• 我们植物可能提出一个问题存活未来的机率有多大

    The next thing we might want to ask about a plant like that is what chances does it have to survive into the future.


  • 孩抓着植物,轻松地把它拔了出来。

    The boy held the plant and pulled it out easily.


  • 享受这个旅程,任何时候要做重大生活改变常常会有挑战时刻不久,你可能看到个纯天然食品植物饮食好处,也不会想念生活方式。

    There are often challenging moments any time you make a significant life change. Before long, you will likely see the benefits of a whole foods plant-based diet and won’t be missing the old lifestyle.


  • 赢得青睐后,伊塔经过一系列梦幻般的冒险如愿偿,其中包括寻求赐予愿望的奇效植物

    Having earned her favor, Etana accomplishes this goal through a series of fantastic adventures, including a trip to the heavens in order to find a potent plant that will grant his wishes.


  • 这种快速修复机制能使植物不失时机充分利用太阳充裕的能量

    This rapid repair mechanism allows plants to take full advantage of the sun's bountiful energy without losing efficiency over time.


  • 如果没有了荨麻做食物,这些毛毛虫就会另外可以替代的食物来源最喜欢植物可能就成了它们的美食咯。

    Without nettles caterpillars would go in search of alternative food sources, probably plumping for one of your favourite plants.


  • 如果天空影响天气,影响种的植物捕猎动物为什么不能影响自己呢?

    If the sky can effect the weather, my crops and the animals I hunt, why can't it effect me?


  • 民众什么植物什么书,完全是个人私事,只要违反法律没有影响伤害别人正当权益,任何人没有资格过问

    But what people plant or read are completely personal affairs; as long as they don't break the law or harm the rights of others, no one has the authority to tell them what to do in these areas.


  • 味道必须异乎寻常的甜还是清楚源自植物,是生于土壤不是出自于糖果店柜台

    The taste has to be exceptionally sweet but just slightly vegetal, so you know it came from the earth and not the candy counter.


  • 希望人们看到到处都是的垃圾会使我们海滩丑陋无比这样的海滩对人和野生动植物来说危险的。

    I hoped that people would know that throwing their garbage all over the beach creates an ugly place that is also dangerous to both humans and the wildlife.


  • 婆婆纳属植物他们的眼里也是蓝色像是一首欢乐歌谣,小米草也是一样,清除旅途带来灰尘

    Speedwell is their flower too, with its blue like a song of cheer, and so is eyebright, which clears away the dust of travel.


  • 茎秆就像潜水呼吸管,植株绝大部分淹没在水下时,仍能保证植物大气进行气体交换

    Like a snorkel, the elongated stem allows the plant to exchange gases with the atmosphere while most of it is submerged.


  • 如果家里还没有这些不可抗拒植物一年订购一些吧。

    If you don't own any of these irresistibly cheering species, order them now for next year.


  • 契布局木这样植物太阳天空移动的情况下在收集太阳光具有竞争力。

    The Fibonacci pattern gives plants like the oak tree a competitive edge while collecting sunlight when the Sun moves through the sky.


  • 尤其是绚烂的槭属植物——枫树——它们发脆闪亮叶子变成深深的红色,在今天灿烂秋日暖阳里熠熠闪烁

    In particular, a group of glorious acers - maples - whose crisp, shiny leaves have turned such a deep, coppery red that they are positively glowing in the glorious autumn sunshine today.


  • 如果无需隐瞒为什么他们对于披露使用的化学品要求么恐惧呢?” 美国落基山地区野生动植物联合会会长史蒂文??

    If they’ve got nothing to hide, why is the industry so paranoid about disclosing their chemicals?” asks Steve Torbit, executive director of the National Wildlife Federation’s Rocky Mountain region.


  • 测试方法简单,抓起一把握紧如果成型没散掉,就是湿,如果你的手感觉到植物来说也是一样太凉了。

    Squeeze a handful of soilif it holds its shape, it’s too wet. If it feels cold, it’s too cold to plant.


  • 现在著名作家、民族植物学家詹姆斯新书自己动手种》带我们走进古老植物治疗无数现代慢性病的魔幻乐园。

    Now, in his new book, Grow Your Own Drugs, famed author and ethnobotanist James Wong helps you tap into the ancient healing powers of plants to alleviate an array of very modern ailments.


  • 靛青实验工作无论植物或在奥斯特里茨的园子成功

    His experiments on indigo had been no more successful in the Jardin des Plantes than in his garden at Austerlitz.


  • 过去年中大部分发现大型植物公告来自开普勒太空任务方法是搜寻植物太阳经过稀薄浅影。

    Most of the big planet announcements over the past year or two have come from the Kepler space mission, which looks for the slight dimming as a planet passes in front of its star.


  • 安格山药科学界来说发现物种,对对马达加斯加北部居民来说,它一点陌生,当地人经常种植这种植物

    The edible tuber is new to science but not to residents of northern Madagascar, where it is regularly harvested.


  • 金士顿山脊下幽径边莓的时候,她们一起摘,她们黧黑的健壮手臂怎么注意被路边的植物划了些痕迹,她们笑的时候可以看出嘴巴被黑莓染紫色了。

    When I pick blackberries on the path under Kingston Ridge they pick with me, their tanned, sinewy arms oblivious to scratches, their laughing mouths purple with juice.


  • 我们可谁都不想大蒜发芽如果这种香料植物存放在冷却器里,就是它们的下场。

    We do not want our garlic to sprout! But that's what happens to this fragrant plant if it is kept in the cooler.


  • GG;对于多年生植物种植者呢?

    GG: What about perennial growers?


  • 去年崎岖多石、人迹罕至卡耐马勒山脉,人们经过历时个月调查首次发现了两百多种植物

    More than 200 animals and plants were revealed for the first time after two months of surveying in the rugged and little-explored Nakanai and Muller mountain ranges last year.


  • 如果遵循素食主义者,这会是一个很棒的选择因为仅仅植物来源很难得到蛋白质

    This makes it a great choice if you follow a vegan diet, since protein can be harder to come by when it comes solely from plant-based sources.


  • 要是动物不到足够植物它们就会饿死被迫离开地方

    If the animals cannot find enough plants to eat, they will starve or have to leave the place.


  • 要是动物不到足够植物它们就会饿死被迫离开地方

    If the animals cannot find enough plants to eat, they will starve or have to leave the place.


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