• 制造板料棒材管材铸造零件

    Manufacturing sheet, strip material, rods, tubes, casting parts, etc.


  • 介绍一种利用坐标测量技术相结合,实现铸造零件复杂轮廓检测具体方法

    This paper introduces a method, which can measure very complex profile or surface of a casting part by using three dimension coordinate measuring machine and reverse engineering technology.


  • 通过采用真空铸造工艺,结合制造成功制造出金属零件

    Some metallic parts are successfully fabricated using a vacuum pressure difference casting technology and a casting mould shell technology.


  • 采用铸造零件常常需要进一步加工因为熔模铸造达到精密的公差

    Parts made with investment castings often do not require any further machining, because of the close tolerances that can be achieved.


  • 由于这种环绕型模形成的(无需传统砂型铸造工艺那样模),制作十分复杂的零件浮雕

    Because the mold is formed around a one-piece pattern (which does not have to be pulled out from the mold as in a traditional sand casting process), very intricate parts and undercuts can be made.


  • 挤压铸造一种先进机械零件液态成形技术具有工艺适用性好、工艺出品率机械化程度高、生产率高、劳动条件等优点

    Squeeze casting is an advanced liquid formation technique for machine parts, and has the advantages of high adaptability, high efficiency, high mechanization degree and good work condition.


  • 结合工厂管卡零件进行了铸造工艺辅助设计

    The authors have designed the casting process of the housing part from a factory.


  • 本文重点研究离心铸造铝基复合材料梯度功能零件成形工艺

    The main task of this paper is to research the processing of functionally gradient disc-like parts by centrifugal casting.


  • 指出铸造毛坯合格零件本身强度不高产生裂纹主要原因

    Pointing out the main reason of crack formation is that casting blank is not up to standard and the strength of parts is not enough.


  • 特别说明外所有硬件紧固零件须用不锈钢铸造

    All hardware and fasteners to be stainless steel unless otherwise stated.


  • 利用选择性激光烧结(SLS)快速成型工艺烧结塑料原型,结合精密铸造技术制出了金属零件

    Based on selective laser sintering (SLS) rapid plastic prototype with precision casting technology, metallic parts are made.


  • 机器结合加工酒吧股票零件铸件基地作出自己木制模式投下本地铸造

    The machine is made from a combination of machined bar stock parts and castings for which al made the wooden patterns himself and had cast by a local foundry.


  • 快速成型工艺结合精密铸造技术快速制造金属零件主要途径

    Combining RP technology and precision casting is a major way to rapidly manufacture metal parts.


  • 结合SLS快速成形铸造工艺可以实现金属零件的快速铸造

    The rapid manufacturing for metal parts can be realized by SLS prototyping combining with casting process.


  • 叙述了数字化技术改造传统铸造工艺中的作用详细论述了金属零件数字化铸造技术内涵及其优势

    The functions of digitized method in reforming conventional casting techniques, especially the meaning and advantages of rapidly digitized manufacturing of metallic components, were expounded.


  • 最后论述了如何结合快速模具精密铸造技术小批量制造引信零件应用于引信研制阶段实验室试验实弹试验中。

    At last we discussed how to combine the rapid tooling and precision foundry to produce batch of samples, we can apply these samples in the fuze system and ball cartridge experimentation.


  • 本文给出了由此方法实现快速铸造工艺方案,进一步实现了金属零件的快速铸造

    A process chart for quick casting based on this method was presented, and a metal part was produced.


  • 介绍了汽车壳体零件低压铸造工艺模具设计

    The low-pressure casting process and die design for automobile housing were introduced.


  • 对于铸造锻造压力加工生产具体工件形状即使是一个零件几乎都要花费高额加工费用

    For casting, forging and machining pressure, every production of a specific shape of the workpiece, even a spare parts, almost have to spend the high cost of processing.


  • 组合体可以理解机器零件进行必要简化,去除了铸造圆角、技摸斜度以及工艺结构几何化”了的机件

    Assembly can be understanded as the necessary simplification of machine accessory, the wiping off of foundry round corner, craftwork structure, etc, which is the geometrical work.


  • 铸造技术不完善、合金原料中的杂质致使水龙头零件表面疏松,并有大量砂眼

    The defects of casting technology and the impurities in copper alloy material cause roughness of faucet surface with large amounts of sand holes.


  • 结果表明,导柱材料化学成分超标,同时存在严重铸造缺陷组织,增加了材料应力集中的程度,降低材料的力学性能,从而导致零件淬火时产生开裂。

    The results showed that the stress concentration is increased, the mechnical property is lowed, the chemical compositions overran and the serious cast defects is existed in the plunger.


  • 利用激光烧结快速成型技术可以烧结覆膜陶瓷材料,形成铸造型腔壳体并直接应用于铸造制作金属零件

    Polymer coated ceramic powder can be used to manufacture mold shell with selective laser sintering technology, and the mold shell is usually used to cast and produce metal part.


  • 阐述整体叶片属于复杂曲面零件,对于流道比较整体叶片盘,一般采用铸造成型。

    The whole blade pan belongs to the complicated curved face parts. The whole blade pan of narrow stream pass generally was cast to model.


  • 了解铸造加工工艺流程,各种常见零件铸造过程

    Understand the processing of casting process, a variety of common parts of the casting process.


  • 研究了原型用塑料粉受热裂解燃烧特点,据此制订了计算机模型金属零件快速铸造工艺

    The rapid casting process from 3D solid mould to metallic parts was designed. The preparation of ceramic shell and casting process of metallic parts are expounded and the part accuracy is measured.


  • 研究了原型用塑料粉受热裂解燃烧特点,据此制订了计算机模型金属零件快速铸造工艺

    The rapid casting process from 3D solid mould to metallic parts was designed. The preparation of ceramic shell and casting process of metallic parts are expounded and the part accuracy is measured.


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