• 有人现在信用卡推销保险厉害,简直无孔不入

    Some people say that now sell credit CARDS than sell insurance are formidable, it is all-pervasive.


  • 认识两个小时,不过已经明显能看出你比我们许多人都厉害

    Akemi, I’ve only known you for two hours now, and it’s obvious you are ahead of many of us.


  • 晚饭快吃完时候,玛格丽特突然又起来,来到后看到的的每次咳嗽都厉害

    Towards the end of supper, Marguerite was taken with a fit of coughing much stronger than any she had had while I had been there.


  • 朵花病得很厉害——几乎要死了,所以吉姆小心翼翼地把它挖了出来,连根带土,什么挖了出来。

    The flower was very sick—almost dying, so Jim carefully dug up the flower, with roots, soil and everything.


  • 他们表示感谢,但我却昏倒了,头撞在了食具柜上,在我即将昏迷的一瞬,最后念头是,如果得足够厉害或许可以卧床休息一两天,那样可以有几天不用学校,并使别人我稍加观注。

    Instead, I fainted and hit my head on the sideboard, my last thought before passing out being that maybe if I hit myself hard enough I would get a couple of days in bed. A while off school.


  • 凌晨疼醒了,疼的厉害,腿开始发黑了。妻子医院后,医生警告,有可能截肢

    By the time my wife got me to hospital, my leg was going black and the doctors were warning me they might need to amputate it.


  • 批评得最厉害人声称所有伐木工木材加工厂工人失业。

    My loudest critics claimed I wanted to put every log hauler and mill worker out of business.


  • 误解,我任何时候相信公民媒体潜力一定程度上是因为目睹了一些厉害实验证明这种潜力的存在。

    Make no mistake: I believe in the potential of citizen media more than ever, partly because I've seen some wonderful experiments that prove out the potential.


  • 费拉讲了一类以后,马吕斯整个星期不敢见女人无论是年轻年老的,以前任何时候避得厉害,尤其避免和古费拉克见面。

    When Courfeyrac had addressed to him some remark of this nature, Marius avoided women, both young and old, more than ever for a week to come, and he avoided Courfeyrac to boot.


  • 批评家麦克·拉奇认为,那位阿卡歌手尤其厉害虽然一点

    For this critic, the Aka rapper, in particular, has skills, though I can't understand a bit.


  • 当时情景算是糟的呢!糟的是风暴越刮越猛,就水手们自己承认他们平生从未遇到过这么厉害的大风暴。

    But the worst was not come yet, the Storm continued with such Fury, that the Seamen themselves acknowledged they had never known a worse.


  • 厉害,只知把拳头打到对方身上,不知防卫自己不久他们身上便淌下来。

    Both men were too inebriated to defend themselves but managed to land blows on each other. Before long they were both gushing blood.


  • 英国皇家学会生物研究期刊上报告中写道,蓝鲸皮肤颜色大多数鲸鱼浅,因而晒伤也比皮肤颜色深长须鲸厉害

    Blue whales, who have fairer skin than most whales, suffered more than the darker fin whales, she reports in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.


  • 不要因为进来时作出这样蠢相,就以为一点心痛凯瑟琳,我也过了,哭得很伤心——是的任何理由哭得厉害些。

    You mustn't think I care little for Catherine, because I behaved so foolishly on entering: I've cried, too, bitterly — yes, more than anyone else has reason to cry.


  • 她们不但不再呕吐,她们本来应该呕吐,并随着服用催吐剂呕吐得更加厉害然而事实上症状消失了。

    Not only did they not vomit as they should have done, more so with the ipecac, they actually stopped.


  • 所有一切增加英国国内能源消费因为空调耗能相当厉害

    All of which is only going to add to our domestic energy consumption, as air-conditioning units are energy-hungry beasts.


  • 3个人,他们告诉了朝哪个方向走最终,我迷路得更加厉害了。

    The last three people I asked gave me directions and I ended up getting more lost.


  • 同性婚姻这个问题上,白人向来存在着分歧然而拉丁美洲人黑人对此表示反对,尤其是黑人反对的更为厉害

    Whites are evenly divided on the subject, whereas Latinos are opposed and blacks are fiercely opposed.


  • 然后他们杯子顶到头上厉害了。

    Then they put the cups on their heads and laughed more.


  • 每次锦绣遇到了什么难题或是伤心事锦绣还厉害

    The rich brocade met each time what hard nut to crack or sad affair, the brocade lotuses all cry stiller than rich brocade badly.


  • 刚才厉害那边撑不住了,上去帮忙结果轩哥手里雪球砸到身上呢。

    Just made too badly, three elder brothers there almost could not held up, I want up help, am result the elder brother Xuan's hand inside snow ball's still hitting me in the body.


  • 每次锦绣遇到了什么难题或是伤心事锦绣还厉害

    The rich brocade met each period what hard nut to crack alternatively sad affair, the brocade lotuses all cry stiller than rich brocade badly.


  • 大概一个家里移动一张很重桌子扭了自从那个时候,下背部一直疼得厉害

    Mrs Zhang About a month ago, I twisted my waist while trying to move a heavy table at home. This has left me with a severe lower back pain since then.


  • 居民报告说他们陶器玻璃制品打破了。附近酒店人员这次地震厉害他们的电视机桌子上搞下来到他们。

    Local residents reported damage to crockery and glassware. Staff at a nearby hotel said the quake had been strong enough to shake television sets off tables and smash them.


  • 楼梯上的地毯磨损厉害散了

    The stairway carpet is so frayed it threatens to unravel .


  • 然而那些曾经为了保护孩子,不让孩子知道他们父母病得厉害的人,大多数事后后悔没有告诉孩子真相

    However, most people who have tried to shield their children from knowing that a parent is seriously ill often regret later that they did not tell them the truth.


  • 然而那些曾经为了保护孩子,不让孩子知道他们父母病得厉害的人,大多数事后后悔没有告诉孩子真相

    However, most people who have tried to shield their children from knowing that a parent is seriously ill often regret later that they did not tell them the truth.


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