• 正是立体派都市风景

    This was the cityscape of Cubism.


  • 都市风景系列作品开始具有观念倾向表达

    His works begin to have the tendency of expressing concept. 3, Chinese teapot series.


  • 多伦多照旧座闻名的旅游都会,都市风景天然风光人恋恋不舍

    Toronto is a popular tourist city, its urban landscape and natural beauty are hard to forget.


  • 都市风景破坏关于游泳模糊灰色片薄雾中,黑白闪光

    The cityscape and its destruction thereof swims by in a haze of blurry gray, black and white flashes.


  • 造访可以感受这个气氛,彷佛都市风景遇见屹立久的物体

    As a visitor you can assume this mood and feel like you've come across a found object in a vast cityscape.


  • 尖顶必须一个圆形房间,其中,能人向外眺望科洛桑都市风景

    The spire had to house a round room, with Windows giving a view out over the cityscape of Coruscant.


  • 可以优雅别致酒吧里彻底放松自己,一边欣赏绚丽都市风景,一边沉醉爵士乐的美妙旋律之中。

    Sit back with a glass of wine or a whiskey at this stylish and chic bar, as you enjoy spectacular city views and immerse in the sounds of jazz music.


  • 在这个展览中,透视本身一种光线布置。该展览体现都市风景新的夜间感知,以及现代性透视画法

    The exhibition which scenography is by itself a light installation shows the urban landscape new night identity and the modernity of its scenography.


  • 意大利艺术家FrancoRecchia对科技世界作深入研究,擅长混合材料型雕塑,尤其关注都市风景相关主题

    Italian artist Franco Recchia delves into the world of technology and the man made form in his mixed-media sculptures that focus on the urban landscape and related themes.


  • 设计师避免繁忙人行道边强加堵厚厚的墙壁因为厚厚的墙壁人的视线变得狭隘,感受不到外面的都市风景

    The firm wanted to avoid imposing a solid wall at the busy sidewalk, but did not have any space to concede for plazas or other urban gestures.


  • 除此之外,关于怎样拍摄风景没有纯粹绝对定义其本身而论,具有十分宽泛的意义,囊括都市工业宏观自然摄影

    Despite this, there is no pure or absolute definition of what makes a landscape in photography, as such it has become very broad term, encompassing urban, industrial, macro and nature photography.


  • 在重庆这个繁华都市哪里能够遇到那样的人,能够看透这座城市无以伦比的旺盛精力和繁华,指引我欣赏她背后风景

    Where in the sprawl could I find the oddballs able to see through the glare and take advantage of the city's unmatched energy?


  • 即使这个都市海拔高度及其周边高山不能保证有雪,但是良好天气以及令人瞠目结舌的风景使得基茨比厄尔成为唯一地球级的滑雪胜地

    Even though the altitude of the country or its surrounding Alps is not full to guarantee here, the bad weather or breathtaking scenery do Kitzbuhel a state-class ski resort.


  • 郊区希奇气氛优美风景吸收很多过度拥挤都市搬进去,加重住房压力

    The fresh air and enchanting scenery in the suburbaloney will pull many people from the overcrowded city preventing the pressure of housing.


  • 项目场地位于封闭公寓界线内,后部高度8我们欣赏瓜达拉哈拉都市区的东部风景

    The land is located in the limit of a closed condominium, with a height difference of 8 meters at the back, which allows us to release the views to the east of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara.


  • 都市的华丽、梦想的色彩、蓝调的慵懒、咖啡里的风景浪漫中的归属,精致生活的诗意如同午后阳光悄悄地洒遍每一处角落

    The magnificence, color, lazy, scenery, attribution in a romantic and perfect life, as the afternoon sunshine, quietly spray in every corner.


  • 身处都市我们,会认为大山里的山村一定有着优美的自然风景适宜生存环境

    Living in the city, village in the mountains, must have beautiful natural scenery, and a suitable living environment.


  • 漆黑夜空天灯灿烂之时,都市的夜空增添一道亮丽风景

    And when the dark night sky lantern brilliant, will give the city the night sky to add a beautiful landscape.


  • 宾馆写字楼大型建筑场所得到惯犯应用现代都市增添了一道亮丽风景

    The wide use of panoramic elevator by hotels, business centers and other big buildings make pretty beautiful scenery for modem cities.


  • 湖滨湿地公园,湖光美色风景秀丽喧闹的都市少有的一绿洲

    Yang LAN lake owned left and right hold lake wetland, lake and beautiful women, beautiful scenery, is a bustling little city in a Fanglv Zhou.


  • 一个南昌都市同样公交站台,同样公交车厢,亲眼目睹南昌公交事业巨变只能内心感叹:南昌公交“人间”,南昌公交这边风景好!

    Nanchang city, with a bus station, the same as in the bus, witnessed the career change, nanchang bus from heart laments : you can change the world of nanchang bus ", "nanchang bus here scenery with a!


  • 现在我们单单来看对待风景态度自己曾说过天生热爱自然喜欢旅游自然中可以体会到更多都市喧嚣被掩盖东西,在自然中她快乐。

    Now we only see the Qin Zhen treating scenery attitude, she said, her inborn love nature, like to travel, in nature can realize more hidden things than in metropolitan uproar, in nature she is happy.


  • 沿线创作重点拍摄风景巴瓦,寻找心目中的香格里拉成为现代都市追求梦想

    Focus on creative shooting is sent along the scenic and Barwa village, looking for the eyes of Shangri-La has become a modern city and the pursuit of dreams.


  • 沿线创作重点拍摄风景巴瓦,寻找心目中的香格里拉成为现代都市追求梦想

    Focus on creative shooting is sent along the scenic and Barwa village, looking for the eyes of Shangri-La has become a modern city and the pursuit of dreams.


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