• 本文所指商业银行理财是指我国商业银行推出的人民币理财产品。

    The banking finances in this paper means China's commercial Banks' RMB finances products.


  • 不管是任何产品服务套餐银行理财计划手机消费计划单个产品或服务价格往往取决于消费者心理而非成本

    In any package of products and services, from banking to mobile calling plans, the price of each individual component is often determined by psychology, not cost.


  • 本文利用SWOT分析法,对建设银行理财业务进行了系统分析推断出建设银行个人理财业务方面优势不足

    This article USES SWOT analysis, analyzes the PFS of CCBB, and concludes the strengths and weaknesses in the operational aspects of CCB.


  • 国内首例公开报道银行理财诉讼——汇丰双利存款诉讼显示,在“存款”名义下发生的“存款合同+期权合同”的场外金融衍生交易,在银行客户之间形成了新的收益-风险分配模式。

    The nature of commercial banks' financial products to individual clients is fixed-income products, but many of them have reference to financial derivatives which increase market risk.


  • 他们中的大部分相信提供给更多人们理财服务重要性银行系统作为一个整体危机继续扩展信用服务。

    Most of them genuinely believe in the importance of providing more people with access to financial services. The banking system as a whole continued to extend credit throughout the crisis.


  • 数百万民众因为这种恐慌改变了自己想法,很多银行金融市场账户里取出现金,调整他们理财计划

    Millions of people have changed their behaviour because of this fear, with many pulling money out of bank and money market accounts, and adjusting their financial plans in other ways.


  • 花旗瓦乔维亚一样银行专门部门指导女性理财

    Major banks like Citigroup and Wachovia have special departments to guide women with their finances.


  • 商业借贷巴克莱资本(投资银行)财富理财业务已经整合一个部门

    Commercial lending, Barclays Capital (the investment bank) and wealth management have been brought together into one unit.


  • 投资银行结构化金融产品团队投资者理财面对挑战

    This is the challenge facing the structuring teams for investor solutions at leading investment Banks.


  • 却意外地发现大部分破产不是因为失去工作或者卧病在家银行日益昂贵债务周期设置了更多的理财陷阱,情况变得更糟。

    She found instead that most bankruptcies resulted from job loss or illness at home, a situation made worse by Banks that were increasingly learning to trap people in costly debt cycles.


  • 一直笃信把财富全部捐出,我总是最好理财计划就是最后人死钱光,连开给殡仪馆支票都被银行打回票。

    I am a big believer in giving it all away and have always said that the best financial planning ends with bouncing the check to the undertaker.


  • 他们中的大部分相信提供给更多人们理财服务的重要性银行系统作为一个整体危机继续扩展信用服务。

    Most of them genuinely believe in the importance of providing more people with access to financial services.The banking system as a whole continued to extend credit throughout the crisis.


  • 卫报发言人称,“理由相信攻击危及用户理财银行资料安全

    A Guardian spokesman said there was "no reason to believe" that any financial or bank data had been compromised in the incident.


  • 此外银行允许保留客户理财对冲基金业务。

    Moreover, Banks will be allowed to keep hedge funds that hold clients' money.


  • 加拿大蒙特利尔银行理财经理们过去总是该国最富裕的家庭听到同样的话帮帮

    Wealth managers at Bank of Montreal kept hearing the same things from Canada's richest families: Help me!


  • 银行理财服务部副总监吉恩•布莱克洛克说:“有关开课的消息已经传出去

    "Word has gotten out about the program," said Jean Blacklock, vice-president of wealth services at Canada's fourth-largest bank.


  • 银行盈利报告商务往来收益以及理财服务费提高这个增长贡献最大

    The biggest contributors to that growth came from higher merchant interchange income and higher wealth management service fees, the bank said in its earnings announcement.


  • 根据各种迹象来看,理财规划师青年客户们打算保留更多现金类似ING Direct的网络银行最近也推出略微提高利息存款

    Anecdotally, financial planners say young clients are keeping more cash on hand, and online Banks such as ing Direct have rolled out savings accounts with slightly higher interest rates.


  • 目前iPhone已经成为了美国银行(Bank of America)热门的移动设备——20%线上理财活动通过的Web App进行的。

    Already the iPhone is the most popular mobile device with bank of Americait accounts for 20% of ALL mobile banking with them.


  • 女性受访者们银行给予男性关注更多,给予他们的建议更好他们达成的理财交易更有利可图,交易的条款也更优惠。

    Women respondents said the banks give men more attention, better advice, better deals and better terms.


  • 瑞士双子金融中心日内瓦苏黎世它们的专业领域里表现良好,比如私人银行业务理财以及苏黎世保险生意。

    Switzerland's twin financial centres, Geneva and Zurich, have done well in their specialities of private banking, wealth management and, in Zurich, insurance.


  • 根据理财顾问的建议,发工资之后,尽早把银行,因为如果拖到月底的话,总会各种各样的原因导致人们无法应急基金存入500美元。

    Financial advisors tell people to transfer money to savings as soon as they get paid, because there will always be a reason why you can't put $500 toward your emergency fund at the end of the month.


  • 根据理财顾问的建议,发工资之后,尽早把银行,因为如果拖到月底的话,总会各种各样的原因导致人们无法应急基金存入500美元。

    Financial advisors tell people to transfer money to savings as soon as they get paid, because there will always be a reason why you can't put $500 toward your emergency fund at the end of the month.


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