• 公司销售理念:以最大优惠回报客户

    Sales Philosophy : Offer customers the greatest return on.


  • 概念隐喻具有很强的说服力,可以有效传达广告商销售理念

    Conceptual metaphor is a persuasive and effective means to express the advertiser's selling idea.


  • 本着诚信为本的销售理念产品远销中东非洲印度欧美各国。

    In good faith-based sales philosophy, products are exported to the Middle East, Africa, India and Europe and the United States.


  • 我们一直要求,高品质,高质量销售理念热情欢迎广大客户垂询

    We continuously by the high requirements, high quality, high quality of sales idea, the warm welcome general customers deigned to inquire!


  • 品牌专卖店将销售理念时尚诠释自己的语音方式展现消费者

    As a chained retail store, it carries the role of branding, selling products, attracting customers and marketing its own fashion trends.


  • 然而一直到20世纪20年代汉堡包才成了美国餐饮业新的销售理念王牌。

    It wasn't until the 1920s, however, that hamburgers became the centerpiece of a new marketing concept for American restaurants.


  • 公司以构建市场,大营销,大服务销售理念提高质量管理水平同时也努力提升服务质量。

    The company constructs"the big market big marketing, the big service"is the sales idea, raises the quality control level at the same timeendeavor to promote the grade of service.


  • 但是作为销售团队建设的隐性资产销售团队的风格、团队的共同愿景以及独特的销售理念不容忽视。

    However, as its hidden assets, sales teams styles, common aspirations and distinctive marketing concepts must not be neglected.


  • Blues扩展了他们当地房地产销售理念谨慎地使他们的过程系统化并且明确未来加盟商可能会面对关键点

    The Blues expanded their estate-sale concept locally, carefully systematizing their processes and identifying sticking points future franchisees might face.


  • 靠得住公司将本着细节决定品质”的品质理念服务客户”的销售理念国内外连锁超市肉制品加工企业精诚合作,共创辉煌。

    Reliable Food believes that "Details Determine Quality" and "Service Wins Over Customers". We are ready to collaborate with domestic and international supermarket chains & meat processing enterprises.


  • 一个好的理念产品比如更廉价X 光优质的风力涡轮机,都可以纳入全球范围销售制造体系中。

    A good idea or product, such as a cheaper X-ray machine or better wind turbine, can be plugged into a global system of sales and manufacturing.


  • 奢侈品牌一定程度消费者推销一种特定生活方式理念因此销售人员必须理解客户在购买这些产品诉求是什么一点十分重要。

    Luxury brands sell consumers in part on a certain lifestyle idea, and it's important for sales staff to understand what the customers are aspiring to in buying the product.


  • 一个好的理念产品比如廉价X光更优质风力涡轮机,都可以纳入全球范围销售制造体系中。

    A good idea or product such as a cheaper X-ray machine or better wind turbine can be plugged into a global system of sales and manufacturing.


  • 王凤英提倡这样理念:在销售汽车之前必须证明自己的汽车值得购买

    Ms Wang advocates the notion that before you sell cars, you have to prove they are worth buying.


  • 普瑞斯特担心有机运动最初理念遗忘因为大型公司已经摩拳擦掌的进入这一领域,采用工业规模化生产方式生产销售有机食品

    Purists worry that the organic movement's original ideals have been forgotten as large companies that produce and sell organic food on an industrial scale have muscled in.


  • 所有幸存平台可能会自己短信替代物并且理念不再通过销售设备直接获利

    Any surviving platforms will likely have their own SMS alternative, and the concept will reach a point of entropy where they're no longer directly beneficial to device sales.


  • 强大的整合理念:应用领先科技打包精简技术,销售价格众。

    But it has a powerful organising idea: take the latest technology, package it in a simple, elegant form and sell it at a premium price.


  • 相信口红指数理念的人追根求源,发现大萧条时期出现了这个现象尽管当时经济降温,化妆品销售却增长25%。

    Believers in the theory trace the phenomenon back to the Depression, when cosmetic sales increased by 25%, despite the convulsing economy.


  • 备受欧洲市场青睐的灵巧车型设计理念能打动美国汽车消费者。美国汽车市场小规模销售热潮中,精灵未能分得一杯羹,三月份卖出了425

    What was considered cute and clever in Europe didn't translate to the U.S. Smart bucked the small car boom, selling just 425 cars in March.


  • 同样伊顿伊顿),克里夫兰为基础设备制造商获得了美国以外的百分之55销售,“我们理念制造货币区。发言人凯利姚什科

    Likewise, Eaton ( ETN), the Cleveland-based equipment maker, gets 55 percent of its sales outside the U.S. Spokeswoman Kelly Jasko says, "Our philosophy is to manufacture in the zone of currency."


  • 认为出口行为提高企业生产率因为世界市场销售产品使得这些企业不得不采取新的技术管理理念从而提高的胜算。

    He assumes that the very act of exporting raises the productivity of firms, because selling on world markets forces companies to raise their game while exposing them to new ideas and techniques.


  • 模式一直很受欢迎,他地方在线广告理念进一步深化,企业预先支付资金增加曝光率最终有希望转化销售业绩

    The model has caught on because it improved on the idea of local online advertising, where a business pays money up front for exposure that will hopefully translate into sales.


  • 诚信绝对不是销售,更不是一种高深空洞理念实实在在的言出必行、点点滴滴细节

    Honesty is definitely not a sales, not a high empty idea, it is real in what it preaches, dribs and drabs of details.


  • 我们成功之处在于我们用于富有创造性设计理念一个勇于开拓开发销售团队

    Our success is that we used in a creative design concept and the courage to open up the development of a sales team.


  • 为了经营理念取得成功,必须严格你的时间精力销售上。

    In order for your business idea to succeed, you must spend serious time and attention on sales.


  • Awarenessband(公益带)就是橡皮纤维制成,上面印有某种口号的腕带,其上市销售的目的主要为了宣传某种慈善公益理念

    Awareness band is a bracelet made of rubber or fabric which has a slogan written on it, sold to raise awareness of particular charitable causes.


  • 公司遵从环境共生理念致力于绿色产品开发生产销售

    Companies to comply with environmental symbiotic philosophy, commitment to green product development, production and sales.


  • 历史上不乏失败的例子精工生产的Ruputer腕表电脑,虽然理念很棒实际销售中却少人问津

    History is littered with examples, such as the Seiko Ruputer wristwatch computer, that sounded great in theory but turned out to be lemons in practice.


  • MsChiquet欣然接受新职,并依照公司理念低价销售时尚服饰5之间,她为公司赚得50亿美元销售

    Ms Chiquet accepted, enticed by Old Navy’s mission—to sell fashionable clothes at very low prices—and helped build up the company to $5 billion in sales within five years.


  • MsChiquet欣然接受新职,并依照公司理念低价销售时尚服饰5之间,她为公司赚得50亿美元销售

    Ms Chiquet accepted, enticed by Old Navy’s mission—to sell fashionable clothes at very low prices—and helped build up the company to $5 billion in sales within five years.


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