• 世博是世博园区入口远处的中国馆遥相呼应

    The Expo Axis serves as the main entrance to the Expo site and coordinates with the Chinese pavilion from afar.


  • 空气渗透着泥土清香脚下小草头上的蓝天遥相呼应

    The air one breathed was saturated with earthysmells, and the grass under foot had a reflection of blue sky in it.


  • 空气渗透泥土清香脚下小草头上的蓝天遥相呼应

    The air one breathed was saturated with earthy smells, and the grass under foot had a reflection of blue sky in it.


  • 瓶身花纹相间只喜鹊遥相呼应象征吉祥如意,喜事连连

    The bottle pattern alternate with, two magpie, symbol of luck and echo each other at funerals repeatedly.


  • 入口大厅的休息处,一个欢迎手势,同时与主建筑遥相呼应

    Other nods to the old building include a recessed corner, envisioned as a gesture of welcome, that frames the entrance forecourt.


  • 英国则与美国遥相呼应:59%的人认为某些情况下可以维护正义

    Britain echoed America: 59% agreed that military action may be justified in such circumstances.


  • 高高耸立的灯杆中绵延的芦苇荡遥相呼应自然融为一体。

    The towering light poles and wild reeds along the river make the bridge and nature be an organic whole.


  • 2009年4月19日,大群海鸟飞过秘鲁海岸遥相呼应小岛上空。

    Sea birds, mostly Piqueros (Peruvian Booby) flying over Guaape Norte Island in the coast off Peru, April 19, 2009.


  • 它与山南宾馆温泉水平距离7.5公里,标高南北对称遥相呼应

    Shannan hotel spa level distance of 7.5 kilometers above sea level is also near the north-south symmetry, in Vicenza.


  • 此景夫妻、望郎峰景点遥相呼应构成完整夫妻久别又重逢故事

    This spot echoes each other at a distance with Waiting for Lover and Couple's Rock, forming one integrate story which narrates the couples leave each other for a long time and meet again.


  • 仙台如此的雄壮,在新鲜的空气我们可以看到伟岸轮廓浩瀚星海遥相呼应

    The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.


  • 绍兴纺织服装类专业市场规模较大,周边专业市场遥相呼应反映国内纺织品价格变化

    The wholesale markets are sweeping enough to echo each other with peripheral product markets, and they show the fluctuation of the price of domestic textile.


  • 这种自由基本欢悦渴望与我们突尼斯开罗整个地区听到的声音遥相呼应

    This basic and joyful longing for human freedom echoed the voices that we had heard all across the region, from Tunis to Cairo.


  • 酒店客房整洁时尚天花线条装饰配合橘色背景木地板边饰遥相呼应也是心意十足。

    Hotel rooms are clean and tidy fashion, smallpox decoration lines with orange background walls and wooden floor edging echoed. Also the mind is dye in the wood.


  • 遥相呼应盆景雄气十足地静默着,延伸着宫廷豪华在享受立于皇室之中的骄傲与自豪

    Extending the luxury of the court, the miniascape is growing silently as enjoying the pride of the standing in the royal court.


  • 服装遥相呼应钟颖作品,其作品引用贾科梅蒂健硕的外型,创造形态各异的人物姿势

    In dialogue with the dresses, Shi Zhongying's works draw references from Giacometti's sinewy forms to create cocoon-like figures in various poses.


  • 南面殷墟宫殿宗庙遗址隔河相望,与东面洹北商城遥相呼应殷墟遗址重要组成部分。

    The Royal Cemetery is an important component of the Yinxu site. Facing south towards the palace-temple site located across the river, it borders the Huanbei Shang city to the east.


  • 配文写道情人节,该妈咪的前世情人到来了! ,与女儿父亲的前世情人说法遥相呼应

    The caption reads: Valentine's Day, time for mummy's lover from her past life to come along, which alludes to the Chinese saying that a daughter is her father's lover in a previous life.


  • 雷声轰鸣隆隆作响,震耳欲聋然后遥相呼应地逐渐离开我们,可是不久它又卷土重来,重新开始了

    Thunder roared so loud it stunned our hearing, then rumbled and echoed away from us and started again.


  • 余华不仅叙述风格上,而且在小说意义处理方式情绪浸染方面,均与现代文学鼻祖卡夫卡遥相呼应

    Not only on narrative style, but on the method of expressing significance and feeling are similar, Yu - hua echoes from afar with Kafka who is the originator of modernist school.


  • 手机成功遥相呼应苹果iPod取得了优秀的成果季度公司卖出了大约1100万iPod。

    Complementing the handset's success, Apple's iPods also saw positive results, selling about 11 million units over the quarter.


  • 配文写道:“情人节,该妈咪的前世情人到来了!” ,与“女儿父亲的前世情人”说法遥相呼应

    The caption reads: "Valentine's Day, time for mummy's lover from her past life to come along, " which alludes to the Chinese saying that a daughter is her father's lover in a previous life.


  • 心静自然凉同样道理仙台是如此的雄壮,在新鲜的空气我们可以看到的伟岸轮廓与浩瀚星海遥相呼应

    The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.


  • 那个长着罗马鼻子太太的又肥胖又光滑抽搐弯曲了一下;这个动作倒跟那种激动谢尔顿心灵感觉遥相呼应

    The plum, sleek hand of the lady with the Roman nose curved convulsively; and this movement corresponded to the feeling agitating Shelton's heart.


  • 景观定位雕塑特征适合观赏的内庭院营造整体化的景观,商务区遥相呼应,使个性化景观得到最大化的体现。

    Landscape position is to create courtyard that is suitable for appreciation with sculpture feature, build whole landscape and echo with commercial area which maximized the personal landscape.


  • 跟《绅士杂志上最近发表篇文章观点遥相呼应- - -“戈尔先生解决全球变暖问题的方法不对的”。

    It's a point echoed in "Mr. Gore, Your Solution to Global Warming is Wrong," a feature in the current issue of Esquire magazine.


  • 中国不高兴1996年出版民族主义著作《中国可以说一些观点遥相呼应本书联名作者中都有宋强

    'Unhappy China' echoes some of the sentiments of an earlier nationalist volume, 1996's 'China Can Say No,' and the two books share a co-author, Song Qiang.


  • 2010年,伦敦经济学院中心篇论文研究经济发现(最低工资)一研究与美国最低工资研究遥相呼应(即就业增加)。

    A 2010 paper by researchers at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics found the long-run effect was either negligible or positive (ie, jobs increased).


  • 看了《大地惊雷看《社交网络》,感受到种完全不同文明遥相呼应,这两种文明分别来自先进的硅谷荒蛮山野

    Look at "the Social Network" again after seeing "True Grit," and you'll see two different civilizations, as far removed from each other in ethos as Silicon Valley and Monument Valley.


  • 看了《大地惊雷看《社交网络》,感受到种完全不同文明遥相呼应,这两种文明分别来自先进的硅谷荒蛮山野

    Look at "the Social Network" again after seeing "True Grit," and you'll see two different civilizations, as far removed from each other in ethos as Silicon Valley and Monument Valley.


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