• 公司比利时特姆瑟开了一个中央配送中心

    The company opened a central distribution center in Temse, Belgium.


  • 本文通过两个不同方法数学模型建立定量分析配送中心选址

    This text analyses the site selection of the distribution center through the ration of setting -up of two different method mathematics models and draws relatively good scheme for site selec-ti.


  • 实现配送中心运作决策一体化,构建多物品级库存和运输决策优化模型

    An optimization model was proposed to integrate operation decisions of distribution center by taking into account both the transportation and inventory cost of distribution centre and customers.


  • 为此,提出定量化启发式算法初步确定电子商务环境下配送中心选址方案

    The paper proposes the method combining quantitative heuristic algorithm to make certain the logistics distribution center location project under electronic commerce conditions.


  • 建立了连锁门店选址配送中心选择联合决策问题模糊多目标混合整数规划模型

    The joint decision-making problem for chain store location and distribution center selection is formulated as a fuzzy multi-objective mixed-integer programming model.


  • 企业不再拘泥本国很多不同国家建设生产中心仓库配送中心

    Companies are not only located in their home countries, but the production centers, warehouses, distribution centers are also built up in different countries as well.


  • 大量规模较大生产企业商业企业纷纷建立起配送中心,向商品流通效率发起挑战

    The massive bigger scales production enterprise and the commercial department establish matches delivers center, initiates the challenge to the efficiency of commodities circulation.


  • 系统可根据需要灵活配置,且结构简单使用维护方便,适用中小规模卷烟配送中心

    The system featured flexible configuration, simple structure, convenient operation and maintenance, and was suitable for small or middle scale cigarette distribution center.


  • 配送中心可以几种同类产品未来市场占有率进行预测从而实现自身价值提高客户满意度

    Distribution center can predict the future occupation rate of market for several kinds of like products to realize one's own value and raise customer satisfaction.


  • 摘要配送中心选址物流选址问题占有重要地位对于连锁经营全过程有着至关重要作用

    Abstract: location of distribution center location problem in logistics plays an important role in the whole process, chain operation has a crucial role in.


  • 摘要物流配送中心整个物流系统关键环节对于降低物流成本提高物流效率具有重大意义

    Abstract: : the logistics distribution center is a key link in the whole logistics system, and it has great significance for reducing logistics costs and improving logistics efficiency.


  • 根据连锁经营企业特点提出各分店配送中心集中订货和相互之间商品上支援调拨策略

    On the basis of characteristics of catenation enterprises, this paper presents a policy for the group ordering of chain stores and distribution centers, and the resource allocating among them.


  • 影响配送中心货作业效率分区策略进行了介绍拣货分区设计某些策略进行了举例说明

    The paper introduces zoning strategy having effect on the efficiency of picking in distribution centre and gives some examples in design of picking zoning.


  • 第二是大中型零售企业配送中心,所配送商品种类仅限于大型家电家具急需扩大业务范围

    Second, distribution centers belong to large and middle retail corporations should also enlarge the scope of distributing goods besides big size electrical appliance and furniture.


  • 采用道路数据库对电子地图进行存储,对于得到地图上若干送货点配送中心拓扑关系十分有效

    It's very effective to get the topological relationships between distribution destinations and a physical distribution center when we use the road net database.


  • 分销系统运营成本不仅与所采取库存控制策略有关,配送中心货源不足分配策略有关。

    The operating cost of a distribution system depends not only on the inventory policy, but also on the allocation policy when the warehouse runs out of stock.


  • 选址问题关系配送中心所能供应区域店铺数量,关系到物流配送效率连锁体系效益成本

    Location problem is related to the distribution center can supply of the region and the number of stores, related to the efficiency of logistics distribution and chain benefits and costs.


  • 用于修理维修退款订单差错之前运抵货物客户处运回生产商配送中心系统方法

    The systems and methods used to move previously shipped goods from a customer back to a manufacturer or distribution centre due to repair, service, credit or order error issues.


  • 沃尔玛新的配送中心9月开始运营,以前那个与位于上海西北联华高效配送中心相比,要逊色得多。

    Wal-Mart will move to a new distribution hub in September. Its old one is outclassed by the cool efficiency of Lianhua's distribution centre in north-west Shanghai.


  • 强大的采购供应链条之外,佳百货建立物流配送中心实现门店商品全程配送,实现成本节约财富速递

    Besides the powerful purchase and supply chain, Kafoul still founds the logistics distribution center that realizes door to store distributing, cost saving and wealth expressing.


  • 一个资源导向经济里,配送货物服务而不需使用金钱象征物方法可以透过建立配送中心达成

    The method for the distribution of goods and services in a resource-based economy without the use of money or tokens could be accomplished through the establishment of distribution centers.


  • 实例研究表明,算法高效求得模型优化解,求解配送中心选择这类复杂优化问题一个方法

    According to the example research, such a calculation method can get optimizing result for the model and it is the better method to solve such complicated problems for the distribution centers.


  • 论文首先供应链核心企业角度出发,对主要发生供应链组建阶段配送中心选择评价问题进行了研究。

    First, evaluation of supply chain distribution center selection, which happened at the starting stage of the supply chain, is researched from the point of view of supply chain core enterprise.


  • Wumart公共关系官员Fu Yu:“所有产品送到我们超市之前,已生产配送中心进行彻底检验。”

    Fu Yu, Public Relations Officer of Wumart, said, "All food is thoroughly tested in production and distribution centers before it arrives at our supermarkets."


  • 根据配送中心货物包装种类繁多,且车辆装载能力体积受到限制,提出了多包装形式下的货物配装问题

    Because there were many kinds of packaging in the logistic center and the capacity of vehicle was limited, the problem of the loading of goods under the situation of multi-packaging was put forward.


  • 提出采用距离最近分配将多配送中心车辆调度问题分解为多个配送中心车辆调度问题进行求解策略

    The solving tactics of dividing a multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem into several single-depot vehicle scheduling problems by using the minimum distance distribution method is presented.


  • 提出采用距离最近分配将多配送中心车辆调度问题分解为多个配送中心车辆调度问题进行求解策略

    The solving tactics of dividing a multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem into several single-depot vehicle scheduling problems by using the minimum distance distribution method is presented.


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