• “十专营种类繁多廉价商品现在价格二十五美分或者五十美分到美元不等

    Dime stores specialize in a wide variety of inexpensive items and today, prices range from a quarter or 50 cents up to several dollars.


  • 加布里埃尔·加门迪亚不仅门票而且我们糖果洗劫一番买单。

    Gabriel Garmendia not only had to pay for the tickets, but also our "pillaging" of the candy store.


  • 过十年的努力,1967年6月,他设法攒够了,开了我们的第一家比萨饼

    After ten years of hard work, in June 1967, he managed to save enough and opened our first pizzeria.


  • 根据经验,这并不是份很工作女人一旦开始一家工作,反而花掉她不少

    Rather than being a lucrative job, in her experience, as soon as a woman starts working at one of the clubs, it costs her money.


  • 他俩要是出去吃饭老是六点前去这家海鲜,因为那时候这家优惠吃一顿晚饭只

    When they eat out, they always go to this seafood place before six when they can have early bird special dinner for eight dollars.


  • 个月丈夫离开村庄新德里的一家旅馆面包工作希望这样挣到足够养活五个孩子

    Three months ago, her husband left the village to work in a hotel bakery outside of New Delhi, hoping to earn enough to feed their five children.


  • 温饱农业的产值可能公顷的确只有200至300美元,但是这些当地人不够他们食品食品

    Subsistence farming may, indeed, yield only $200-300 per hectare but paying that sum to the locals will not give them shops in which to buy food.


  • 苹果为例,那些付给购物中心租金精品还有所有这些的内部工作人员,着实了一大笔的。

    Like with Apple, they have those rents in the shopping malls, fancy stores and all those hip people working there. That costs a lot.


  • 过去农场主赚不到什么,而星巴克这样大型咖啡连锁利润丰厚

    Small farmers in the past made little money and large coffee chains such as Starbucks made the profit.


  • 录像带租赁输入应收取数量(如果是现金)或者扫描信用卡

    The video rental clerk enters the amount of money received (if cash) or scans the credit card.


  • 艾尔从未收到版税,但也一直上学期间经常有媒体找上门来,他还在一家果汁打工

    While Elden has never seen a penny of royalties, he continues to make money from media requests while attending school and working part-time in a juice bar.


  • 温州的一位企业家所说,他们的亲朋好友也纷纷效仿,他:“邻居上海了一家小型洗衣赚了不少。”

    Friends and relatives followed, as explained by a Wenzhou entrepreneur: "My neighbor set up a small laundry shop in Shanghai and made some money."


  • 裁缝农场使可以购买家畜自己女儿们买嫁妆

    The money he earned from tailoring, and crop farming allowed him to buy livestock, necessary for the dowries of his daughters.


  • 电话一端打电话来是为了通知带去威尔谢商业区间康妮比萨会面。

    A man on the other end of the call instructs him to bring the money to a place called Connie's in Mid-Wilshire.


  • 起来于是了城堡街上一家面包顶上一个便宜旅馆夫街不远,尤金有一回这个地方

    I wanted to conserve it too, so I looked up a cheap hotel over a bakery on the Rue du chateau, just off the Rue DE Vanves, a place that Eugene had pointed out to me once.


  • 普拉掉头回到小屋里奥利条目册,以便提醒要把送到洗车一边办公室保险柜里。

    Carpluk headed back inside. She deposited o 'leary's money into the register, triggering an alert that it was time to take the money to the office safe on the other side of the car wash.


  • 然后到了卖的地方,理发,和一个水果摊,同时蒂姆·伯顿蝙蝠侠中的小丑一样散着

    Then he booked it to a butcher's shop, a hairdressers and a fruit stand, all the while tossing out money like the Joker in Tim Burton's Batman.


  • 知道,”,“洗衣不能约束访,你任何时候可以卖掉,然后花掉。”

    "You know, Joe," he said, "that you are not tied down to that laundry."There are no strings on it.You can sell it any time and blow the money.


  • 只是希望两三年内酸奶攒下足够一家小小的山西小吃连锁

    He just hopes that within two or three years, he can save enough of his yogurt profits to start a small chain store selling Shanxi snacks.


  • 一家零售工作,挣养活家里其他孩子

    She worked in a retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at home.


  • 榜单关注仅仅新颖性不是份大众美食指南,它所关注的餐厅都美食界的高级时装这种地方得攒够了才能去一次。

    A lot this is simply about novelty. This list isn't about the dining most people do. It's food couture.


  • 朋友bob两人少了没有足够买下这家

    And my friend Bob and I didn't have enough money to buy the store without him.


  • 好在他们我们但是我们被迫关门了,这样了。比较担心的是奖金可能会没有

    Fortunately, they didn't manage to get into my store but we're closed so we're losing money. I'm worried I may miss out on my bonus.


  • 如果我们市场里上,个小摊”,Goldberg,“那么我们挣,再一个容易了。”

    "If we first build a following at the markets and online," Ms. Goldberg said, "then we can get the money to open a storefront that much more easily."


  • 如果我们市场里上,个小摊”,Goldberg,“那么我们挣,再一个容易了。”

    If we first build a following at the markets and online,” Ms. Goldberg said, “then we can get the money to open a storefront that much more easily.”


  • 作为布拉德福德城市丰富纺织品文物很多得到一个好的价值

    As Bradford is a town with a rich textile heritage, there are many mill shops where you can get a very good value for your money.


  • 星期后这位闷闷不乐的顾客回到那家

    After three weeks the disconsolate customer returned to the shop and asked for his money back.


  • 表示:“尽管销量很高盈利有限。”虽然有着50%的利润附加费,但这家每天到的不到200

    "Although the sales volume is high, the profit is limited. The store earns less than 200 yuan a day despite its 50 percent profit mark-up," he said.


  • 而且它还可以我们节省不少我们实体更便宜

    And it can help us save much money, which is cheaper than what we buy in the physical store.


  • 而且它还可以我们节省不少我们实体更便宜

    And it can help us save much money, which is cheaper than what we buy in the physical store.


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