• 分析师国家不断释放信号控制煤价,暂时主盯应该还是动力市场

    Analysts said that China continued to release the signal to control the price of coal, it should still be the thermal coal market being given the most attention.


  • 凉爽透气被褥里身体的自然降温会释放信号帮助产生褪黑素,促进睡眠。

    Slipping in between cool, fresh sheets can help trigger a drop in your temperature. This coolness signals for the body to produce melatonin, the hormone which induces sleep.


  • 当然解决方案使用finally释放信号许可证,这是一个很简单容易被遗忘的方法

    The solution, of course, is to use finally to release the semaphore permit; an easy enough — but all-too-often-forgotten — approach.


  • 锁住信号释放信号量之间,要仔细考虑执行代码量、执行的操作类型、发出函数调用循环次数。

    After securing the lock, remain aware of the amount of code executed, the type of operations performed, the function calls made, and the amount of looping until releasing the lock.


  • 此外,骨同样直接脂肪细胞信号使它们释放另一种叫做联素激素,脂联素可使躯体更易受胰岛素影响

    Moreover osteocalcin also sends signals to fat cells directly, causing them to release another hormone called adiponectin that makes the body more sensitive to the effects of insulin.


  • 占据我们口腔里,鼻子上,覆盖所有皮肤,一刻不停地释放嘈杂的群体感应信号

    They're in your mouth, up your nose, and covering your skin, all the while releasing a cacophony of quorum-sensing signals.


  • 这个简单设备包含压力感知按钮我们按下或者释放该按钮时会发送一个信号

    It's a simple device that contains a pressure-sensitive button that sends a signal when it is pressed or released.


  • 研究团队中性抗体阻止癌细胞释放这种化学信号时,造血细胞就可以正常工作

    When the team blocked the release of this chemical signal with neutralizing antibodies, the blood-making cells went about their normal business.


  • 例如大脑就是依赖电脉冲释放依附神经传输体的离子,然后依次神经系统其余部分发出信号

    Human brains, for example, rely on electrical impulses to release calcium ions that bind to neurotransmitters that, in turn, communicate with the rest of the nervous system.


  • 接着又开始引起了自噬现象包括释放脂肪酸脂肪酸会释放饥饿信号告诉大脑需要更多食物

    That autophagy then set off a series of steps, which included releasing fatty acids, that resulted in the release of hunger signals, telling the brain that more food was needed.


  • 细菌利用化学信号相互沟通这个过程中释放接收能群体感应到的信号分子

    Bacteria communicate using chemical signals, releasing and receiving signalling molecules in a process known as quorum sensing.


  • 遥控无线信号发出后,股微小电流将激活芯片释放需要剂量

    When a remote wireless signal is sent, a tiny electrical current zaps the chip to release the desired quantity of the drug.


  • 如果下次需要筹资的时候,你图表显示逐月上升的收益或是交易,你就不必任何目前的投资者释放信号而担心。

    If by the next time you need to raise money, you have graphs showing rising revenue or traffic month after month, you don't have to worry about any signals your existing investors are sending.


  • 人们所知细菌群感效应过程中,细菌同样释放探测以及有机信号分子产生反应

    Bacteria also release, detect and respond to organic signaling molecules in a process known as quorum sensing.


  • 这种毒素阻止大脑释放化学信号从而抑制肌肉收缩

    By blocking the release of a chemical messenger in the brain, the toxin stops muscles from contracting.


  • 性能下降问题诸如释放资源包括文件句柄连接信号流)失败

    Performance Degradations such as failure to correctly release resources including file handles, connections, semaphores, and streams


  • 这个函数最后获取释放执行控制台信号条日志消息发送控制台(release_console_sem中执行)。

    At the end of this function, a gratuitous acquisition and release of the console semaphore is performed that emits the next log message to the console (performed within release_console_sem).


  • 陡峭山坡雪崩一样束入射脉冲最初仅仅释放少数的电荷载子(charge carrier),这些电荷载子再轮流释放其他的载子,直到原始信号放大很多

    Analogous to a snow avalanche on a steep mountain slope, an incoming light pulse initially frees just a few charge carriers which in turn free others until the original signal is amplified many times.


  • 自动重置事件(auto reset event)中,对象状态一直维持为有信号状态,直到单个正在等待线程释放为止。

    In the auto reset event, the state of the object remains signaled until a single waiting thread is released.


  • 对于那些比赛看谁手机释放辐射来说苹果公司早承认了iPhone4信号接收问题的缺陷。

    So for those of you keeping score: Trying to get a signal on your phone releases more radiation. Apple already underwent a firestorm for the iPhone 4's reception problems.


  • 15日,第106届中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)广州开幕作为中国外贸的风向标,本届广交会有望释放积极信号

    Healthier signs are expected for China's foreign trade judging by China's 106th Export and Import Trade Fair (Canton Fair), which kicked off Thursday in Guangzhou.


  • 这个警报传递出一个信号肾上腺使其释放大量应激激素包括肾上腺皮质醇

    This alarm sends a signal to your adrenal glands to release a surge of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.


  • 例如如果释放(相当于一直持有信号),导致阻塞问题

    For example, if you are not releasing the lock (equivalent to holding a semaphore), you will create your own blockage problem.


  • 根据一份2009年的安全报告手机搜寻无线信号时会释放更多辐射

    According to a 2009 safety report, cell phones release more radiation when they are searching for wireless signals.


  • 同时睡眠不足会使身体释放更多的生长激素释放多肽素,前者会发出饥饿信号,后者则告诉身体已经吃饱。

    At the same time, Breus says, sleep deprivation causes your body to release more ghrelin, the hormone that signals hunger, and less leptin, the hormone that tells your body it's full.


  • 照射到这个感应芯片上面然后原子中激发释放电子这样产生信号然后通过芯片电子器件转化图像

    Light striking this detector liberates electrons from some of the silicon atoms, producing an electrical signal that is converted by the chip's electronics into a picture.


  • 正在等待的线程释放时,状态就被设置信号的状态。

    When the waiting thread is released, the state is reset to non-signaled state.


  • 为了心灵受创伤之前避免受到伤害大脑释放防护性化学信号同时也会引发强烈的幻觉

    In order to guard against damage during trauma, the brain releases protective chemicals that also happen to trigger intense hallucinations.


  • 为了心灵受创伤之前避免受到伤害大脑释放防护性化学信号同时也会引发强烈的幻觉

    In order to guard against damage during trauma, the brain releases protective chemicals that also happen to trigger intense hallucinations.


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