• 油箱足够这一地区转上一天必须提前计划。”该县工程师马丁·里斯一边给一沼气沃尔沃加满油,一边

    "A tank is enough to get you around the region for the day, but you have to plan ahead," Martin Risberg, a county engineer, said as he filled a biogas Volvo.


  • 员工休陪产孩子们一起时,会得到种新的培训如何压力保持冷静。”发言人里斯·埃尔伯·霍尔姆

    "When an employee goes on paternity leave and is with his kids, he gets a new kind of training: in how to keep cool under stress," says spokesperson Christine Elberg Holm.


  • 员工休陪产孩子们一起时,会得到种新的培训如何压力保持冷静。”发言人里斯·埃尔伯·霍尔姆

    "When an employee goes on paternity leave and is with his kids, he gets a new kind of training: in how to keep cool under stress," says spokesperson Christine Elberg Holm.


  • 很多情况下实际上可以预测曲线。”该公司首席执行官里斯托弗·阿尔伯

    "The cool thing is, you can actually predict the curve, in many cases, " says company CEO Christopher Ahlberg.


  • :比赛结束里斯托弗总是汉堡包和炸薯条。

    Glen: Christopher and I always go for hamburgers and fries after the game.


  • 里斯托尔尔的大学开展这项研究专家含糖饮料使人们的味觉迟钝的速度之快深感吃惊。

    Experts who carried out the research at the universities of Bristol and Bangor expressed surprise at how quickly tastes could be dulled by exposure to sweet drinks.


  • 探究里斯·周围地区之后,约翰儿子们翻过桑迪山脉,在布莱克下面勘察土地他们决定在这狭长的山谷里定居下来

    After exploring the area around Shirley's burg, John and his sons rode over Sandy Ridge to survey the property below Black Log Mountain. It was here in a long narrow valley they decided to settle.


  • 作为文化历史学家,工作就是关注视觉图像是如何改变激励推动公众舆论的”此次展览的发起人莫里斯·如是说。

    "My work as a cultural historian has been concentrated on how visual images can alter and inspire and move public opinion," said Maurice Berger, curator of the exhibition.


  • 阿莱里斯·玛丽娜那样英国汽车,在人们的记忆中一度称之为车轮的跳板,现在成为了那个愚昧时代国耻的象征。

    British cars like the Allegro and the Morris Marina, once memorably described as a skip on wheels, have come to embody the national humiliation of that benighted era.


  • 有些粉丝开始推测那个问题女孩可能温·斯西,漫画书中蜘蛛另一位女朋友蜘蛛3》中出现过,里斯·达拉斯·哈沃德饰演

    Some fans have begun speculating that the gal in question might be Gwen Stacy, another of Spidey's girlfriends from the comics, who was played by Bryce Dallas Howard in "Spider-Man 3."


  • 研究员里斯托弗•埃皮科学美国人》上发表文章:“传染病夺取处于发育阶段大脑能量一个因素

    Writing in Scientific American, researcher Christopher Eppig said: "Infectious disease is a factor that may rob large amounts of energy away from a developing brain.


  • 里斯托尔大学经济学家保罗·克莱说认为失业或者长的年轻人,事业可能永无出头之日。

    The careers of young people who are unemployed for a year or more are likely to be permanently scarred, says Paul Gregg, an economist at Bristol University.


  • 巴塞罗纳环境流行病研究中心的流行病学家马诺里斯维纳斯表示,这项研究还处于初期,建议人们停止游泳为时尚早。

    The work is too preliminary to suggest that people should stop swimming, said Manolis Kogevinas, an epidemiologist at the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona.


  • 不过,现任纽约驻地保安公司负责人里斯托弗.法尔肯伯认为有可能,由国会报销地方警察部门安全警卫费用。

    But Chris Falkenberg, now head of Insite Security in New York, says it is more likely Congress will move to reimburse local and state police for protective security costs.


  • 第二我们杰姬里斯弗农特德维基·肯尼迪以及埃德卡洛琳·肯尼迪。施洛斯·贝一起去划船游泳

    The next day we went sailing and swimming with Jackie and Maurice, Ann and Vernon, Ted and Vicki Kennedy, and Ed and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.


  • 这位同事需要·里斯客户提供一份热情洋溢的推荐信,好放到营销宣传册里

    His colleague needed one of Mr. Hargis's customers to furnish him with some glowing testimonial that he could spin into a marketing brochure.


  • 食物心理学家里斯森教授:“这种多疑偏执的现象令人担忧的。”

    Food psychologist Dr Christy Fergusson said: "it's quite worrying that we're so suspicious and paranoid."


  • 感谢伊丽莎白·巴大使副手里斯·鲍尔德斯滕。还要感谢我们公司伙伴

    And to Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley and her deputy, Kris Balderston, and our corporate partners — your generosity and commitment has made all of this possible.


  • 目前,戴维斯正在·里斯杰米尔·尼尔森组成进攻配对,弗朗西斯放在得分后卫位置上。

    Davis has been installing offensive sets with Doug Christie and Jameer Nelson at the point and Francis as the shooting guard.


  • 影响超越每一个喜剧演员,娜·菲、艾米·波勒桑德拉·伯纳德、罗珊妮·芭尔以及里斯汀·还有任何一位好莱坞女制片人。

    Her influence reigns over every female comicfrom Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to Sandra Bernhard, Roseanne Barr and Kristen Wiig - as well as any female Hollywood executive.


  • 发射名宇航员执行亚特兰蒂斯号的此次历史性任务指挥官里斯-驾驶员-赫利,宇航专家桑迪-纳斯瑞克斯-沃尔海姆。

    Whenever it launches, four astronauts will make the historic ride to orbit in Atlantis: commander Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley, and mission specialists Sandy Magnus and Rex Walheim.


  • 瓦瑟斯坦转向著名耶鲁计划梅丽尔斯特里普里斯托弗杜朗西妮•韦弗一道学习

    Wasserstein made her way to the prestigious Yale programme, studying with Meryl Streep, Christopher Durang and Sigourney Weaver.


  • 一个名叫里斯托弗·詹姆斯·雷丘斯的男童确诊白血病

    A seven year old boy named Christopher James Greicius was diagnosed with leukemia.


  • 2005年时,名叫里斯蒂娜·卡尔德龙老年妇女该语言最后剩下的使用者,她也是亚部落唯一的正宗传人。

    As of 2005, the last remaining speaker and pure-blood member of the Yaghan tribe was an elderly woman named Cristina Calderon.


  • 一些专家质疑是否应该允许灾民当地重建。克里斯·北京报道

    But some experts are questioning whether people should be allowed to rebuild in the areas affected by mudslides, as Chris Hogg reports from Beijing.


  • 里斯·:“可以同事讨论上司。”

    Kreisberg said: "you're allowed to talk about your supervisor with your co-workers."


  • 晋升高排名的欧洲城市布拉位列第55――超过里斯本,紧跟在华沙(第63名)布达佩斯(第92名)之后。 布达佩斯的排名则在欧洲所有城市下滑最多,下跌了15名。

    The highest-placed new EU member capitals are Prague, at 55thovertaking Lisbon—followed by Warsaw (63rd) and Budapest (92nd), which experienced the biggest slide, by 15 places, of any European city.


  • 里斯·斯特林教授伦敦自然史博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里恩教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一群人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


  • 里斯·斯特林教授伦敦自然史博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里恩教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一群人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


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