• 的话一辈铭记着。

    Her words have lived with me all my life.


  • 不想一辈办公室里—我享受人生乐趣

    I don't want to be stuck in an office all my life—I want to live!


  • 我们一下大笑起来。

    We all exploded into wild laughter.


  • 那条蛇昂起,吐出信每个人了一

    The snake picked up its head and stuck out its tongue which gave everyone a fright.


  • 每个成员团队通常清楚自己需要什么应该何时以及交付什么工作产品

    Every member or sub-team has its own idea of what to do, when it should be done, and what work products to deliver.


  • 班杰正式拜访他们准确拜访任何人的确件了不起

    This was a wonderful thing, indeed, that the Badger should pay a formal call on them, or indeed on anybody.


  • 虽然所有这些才能令人印象深刻,但与在众目睽睽之下“消失”的能力相比它们一下就逊色了

    While all these talents are impressive, they pale compared to its ability to "disappear" from plain sight.


  • 生来就没有下半截腿,一辈戴着假肢。

    She was born without the lower half of her legs and has worn prosthetic ones all her life.


  • 彼得了起来,一样,一下清醒了发出声警告叫声其他人吵醒了。

    Peter sprang erect, as wide awake at once as a dog, and with one warning cry, he roused the others.


  • 就是说工作区显示了一系列定义,该定义包含最近版本

    That is, each child Workspace shows the set of definitions containing the most recent versions from their perspective.


  • 关于篇文章所有相关信息表示属性元素

    All of the relevant information about this article is expressed either as an attribute or child element.


  • 青一块,一块,永远记录那年学校合影上所以一辈忘不了。

    My green and red face was immortalized in the school photo that year so I will never fet.


  • 如果一辈滞留挤满人飞机里,一直坐在其他人中间,你难道不觉得容易受某个乘客传染得感冒吗?

    If you were stuck for your entire life in the middle seat of a crowded airplane, do you think you might be liable catch a fellow passenger's cold?


  • 每个目录具有图像脚本等等所有内容存储站点目录中。

    You'd have images and scripts and so on for each, all stored within that sub-site's directories.


  • 请注意本文中,我们提到授权服务器然而所有DB2版本支持容量授权(独自授权 DB2 服务器正在使用容量)。

    Note: In this article we refer to licensing a server; however, all DB2 editions support sub-capacity licensing where you solely license the capacity that the DB2 server is using.


  • 过去零三个月中学到的东西,恐怕大多数一辈不到因此,我还真得感谢癌症

    'What I have learned in the last three years most people don't learn in a lifetime and I have to thank cancer for that.


  • 及时地捕捉那些瞬间呈现每个人总是微笑的,光亮总是恰到好处有些总会汲取教训或者一辈记得那段回忆。

    Moments captured in time that make it appear that everyone is always smiling, the light is always just right, and someone is always learning a lesson or making a memory to last a lifetime.


  • 如果一辈滞留挤满人飞机里,一直坐在其他人中间,你难道不觉得容易受某个乘客的传染得感冒吗?

    If you were stuck for your entire life in the middle seat of a crowded airplane, do you think you might be liable catch a fellow passengerâ s cold?


  • 第一亲眼目睹弟弟流血的画面挥之不去,也许一辈忘不了。

    That first time that she saw her brother bleeding has stuck with her. I think it will always be inside.


  • 这些硬汉,一辈得很坚强现在他们找到一个可以宣泄一切情绪,只自己地方

    These are guys that have been tough, the strong person all their life, and now they've found an environment where they can let it all out, and be themselves.


  • 慈善家目的是想让这些一辈不完自己的人考虑一下将财富他人身上。

    The point the two philanthropists were making was that those who have more money than they can ever spend on themselves should consider spending it on others.


  • 这里注意一点,不管节点标记所有节点进行迭代

    A point to note is that iteration takes place over all child nodes, whatever tags they may have.


  • 该关系中的每个活动表示一个包含活动的高级活动。

    Each activity in the diagram represents a high-level activity that contains subactivities.


  • 后来一辈怕了这些,就像现在办公室里,生怕电话

    I am scarred for life from this, and now cower in my office in fear that the phone will ring.


  • 不无遗憾我们中的大部分人,生来几种食品而且一辈这样

    The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives.


  • 他嘀咕道:“不会相信坐的是经济舱我一辈不掉这个习惯。”

    "Can you believe it... I'm in economy! Oh well can't change the habit of a lifetime," he tweeted.


  • 每个复合状态包括状态

    Each composite state includes a sub-state machine.


  • 格莱先生看见你们大家一下跟着一定相当惊奇吧好象记得比你们早走天。

    It must have been a most agreeable surprise to Mr. Bingley to see you all after him so soon; for, if I recollect right, he went but the day before.


  • 那种兴奋之情,还有大量工作困惑一下扑向了这个即干摄影又做报道的新职员,把我搞得筋疲力尽

    The excitement of that day, and the amount of work and confusion it imposed on myself, as a young fellow who was part stenographer and part reporter, proved exhausting.


  • 很快就知道了,当开始奔跑时,你一辈停不下来。

    I quickly learned that if you start runnin’, you’ll be runnin’ the rest of your life.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定