• 我们银河中心可能存在一个巨大黑洞速度吞食星球

    There might be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate.


  • 如果发现得到证实星球就是银河发现第一外来的行星,同时该发现违背有关行星起源的主要的假说

    If true, the world is the first planetary immigrant ever detected in the Milky Way. The find would also violate the leading hypothesis of how and where planets form.


  • 接下来我们向外太空移动,我们看到,持续不断我们星球各个角度进入真实银河系,就我们在这里看到的一样,让旅行时间发光,一种我们的存在如此深远的感觉

    And so as we move out, we see continuously from our planet all the way out into the real of galaxies as we see here, light travel time, giving you a sense of how far away we are.


  • 白矮星距离太阳63光年银河大多数星球相比距离我们太阳系非常。”卢迈

    "The distance of this White Dwarf from the Sun is 63 light-years, which is very near our solar system compared with most stars in our galaxy", Luhman said.


  • 也许有人想象过这样一种文明神秘仪式促使征服整个星球,而这只是征服整个银河传教的一部分。

    One might imagine a culture where mysticism and ritual encourage subjugating entire planets in a missionary conquest of the galaxy.


  • 此相反,银河边缘星球前途暗淡

    In contrast, prospects for planets at the galaxy's edge are bleak.


  • 16多年以来天文学家一直密切观察位于银河核心28星球轨道研究隐秘的黑洞运行的影响。

    Over 16 years, the orbits of 28 stars in the Milky Way’s central region have been meticulously tracked by astronomers, allowing them to study the hidden black hole that influences their movements.


  • 这一星球构成光晕环绕我们熟悉银河漩涡残骸物体。

    The stellar halo is debris that surrounds our familiar white swirl of stars.


  • 避免地球业主们宇宙其他社群接触,我们星球银河远郊三四流的不毛之地。

    To keep Earth inhabitants away from the rest of the universe community, our planet was stuck way out in the boondocks at the rim of a second-rate galaxy.


  • 知道我们星球多岩石星球银河1000亿多个行星围绕着一个星球在转,地球只是整个宇宙几千亿星球之一

    I'd learned that our world is a rocky planet, orbiting one star among the 100 billion others in our galaxy, which is but one of hundreds of billions of galaxies scattered throughout the universe.


  • 这位名叫AndreiFinkelstein教授,在人类已知银河围绕太阳旋转行星中,有近只分之一的行星的构造与表面情况都与地球非常相似如果这些星球发现的存在,那么发现生命便是可能的事。

    Professor Andrei Finkelstein said that ten percent of the known planets circling SUNS in the galaxy resemble Earth, and if water can be found on them, then so can life.


  • 数字7对于这位洛杉矶银河队的星球来说意义重大因为7不仅小贝的幸运数字,而且也是新诞生的女儿名字代号

    Of course the number seven holds a special meaning for LA Galaxy star David - not only is it his daughter's middle name, but it is also his shirt number from his Manchester United days.


  • 很多扬升进步前辈的银河文明被许可接近你们星球由于我们遥远的间隔就能从你们的星球得到(感)你们的侵略盛怒

    Many of the ascended and most advanced galactic civilisations are not allowed near your planet, because we could pick up on your aggression and rage from a huge distance from your planet.


  • 四个世纪之后今天,我们已经知道地球只是围绕一颗并非显赫太阳旋转的小小星球,我们的太阳处在银河的一隅,而科学家估算,这样的银河系大约有一千二百五十亿个。

    Now, four centuries later, we know that the Earth is a small planet circling a minor sun on the edge of just one of an estimated 125 billion galaxies.


  • 作为凶残异族入侵者它们摧毁一切阻挡它们征服银河星球

    A violent species of alien invaders, they destroyed entire worlds in their quest to conquer the galaxy.


  • 你们星球成为银河会议星系间会议的东道主必将为你们的星球塑造新的历史篇章

    Your planets are to become host to galactic and intergalactic conferences which will shape the history of this section of physicality.


  • 银河核心深处的阴暗星球比斯,帕尔·帕建造秘密世界

    Palpatine constructed a secret throne-world deep within the galaxy's core, on a shadowy world called Byss.


  • 这个阿拉吉斯星球银河帝国的中枢,早已不是以前沙丘时代样子了。

    This planet of Arrakis from which I direct my multigalacticEmpire is no longer what it was in the days when it was known as Dune.


  • 岗哨》中写道:“每当仰望银河那些成团堆积星云,总是好奇天外的使者哪个星球。”

    "I can never look now at the Milky Way", said the narrator in "the Sentinel", "without wondering from which of those banked clouds of stars the emissaries are coming."


  • 人类用了一百万年才一个小小的星球可是只用一万五千占据了整个银河

    It took mankind a million years to fill one small world and then only fifteen thousand years to fill the rest of the Galaxy.


  • 星球一个战略要地因为银河整个西南部分的通航关卡

    The planet serves as a navigation gateway for the entire southwest quadrant of the galaxy, making it of prime strategic importance.


  • 参展代表多元化令人不禁想起星球大战》中的银河酒吧只是当年中国允许开设酒吧而已。

    The incredible diversity of the delegates was a bit reminiscent of the intergalactic bar scene in "Star Wars", except that bars were not permitted in China at the time.


  • 遇战开始入侵银河之际,费特人致力于保护曼达洛星球,但随后就开始着手制造尽量多的破坏

    When the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy, Fett and his Mandalorians worked to protect the planet Mandalore before setting out to do as much damage as possible.


  • 银河力量移动着地球轴线星球倾斜无关

    The galactic forces are moving the axis of the Earth which is not involved with the tilt of the planet.


  • 事实上你们现在正要星球存有毕业一个银河存有,那就是一个银河人类

    Indeed, you are now ready to graduate from a planetary Being to a galactic one, in effect, a galactic Human.


  • 赫特人的势力范围囊括了众多星球克拉图因人也因此迅速银河扩散开来

    Since the Hutt influence spans many planets, the Klatooinians quickly spread throughout the galaxy.


  • 议长现在统治银河。眼前这位曾被视为亲兄弟年轻英雄一个地狱般星球焦黑沙砾上,奄奄一息

    The Chancellor now ruled the galaxy, and the young hero he had come to regard as his beloved brother lay dying on the charred gravel of a hellish world.


  • 议长现在统治银河。眼前这位曾被视为亲兄弟年轻英雄一个地狱般星球焦黑沙砾上,奄奄一息

    The Chancellor now ruled the galaxy, and the young hero he had come to regard as his beloved brother lay dying on the charred gravel of a hellish world.


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