• 张,”说。她询问彩票所支助的项目。

    "Three for a dollar," I asked her what cause the raffle supported.


  • 首先他们人数不多;第二他们没什么,他们挨饿

    First of all, there are not many of them, and secondly, they have little money and, thirdly, they're hungry.


  • 起初报纸零售价很少会通常会收取

    At first the price of a copy of newspaper was seldom a pennyusually two or three cents was charged.


  • 据称,普里先生将这笔转入亲戚控制账户

    It is alleged that Mr. Puri transferred the money into accounts controlled by three relatives.


  • 由于接近目标年龄中的大多数老师,你很可能值,引出M——

    Since you're reaching the majority of the teachers in your target age group, you're probably spending your money well, which brings us to the third M—Money.


  • 在过去几年里,这个播客还要更多迄今为止所有本书的总和。

    The podcast has made me more money over the last few years than selling books, or all three of my books so far.


  • 你们网站,你们公司收到退货工作日还给现在已经过了五个工作日,我还没有收到任何退款

    It says on your website that your company will pay back the money within three working days of you receiving the returned item, but it's been five working days and I haven't received anything.


  • 整个冬天每周我们都能收到、一份礼物有时还能收到

    All that winter, three days a week, we received a bucket of coal, a gift and, sometimes, money.


  • 如果要把大笔资金清理环境灾难上,那么最好花在那些乏味紧迫问题上,比如处理世界国家卫生的问题上。

    If big sums are to be spent on cleaning up environmental disasters, it is better to spend them on unglamorous but pressing problems such as unsanitary water in Third World countries.


  • 过去里,亚马逊发布了1000多本关于幸福书籍包括快乐》、《所有人打造的幸福灵药》等,对于刚刚入门来说,还有《快乐初学者》。

    In the last three months alone, over 1,000 books on happiness were released on Amazon, including Happy Money, Happy-People-Pills For All, and, for those just starting out, Happiness for Beginners.


  • 表示:“年前我会我而言重要的东西但是如今家庭才是最重要的。”

    "Three years ago, I would say that money is the most important thing to me but now, family is," he said.


  • 问题银行明显愿意借给其他银行,特别是个月以上的借款。

    The problem is the apparent reluctance of Banks to lend to each other, particularly over three months.


  • 似乎是公平的:与其他国家相比德国冒险用更多资助脱离正途个国家

    That seems fair: Germany is putting more money at risk in funding the errant trio than any other country.


  • 我们家里的房子收入存入英国电子储蓄帐户,”大卫补充说“真希望我们把都兑成了欧元,那样我们现在就可以保住分之一。”

    "When we sold our family home, we put the proceeds in a UK e-savings account," David adds. "I wish we'd transferred the money into euros - we'd have now been about third better off."


  • 知道牛奶的价格,抑或年前面包的价格,就连周前酸奶价格我也记不住。

    I have no idea how much milk was six years ago, how much bread was three years ago or how much yogurt was a week ago.


  • 威尔逊一向擅长运用人物们动作姿态但是歌剧”中,演员的动作并不那么优雅,反而是机械呆板的。

    Wilson is famed for his use of posed body movements, but in "the Threepenny Opera," these movements are mechanical rather than elegant.


  • 纽约布鲁克林音乐学院舞台上,“歌剧”中柏林乐团的一幕里,剧中角色新娘说道,“艺术,它并不美好。”

    "It's art, it's not nice," a character says at one point to his new bride in the Berliner Ensemble's staging of "The Threepenny Opera" at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.


  • 实际上富人那里增收更多论据就是这提议并不是通过提高边际税率而执行的,而是通过制定有效率免税代码。

    Indeed, the third argument for raising more money from the rich isthat it can be done not by increasing marginal tax rates, but by making the taxcode more efficient.


  • 非洲广播节目只需花费获得位听众

    Radio programmes can cost as little as three cents to reach a listener in Africa.


  • 快乐俱乐部秘书预支-----比赛的失败者能得到数目,----再多一个子也不肯了。

    The secretary of the Gayety Club had advanced him three pounds - the loser's end of the purse - and beyond that had refused to go.


  • 使孩子可以上大学——他们中意的私立大学。

    But the money he saved allowed his three kids to go to college-the private college of their choice.


  • 已经我们食品商永远断绝来往

    I've finished with our grocer for good; that's the third time he's tried to give me short change.


  • 如果之前还没有支付我们就会开始寻找其资产

    We will start to look for assets on Wednesday if no money has been paid by then.


  • 老太太提醒来访者一个乞丐,她可以很多路,这样可以节省下作人力轮车了。

    The old woman reminded the guests that she is a beggar, and she can walk very well and she would not waste money taking xe om (taxi motorbike).


  • 知晓地方明白你可以节约的地方,诸如削减喝咖啡明治

    Being aware of how you spend your money can also show you where you could be saving, such as cutting down on coffees or making your own sandwiches.


  • 知晓地方明白你可以节约的地方,诸如削减喝咖啡明治

    Being aware of how you spend your money can also show you where you could be saving, such as cutting down on coffees or making your own sandwiches.


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