• 金融危机时期最好公司泛泛之辈的财务能力上的差距被拉大了。

    During the financial crisis the gap in financial strength between the best firms and the rest has grown.


  • 很多企业财务主管愿意持有常规更多现金考虑到他们公司债务规模以及金融系统脆弱性

    Many corporate treasurers will want to hold more cash than normal given the size of their firms' debt and the frailties of the financial system.


  • 2008年年末时值金融危机,南方保健公司的格里尼公司代理首席财务开会讨论计划提交华尔街公司收益预期

    In late 2008 during the financial crisis, HealthSouth's Grinney was meeting with his acting chief financial officer about earnings guidance the company planned to give Wall Street.


  • 法国企业财务主管协会近期项调查明确表示金融状况正在恶化公司要想从银行得到贷款更难付出利率更高

    A recent survey by the French association of corporate treasurers confirmed that financing conditions are worsening; companies are finding it harder to get bank funding, and are paying higher rates.


  • 莱德曾担任亚马逊国际业务财务副总裁,其这家在线零售巨头公司任职12众多金融领域均有任职经验。

    Mr. Child spent nearly 12 years at the giant online retailer, serving in a variety of financial roles.


  • 银监会必要指定会计师事务所消费金融公司经营状况、财务状况、风险状况、内部控制制度执行情况等进行审计

    The CBRC may designate an accounting firm, if necessary, to make an auditing of the consumer financial company about its business, finance, risk and internal control system and implementation.


  • 六西格玛能够投资者债权人提供一个系统方法可以鉴别最有可能从事金融诈骗活动正经历财务衰退公司

    Six Sigma can provide a systematic approach by which an investor or creditor can identify companies most likely to be engaged in fraudulent activities and experiencing financial decline.


  • 企业应收账款折价出售银行金融机构(应收账款收购商)或内部财务公司

    A finance technique in which a business sells invoiced receivables at a discount to a bank or finance house (the factor) or to an internal finance company.


  • 中国财务公司设立之初集团金融双重环境下运行的。

    China established from the beginning of the financial companies in the Group and that is double the financial environment operates.


  • 财务公司行政隶属于企业集团集团附属金融机构

    On the part of financial companies of enterprise groups, the Group is a subsidiary of financial institutions.


  • 面对复杂金融市场风险,保险公司资产负债管理技术发展趋向是动态财务分析型的动态资产负债管理技术。

    In the complicated financial market, the future ALM technologies in insurance company tend to be ones of dynamic ALM of dynamic financial Aanlysis (DFA) type.


  • 银行业存款类金融机构包括银行信用社财务公司

    Banking depository financial institutions include Banks, credit cooperatives and finance companies.


  • 保险公司要按时金融监督院保险监督局提交包括业务财务情况资金运用成果偿付能力内容的统计报告

    Insurance companies are required to submit statistical reports regularly regarding their business data, financial situation, investment results and solvency margin and so on.


  • 年金保险公司其他金融机构发行,由代理商银行储蓄贷款机构、股票经纪人财务顾问代售

    Annuities are sponsored by insurance companies and other financial institutions and sold by agents, Banks, savings and loans, stockbrokers, and financial planners.


  • 现任教于美国华盛顿大学,其主要研究教学领域期权期货公司财务金融经济学

    Associate Professor, Washington University. Research and teaching: options and futures, corporate finance, financial economics, etc.


  • 本办法所称金融机构法人包括政策性银行商业银行、企业集团财务公司其他金融机构。

    Financial institutions with legal person status in these rules include policy Banks, commercial Banks, finance companies and other financial institutions.


  • 应用领域主要有行为资产管理实践、行为公司财务理论实践、行为金融物理研究等。

    Several specific applications of behavioral finance include behavioral assets management practice, behavioral corporate financial theory and practice, and behavioral econophysics studies.


  • 这本公司财务现金管理财务公司使用主要金融工具分析

    The book is an analysis of corporate treasury and cash management with the principal financial instruments used by the corporate treasurer.


  • 公司并购预测与财务危机盈利能力股票价格预测一样,一直金融经济学理论实务界关注和争论的问题

    The forecastability of merger and acquisition of companies, like that of bankruptcy, profitability and stock price, is a hot issue debated among financial economists and investors for long time.


  • 随着二十世纪末亚洲金融危机爆发进入本世纪美国上市公司系列财务欺诈案件曝光,公司治理问题逐渐成为全球共同关注的焦点。

    With the outbreak of the Asian Financial fraud scandals of American listed companies at the very beginning of this century, corporate governance has become a global focus.


  • 信托投资公司财务公司金融租赁公司信用社比照执行。

    The trust and investment companies, finance companies, finance leasing companies and credit cooperatives shall conduct by reference to these Measures.


  • 众议院金融服务委员会确定世界电信首席执行官首席财务官在公司发布财务报表中的地位该二人处几乎没有得到任何协助

    The House Financial Services Committee received little assistance from the former CEO and CFO of WorldCom in its attempts to ascertain their role in the company's restatement of accounts.


  • 此外由于2008年金融危机后,企业纷纷执行更加保守财务政策公司手中现金储备之也是前所未见

    Further, large corporations are sitting on more cash than ever, having employed more conservative financial policies since the credit scare of 2008.


  • 第二通过分析金融资产管理公司特点确定经营目标财务目标。

    In chapter 2 I analyze the characteristics of the AMCs and confirm the opinion that the AMCs should reconstruct their operation target and finance target.


  • 第二通过分析金融资产管理公司特点确定经营目标财务目标。

    In chapter 2 I analyze the characteristics of the AMCs and confirm the opinion that the AMCs should reconstruct their operation target and finance target.


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