• 因此虽然基因自闭症障碍重要作用但是似乎以前研究表明重要

    Thus, while genes play an important role in autism spectrum disorder, it looks as if they are less important than previous studies have suggested.


  • 此外关于小武器问题的各种国际地区研讨会凝聚国际共识、加强经验和信息交流方面发挥了重要作用

    In addition, various international and regional seminars on SALW have played an important role in forming international consensus and increasing exchange of experience and information.


  • 地区机构亚洲演变中已经发挥重要作用

    Regional institutions have already played a significant part in Asia's evolution.


  • 斯坦证明树突状细胞可激活T细胞——适应免疫反应中发挥重要作用一类白细胞

    Steinman proved that dendritic cells activate t cells, a class of white blood cells that are important in adaptive immunity.


  • 基于营养生命最初几个月几年发挥至关重要作用证据以及适宜喂养方法在实现最佳健康方面重要

    It is based both on the evidence that nutrition plays a crucial role in the early months and years of life, and on the importance of appropriate feeding practices in achieving optimal health.


  • 费理强调一对一监督重要住院医生心理疗法早期的实践中帮助他们客服力不从心的感觉发挥重要作用

    Ferri emphasized the crucial importance of one-on-one supervision to help residents cope with feelings of inadequacy in their early efforts at psychotherapy.


  • 世卫组织可方面发挥重要作用协助会员国审阅不同途径获得资料现有安全证据进行评估。

    In this respect, WHO could play a critical role in assisting Member States and reviewing data from various sources for the evaluation of the available safety evidence.


  • 补充工程此类激励机制提供了范例,对制定面向贫困人口的刺激方案也有着重要作用。它们是专项现金援助工程救济工程。

    Two types of complementary programs that provide good examples of such incentives-also important in designing a pro-poor stimulus-are targeted cash transfers and relief work schemes.


  • 综合事务监控连续方面发挥重要作用直接不能胜任时,它们可以确认系统相对空闲期健康状况

    Synthetic transactions also play a key role in monitoring continuity to confirm a system's health during periods of relative inactivity, when direct sources are insufficient.


  • 不只负责扫描xml实例而且评定XML文档有效方面起重要作用

    It's not only responsible for scanning an XML instance, but it also plays an important role in assessing the validity of the XML document.


  • 中欧关系已成为国际舞台上稳定最有影响、最具建设大国关系之一,世界和平稳定发挥着重要作用

    Today, the most stable, constructive and influential ties between China and Europe among all major powers contribute enormously to world peace and stability.


  • 早期研究表明基于ebxmlubl服务有效负载的数量和XML模式复杂爆炸增长这里XQuery可以发挥重要作用

    Early analysis shows XQuery plays an important roll where payload sizes and XML schema complexity in ebXML - and UBL-based services are exploding.


  • 通风形式粮仓机械通风的效率均匀等设计指标具有重要作用

    The pattern of aeration duct plays an important role in the efficiency and uniformity of mechanical aeration utilization for grain storage.


  • 结论MSCTA一种无创成像方法脑血管疾病诊断术前术后评价中发挥重要作用

    Conclusion: as a harmless examination method, MSCTA plays an important role in detection, pre-operational and post-operational evaluation of brain vascular disease.


  • VEGF上皮卵巢癌的生长转移中可能重要作用

    VEGF plays an important role in the tumorigenicity and metastasis of OEC.


  • 环境因素机体生理过程改变支配重金属生物有效方面重要作用

    The changes of environmental factors and physiological processes of organism play an important role in controlling the bioavailability of metal to Marine bivalves.


  • 智能信息处理中,知识信息压缩重要作用涉及到知识的简化数据依赖概念

    Reduction of knowledge and compression of information play a very important role in data intelligence processing, which deal with concepts of knowledge reduction and data dependency.


  • 电信号是非平稳随机信号其中包含大量生理疾病信息对于医生判断脑部是否有器质的病变具有重要作用

    The signal of brain activity is a non-stationary random signal including lots of physiology and disease information, which is of important action for doctors to judge pathological changes in brain.


  • 英语语言作为一种国际语言学习先进科学技术、广泛进行经济文化交流工具当今国际经济社会生活发挥重要作用

    English, as an international language and a tool of communication in learning advanced science and technology, is playing a vitally important role in leading people on the way to the world.


  • 工厂人员设备可靠安全工厂的关键问题该合同的签订发挥重要作用

    The safety of personnel and equipment reliability are key issues for this plant, and played a significant role in the awarding of this contract.


  • 道德商业行为可持续社会影响只是起到重要作用一些个例

    Ethical business practices, sustainability and community impact are just a few examples of things that could be important to you.


  • 产品改造产品开发研制生产、使用过程中,可靠数据进行搜集处理都有着重要作用

    Collection and processing of reliability data have been playing an important role in reforming existing products and developing, manufacturing new products.


  • 教材编辑作为编辑队伍具有一定特殊组成部分素质能力对于教材的整体质量水平起到重要作用

    Textbook editor is a special component of editor's group, whose qualities and capabilities play an important role in the achievement of high textbook quality and level.


  • 人体结构复杂骨骼结构不规则决定了光继续发挥重要作用

    Since the complexity of body structure and irregularity of bone structure, thus the photoelasticity method is still playing its important role.


  • 渗透系数空间变异使得隧道开挖后围岩应力有明显非连续,对裂隙介质的耦合过程重要作用

    The spatial variability in permeability plays an important role in the coupled hydro-mechanical processes of the fractured rock mass and induces a discontinuous distribution of principal stresses.


  • 论述了保护耕作技术重要作用,指出目前我国保护耕作技术推广工作存在问题并提出解决措施

    The significance of sheltered cultivation technology is discussed in the paper, and the main existing problems and the solving strategies are pointed out in the process of technology extension work.


  • 论述了保护耕作技术重要作用,指出目前我国保护耕作技术推广工作存在问题并提出解决措施

    The significance of sheltered cultivation technology is discussed in the paper, and the main existing problems and the solving strategies are pointed out in the process of technology extension work.


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