs.


  • 由于公司管理松散或者执行错误战略导向,公司股票价格将会不断地下跌。 公司股票价格越低,对于其他公司或者投资群体就越容易购买到公司绝大多数股份

    The further acompany’s stock price falls, due to lax management or wrong-headed policies, the easier it is for another company or group of investors to buy up a majorityof the shares.


  • 此外如果公司现在发布错误信息后承认错误然后降低预期那么失望投资到时抛售他们手中的股票

    Moreover, when companies then issue a mea culpa and lower their forecasts, disappointed investors will hammer the price of their shares.


  • 许多公司高管也许都认为必要进军新兴市场,以期达到投资业务快速增长的期望,但许多人却错误认为在美国本土制定的商业计划之四海皆准。

    But while executives may feel the need to enter emerging markets to grow as fast as investors want, many mistakenly assume that a U.S.-born business plan will succeed abroad.


  • 场危机过后投资(包括监管者)很少再次犯相同错误

    After a crisis investors (and for that matter regulators) seldom make exactly the same mistake twice.


  • 费城日报来说,2006年当地投资买下他们错误认为预见大城市的前景。

    In the case of the Philadelphia papers, they were bought in 2006 by a group of local investors who thought, wrongly, they could see a way ahead for big city titles.


  • 矫正过去错误又不会让外国投资敬而远之,不会伤害到一些小公司的利益很难全面平衡的事情。

    Redressing past wrongs without scaring away foreign investors and harming small companies is a difficult balancing act.


  • 矫正过去错误又不会让外国投资敬而远之,不会伤害到一些小公司的利益很难全面平衡的事情。

    Redressing past wrongs without scaring away foreign investors and harming small companies is a difficult balancing act.


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