• 记住那些美好时光忘记悲伤痛苦因为美好的时光想起生活多么特别

    May you remember the good times and forget the sorrow and pain, for the good times will remind you of how special your life has been.


  • 和1990年的那些美好时光迥然不同,当时欧洲巡回赛中赢了场锦标赛

    It was all a far cry from those halcyon days in 1990, when he won three tournaments on the European tour.


  • 那些孩子送进大学父母,“生命好的时光”,加上一句“如果应对大学生活压力的话”更加合适。

    For parents who send their kids off to college saying, "These will be the best years of your life," it would be very appropriate to add, "If you can handle the stress of college life."


  • 我们肩并肩地走着专心地听着讲述讲述我们,以及我们一起分享那些美好时光

    As we walked alongside each other, she listened intently as I told her about you, about us, about the wonderful times we Shared.


  • 自从2001年那些黑色日子之后他们企业利润不断飙升,他们的资金如此的充裕以至于开始回购自己股票相互兼并收购似乎美好时光永无尽头

    Profits have soared since the dark days of 2001 and companies are so flush with cash that they are buying back their own shares, merging and acquiring each other as if the good times will never end.


  • 不管是电影、丰盛晚餐、在后院里约会还是那些不会让彼此烦恼事情,只要那些能让你们回忆起曾经恋爱时美好的时光好。

    Whether it's to a movie, a nice dinner, a backyard date, or something you both have never tried, find something that will be reminiscent of what you did together when you were dating.


  • 其他那些孩子树林里一同度过的那些美好时光现在剩下一些记忆

    The good times I Shared with those other kids in that wooded patch are now just memories.


  • 多年以后的多年以后,如果还可以偶然记起,忘了为了梦想努力奋斗那些美好时光

    After many years, when looking back to the past, you will not forget the time when you went go to great lengths striving for your dream.


  • 一定要捕捉孩子们在一起幸福时光以及那些不想停下来、去改变美好的生活节奏。

    Becoming conscious of the certain times when you are happiest with your kids and when you’re not allows you to stop, think, and redesign your family’s routine.


  • 那些精力充沛健谈的可能记住过去美好的时光结果拥有更多的幸福高度神经敏感那些郁郁寡欢情绪不稳定焦躁不安的人很可能回忆痛苦的过去有着少的幸福。

    People high on the neurotic scale, which can mean being moody, emotionally unstable and fretful, were more likely to have an anguished remembrance of the past and to be less happy.


  • 然而自传中,奥尼尔详述那些导致最终离开海滩[1]的那些美好的时光

    But in his new autobiography, o 'neal details the bad times that led to his departure from South Beach.


  • 大多数生活明天,总是期待着,瞄准的目标。好多次,都忽略了今天欢乐时光那些美好的东西,为的就是能够未来得到更有利于自身的结果

    Many times I have let my happiness and well being today slide so that I can produce results that will benefit me in the future.


  • 紧着着个月美好个人时光 那些曾经因为工作而失去时光

    Suddenly the balance had shifted, and I experienced 3 glorious months regaining the personal time I had lost to work.


  • 荣幸能参加联合设计课程学习非常怀念那段美好时光想念那些所有参加活动的人,想念那些我们一步步走过地方

    I am honored to join the Learning City course, I really miss that good time. I miss those who participate in activities and places we have traveled.


  • 没有这些朋友我们很难度过那些困难的时期也很难庆祝美好时光

    Without our friends, we would be hard pressed to get through the tough times and celebrate the good ones.


  • 即便家伙并不总是很好,可享受仍然他们亲密那些美好时光

    Even if he wasn't good to her all the time, she loved The Times when they were intimate.


  • 于是乎触碰那些曾经一起明媚时光快乐指尖绽放,想让青春美好重新来过

    As a result, she wanted to touch those who had been with him the beautiful time, want happiness on your fingers, want to let the beautiful youth again.


  • 人生好的部分就是在意微笑度过那些微不足道不值一提时光

    The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you.


  • 谢谢美好时光那些被你欢乐填满的日子。谢谢你给的温柔回忆那些我会永远珍藏感觉

    Thank you for the good times, the days you filled with pleasure. Thank you for fond memories and feelings I'll always treasure.


  • 那些真是快乐时光,仿佛发生在不远的身旁,现在知道美好的时光都已去向何方

    Those were such happy times and not so long ago. How I wondered where they'd gone!


  • 相信什么人什么事时,对信念真正考验来自于艰难时期而非那些美好时光

    When you believe in someone or something the true test of your faith is during the bad times not during the good!


  • 总之,当走到生命尽头,回想他一生时,他觉得他忍受痛苦的那些才是他生命美好的时光

    Anyway, he, eh, gets in the end of his life. He looks back to his life, decides all years he suffered-those were best years in his life.


  • 那些成长时光无法替代美好然而只能忙碌生活偶尔闲暇时分,翻翻照片记起曾经单纯自己和儿时梦想

    Those growing time, full of the good can not be replaced, but only occasionally in the busy life of leisure hours, looking through old photos, and remember their own childhood was a simple dream.


  • 皇后隐约回忆那些往事想起曾经美好时光……

    The girl remembered those past events indistinctly , has remembered once bright time ……


  • 谢谢美好时光那些被你欢乐填满的日子。

    Thank you for the good times, the days you filled with pleasure.


  • 到了老年时,那些大学美好时光回忆从未真正地从脑海中消退。

    As he grew into old age, the memories of those good days in college never really left him.


  • 到了老年时,那些大学美好时光回忆从未真正地从脑海中消退。

    As he grew into old age, the memories of those good days in college never really left him.


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