• 邪恶行为邪恶的目的不同。

    Evil deeds are distinguished from evil purposes.


  • 邪恶的行为显露邪恶的品质。

    To free from evil spirits or malign influences.


  • 轰炸机邪恶行为摧毁了许多无辜的生命

    The bomber 's nefarious deed destroyed many innocent lives.


  • 教堂就是人们大方地承认自己犯下的错误黑暗邪恶的行为

    The church is the place where people openly admitted dark misdeeds and vile indiscretions.


  • 许多关于背叛故事都会讲述到长着黑色翅膀的尼克斯那些邪恶的行为

    Many stories of 20)treachery involve the black-winged Nyx and her dark doings. It is said that during the Trojan War, it was Nyx who protected the spies.


  • 事情从来如此一种邪恶行为不管有否这种表征,从来都带有这种厄运品性

    So it ever is, whether thus typified or no, that an evil deed invests itself with the character of doom.


  • 因为即使我们自己没有犯下明显邪恶行为我们共谋借由我们自己漠不关心

    For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.


  • 例如如果麦当劳推进这个口号几乎没有任何意义因为人们很难想象快餐业采用什么邪恶行为

    For example, it would be meaningless if McDonalds promoted "Don" t be evil "as people can hardly imagine what malevolent actions a fast-food chain could take."


  • 裁决来到世间人们喜爱黑暗不爱光明因为它们行为邪恶

    This is the verdict: light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.


  • 所有这些看来都如此邪恶原因,你少数几个体制中幸存下来人之一,意味着,你必然会不信任进来团队憎恨他们的帮派行为

    The reason all this seems so sinister to you is that you are one of the few survivors from the old regime, which means you naturally distrust the team coming in and resent their clannishness.


  • 行为具有邪恶性质,则必须存在重大错误行为主体在采取行为时必然残酷本性了然于胸,但又毫无保留地欣然予以接受

    For an act to be evil, it must be significantly wrong, embarked upon with full knowledge of its wantonness and embraced wholeheartedly by the person doing the deed.


  • 只猩猩可爱通人性一面粗暴肮脏邪恶一面,但就像马什所指出那样黑猩猩本来就是那样的,都是本性的行为

    The chimp had a sweet and tactile side but could also be violent, messy and vicious. But as Marsh points out, that's what chimpanzees are like, that's how they behave.


  • 很少爱尔兰见到试图邪恶力量交流,即便是见过的寥寥,往往在别人面前三缄其口,只字不提他们的意图行为

    I have indeed come across very few persons in Ireland who try to communicate with evil powers, and the few I have met keep their purpose and practice wholly hidden from those among whom they live.


  • 对于那些农民立场来说华尔街商业行为正是“商人邪恶团体所作所为集中体现。

    To those who are on the farmers' side the business of Wall Street appears to be the cream of the villainy community perpetrated by the traders.


  • 亲密行为各种法律回到清教徒时期,他们认为上帝规定这些事情邪恶

    All sorts of laws against intimate behavior that went back to the Puritans who thought that God had prescribed these things as evil.


  • 既然邪恶存在根据外在行为反映一个人内心原理我们可以假定上帝邪恶的

    And since evil exists, and according to the principle that our works define who we are, we can assume that God is evil.


  • 如果有人我设法摆脱这些邪恶行为带来危险宁愿简朴生活也不愿与其他人同流合污。

    If asked to find the way out of the danger these depraved practices have created, I would rather live a simple life than go along with any others in their evil deeds.


  • 佩恩删去的一段话中,吐温严厉斥责邪恶的古巴-西班牙战争纳德·伍德将军哈瓦那总督时毒气般恶臭的行为”。

    In a passage removed by Paine, Twain excoriates "the iniquitous Cuban-Spanish War" and Gen. Leonard Wood's "mephitic record" as governor general in Havana.


  • 假如认为博客商业化一种邪恶不道德的、很的、不得体的、贪婪或者可憎的的行为的话,你就不要商业化

    If you think commercializing your blog is evil, immoral, unethical, uncool, lame, greedy, obnoxious, or anything along those lines, then don't commercialize it.


  • 这种邪恶投入犯罪或者低俗行为只是挖掘最令人厌恶的形式,却忽略成就其卓越的一种无形的的冲动

    To practice it in criminal and vulgar ways is to exploit its scandalous materiality and ignore the immaterial frisson which constitutes its excellence.


  • 我们这些犯罪行为没有采取行动不过一些渔民采取行动,在这个传送世界石油五分之一供应海上中转走廊搅起波澜时,我们开始高声诅咒这种“邪恶行径”。

    We didn't act on those crimes - but when some of the fishermen responded by disrupting the transit-corridor for 20 percent of the world's oil supply, we begin to shriek about "evil."


  • 不可那属于杀害自己兄弟加音。音究竟为什么因为自己行为邪恶他兄弟的行为是正义的。

    Not as Cain, who was of the wicked one, and killed his brother. And wherefore did he kill him? Because his own works were wicked: and his brother's just.


  • 大多数邪恶成为真正邪恶他们开始亲自知道作为一个真正的行为

    For most people evil becomes real evil, when they get to know it personally as a real fact.


  • 行为开始大多数视为邪恶它视为英勇

    You're actions from the very beginning have been what most might consider evil, but what I see as valiant.


  • 完全堕落意思不是一刻中的思想行为是极度邪恶

    Total depravity does not mean that every moment, man's thought and actions are as evil as they possibly can be.


  • 那么如果他们意图邪恶呢,而且他们这些显然随意行为隐藏一个恶魔计划?。

    Lady: Well, what if their intention are foul , and there is a diabolical plan behind these apparently random acts?


  • 那么如果他们意图邪恶呢,而且他们这些显然随意行为隐藏一个恶魔计划?。

    Lady: Well, what if their intention are foul , and there is a diabolical plan behind these apparently random acts?


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