• 一个学区课程教科书教师活动似乎没有什么战略重点

    There appears to be little strategic focus within a school district's curricula, its textbooks, or its teachers' activities.


  • 我们标准课程保证大大提高学习外语信心,而且四个技能领域重点教学

    Our Standard Course guarantees a significant increase in your confidence in a foreign language, with focused teaching in all 4 skill areas.


  • 现在大学课程重点实用功利不是通教育个人发展

    The emphasis of university programs today is now on the practical and the utilitarian, rather than on a general education or on personal development.


  • 根据证据为基础的做法政策重点一致提供最新本科生研究生课程

    Provide up-to-date undergraduate and postgraduate curricula based on evidence-based approaches, in keeping with policy priorities.


  • 但鉴于课程目的这点并不我们的讨论重点之内,所以也许偶尔会提及人的这些能力,但并不它们详尽列举出来

    For our purposes, I think that won't be crucial, and so I'll sometimes talk about this set of abilities without actually having a canonical list.


  • 这个训练课程重点需要进行敌后行动的特种部队提供训练,其中包括一个真实紧张而又残酷战场游戏

    The training programme, mostly undertaken by special forces who may need to operate behind enemy lines, involves a brutal war game that is almost as stressful as real combat.


  • 许多国家明确知道需要做些什么尤其是知道应将学校课程本国重点卫生需求挂钩,特别是应针对缺医少药社区的问题设计课程

    Many countries have a clear idea of what is needed, particularly in terms of matching school curricula with a nation's priority health needs, especially in underserved communities.


  • 体育课学校课程表上已不再重点课。

    Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable(= all the subjects that are taught at schools).


  • 课程重点数据分析以及概率论统计学理论基础

    This course focuses on analysis of data and the theoretical underpinnings of probability and statistics.


  • 大学化学》重庆大学十大重点建设系列课程之一

    University Chemistry is one of the ten key constructed courses of Chongqing University.


  • 所有学校数学科学重点在此基础上构建自己课程体系目标框架

    This is a framework of focal objectives for Math and Science for all schools to build their own curriculum upon.


  • 课程重点在于全球市场所有商业运营关注点具体的商业运作。

    The focus will not be on aspecific business, but rather concerns of all business operating in a globalmarketplace.


  • 社区大学继续教育项目提供多种语言包括文学电影甚至食物重点有趣课程

    Community colleges or continuing education programs offer a variety of language classes, including ones with a fun focus on literature, film, or even food.


  • 为了点钱卡内基根据自己接受的演员培训身为一个穷推销员的体验,设计了课程,将课程重点设定为如何克服忧虑

    To earn some money, he devised a course based on his training as an actor and his experience as a rather poor salesman, and focused it on how to conquer worry.


  • 课程财务报表分析实际业务应用重点会计工具商业决策方面应用

    This course Financial Statement Analysis and Practical business Applications focuses on the application of accounting tools for business decision-making.


  • 一个专门研究生课程资讯科技电讯行业市场需求重点

    This is a specialized graduate program focusing on the needs of the Information Technologies and Telecommunications industry and market.


  • 课程设计重点在于扩大知识面特定词汇改善沟通技巧工作背景

    Courses designed to widen your knowledge of specific vocabulary and improve communication skills in a work context.


  • 为了达成这个目标课程6.829主要重点期末专题,可以充分展现出课堂或是实际从事研究所获得的知识经验

    To this end, the term project is a major component of 6.829, since that's where you draw upon your knowledge and experience from the course readings and elsewhere to actually do research.


  • 这个学校课程偏重应用重点准备毕业工作上,所以非常注重就业方向。

    Well, the course at this university has a vocational focus, that is a focus on preparing its graduates for work, so we're orientated very much towards employment.


  • 课程包罗广泛阅读书目概括课程主题课堂讲稿重点

    This class features an extensive reading list, and a lecture note which summarizes the themes of the class.


  • 课程重点让学生能够将设计思想清晰确凿传达创作团队成员以及观众。

    The emphasis here is on communicating design ideas clearly and with assurance to members of the creative production team and to the audience.


  • 这个版本课程强调运动建立一个严格功能强大的分析方法上,是从不同方法学系运动学制定,因此2007春季的课程重点有所不同。

    This version of the class stresses kinematics and builds around a strict but powerful approach to kinematic formulation which is different from the approach presented in Spring 2007.


  • 法国为主课程白俄罗斯发挥智能离开足球防守职责工作重点集体努力,希望能够达成一个0 - 0平局。

    France dominated of course, but Belarus played intelligent away football, focusing on defensive duties and collective hard work, hoping to reach a 0-0 draw.


  • 课程重点强调,如何通过分析方法提供资料通常是一个多种图谱)来进行结构鑑定。

    The major emphasis of this course is on structure determination by way of interpreting the data (generally in the form of a spectrum or spectra) that each method provides.


  • 课程重点强调,如何通过分析方法提供资料通常是一个多种图谱)来进行结构鑑定。

    The major emphasis of this course is on structure determination by way of interpreting the data (generally in the form of a spectrum or spectra) that each method provides.


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