• 环保组织 Oceana海洋生物学家里芬说,过去10年数量最多佛罗海龟数量减少了50%。

    The South Florida nesting population, the largest, has declined by 50% in the last decade, according to Elizabeth Griffin, a marine biologist with the environmental group Oceana.


  • 宣传标语残暴僵化就像一部马克思兄弟主演的莱妮·里芬斯塔尔的电影

    The propaganda was relentless and ritualized, like a Leni Riefenstahl film starring a Marx Brother.


  • 研究稀有小型类的科学家·里芬(Larry Griffin),“三眼恐龙虾迅速长成,周内产下数百

    Scientist Larry Griffin who has studied the rare shrimp, said, “Triops matures rapidly and produces hundreds of eggs in just a couple of weeks.


  • 1912年,弗莉达·冯·希托私奔了。

    In 1912 he eloped with Frieda von Richthofen.


  • 说,发现了一个半沙子水瓶看起来好像一开始

    Buffington says he found a soda bottle half buried in the sand that looked like it had been there since the beginning of time.


  • 说,发现了一个半沙子水瓶,“看起来就像是一开始一样。”

    Buffington says he found a soda bottle half buried in the sand that "looked like it had been there since the beginning of time."


  • 候选人我们办公室去时,我们看到他的垃圾桶达饮料听。

    When the candidate called us to his office, we saw the Fanta can in his garbage pail.


  • 奥列给了我们个很好的例子,它展示一天显示出的所有不好的语言习惯

    Oliphant gives us a good sample of Kerry on a bad day, with all his unfortunate verbal habits on show.


  • “科尔伯特报道”这项节目推销它们成功地让马特·劳尔安娜赫戈尔名人公共场合佩戴它们。

    He promoted them on his show, the Colbert Report, and successfully badgered celebrities such as Matt Lauer, Arianna Huffington and Al Gore into wearing them in public.


  • 最后右下角,我们看到小鸟,它在奥列大多数作品出现过。

    Finally, in the lower right we see the little bird who figures in most Oliphant cartoons.


  • 冰激凌勺子上轻轻上不粘涂层喷涂,然后使用糊状物(用鸡蛋、牛奶、面粉等调)均匀的放进制作纸杯蛋糕蛋糕的容器

    Lightly coat an ice-cream scoop with cooking spray and use it for spoon even amounts of batter into cupcake or muffin tin liners.


  • 在斯黛姐妹父母相继过世后,索菲跟随“吉尼亚小姐” 和 瓦纳莎一同来到布鲁姆斯伯,姐妹俩决定尝试一种新的生活方式,因此一些旧式的行为方式抛弃,譬如要穿戴整齐后才能吃晚餐。

    Some of the old-fashioned ways of doing things—dressing for dinner, for examplewent by the board, but the sisters still expected Sophie to produce three meals a day.


  • 安吉德斯要求布兰克详细阐述去年我们参与明显是错误的我们理由为此表示遗憾道歉”的声明

    Angelides asked Blankfein to elaborate on his statement last year that "we participated in things that were clearly wrong, and we have reasons to regret and apologize for."


  • 喜欢格言35老友兼合伙人杰弗•卡岑贝格(JeffreyKatzenberg)如是说。 他们二人连同斯蒂斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)一起创建梦工厂

    Mr Geffen is also fond of the maxim, says Jeffrey Katzenberg, a friend for 35 years and his partner, along with Steven Spielberg, in the creation of DreamWorks SKG.


  • 国家食品药品监督管理局8日宣布,停止减肥药片盐酸氟拉国内的使用,同时禁止其它食品添加该药物

    The State Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday that the diet drug fenfluramine hydrochloride will be banned across the nation due to the health risk it poses to the heart.


  • 这项新的研究另一名专家· 克尔博士( Dr. EliFinkel) 誉为做出了“分水岭”式的贡献美国西北大学社会心理学副教授主攻关系研究。

    The new research is termed a "watershed" contribution by another expert, Dr. Eli Finkel, an associate professor of social psychology at Northwestern University, who has researched relationships.


  • 以及其他他们这般人物应该提到马基雅随意的把历史人物文学人物混为一谈了,旧约,李维,普鲁塔克,以及色诺的时候。

    And others of their kind: it should be noted that Machiavelli mixes historical and literary figures somewhat indiscriminately here from his readings of the Old Testament, Livy, Plutarch, and Xenophon.


  • 我听说大二的时候布朗大学的演讲答对了一个问题有人喊道格兰多加十分真的吗?

    Is it true that someone yelled "10 points to Gryffindor" after you answered a question correctly in a lecture hall at Brown, where you're a sophomore? -brent Cronin, BOTHELL, WASH.


  • 新闻报纸金融分析师劳伦·奇•估计报纸收入1美元相应在线内容收入20到30美分

    Lauren Rich Fine, a financial analyst of newspapers, estimates that for every advertising dollar that a newspaper gets for a print reader, it receives only 20-30 cents for his online equivalent.


  • 斯托剧本所塑造的苏格拉底就是一个智者的形象

    This is the impression that is given by Aristophanes' caricature of Socrates in his play, The Clouds.


  • 衣服都是干草!死了!”喊道

    "I have hay inside my dress! It itches!" called Fern.


  • 条白就得浮出水面换气的未冻水域还有13英之遥。

    A beluga needs to surface for air about every half mile; free flowing water was more than13miles away in baffin bay.


  • 伊利·指出了旁边那个曾经屹立着第二座斯·克斯像的而长满苔藓开花藤蔓的光滑石台。

    Illyrio pointed out the smooth stone plinth on which the second sphinx once stood, now grown over with moss and flowering vines.


  • 时常客户打来电话,还有陌生人发来电子邮件,他们认为他们的电脑一定是中讨厌病毒因为他们的电脑老是在播放的《献给爱丽丝》。

    Every once in a while, a client will call or a stranger will email, sure that his or her computer has an annoying virus, because it won't stop playing Beethoven's For Elise.


  • 吃了剧痛的狂甩尾巴最后嚎叫着铁笼子再也不敢出来

    Finney has sharp pain up the tail, the last yard, howling hide in cages, no longer afraid to come out.


  • 二十多岁的约瑟猫咪算是少见的寿星了。

    Josephine is a rare longevity for cats in her middle twenties.


  • 二十多岁的约瑟猫咪算是少见的寿星了。

    Josephine is a rare longevity for cats in her middle twenties.


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