• 遇见童年好友,好友告诉地方可以居住

    One day he met his best childhood friend and the friend told him there was a nicer place for them to live.


  • 涉及到了遇见创业人时我们要找经常评估用的创业者DNA的各种成分

    It covers the components of Founder DNA that we look for and try to assess regularly when meeting entrepreneurs.


  • 许多建筑这座城市里神秘出现消失——本来如此,偶尔也能遇见那些散落在上海历史中的碎片

    Buildings mysteriously come and go in this city — it's just how it is — but the little bits of historic Shanghai that manage to stick around which are extraordinary to stumble upon.


  • 遇见问题时,只关注所知道前辈如何解决的。

    When confronted with a problem, fixate on what you were taught about how past thinkers solved it.


  • 他们辈子生命积淀,我的唯一装满背囊里的还有微笑送给每个即将遇见

    They are my life, accumulated in this life, my only, filled backpack were smiling, so I give it to be met for each person.


  • 遇见微笑导致但是派出信号倍数通过返回作为积极态度

    Smile at people that you meets. It does not cause you one cent, but it sends out signal, it multiples by returning to you as positive attitudes.


  • 不过现在主人Jude Stringfellow遇见照顾

    But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him.


  • 从前有只青蛙井里居住。遇见东海来的大

    There was once a frog who made his home in a shallow well. One day he met a turtle from the East Sea.


  • 体会平常难以遇见心境,使人心静如梦

    It makes people realize the normal state of mind, hard to meet people to Harbin far, like a dream.


  • 难以找到然而我心中的爱情真挚发生在遇见一天

    True love is hard to find. But the love inside of me is true. It appeared the day I met you!


  • 一旦遇见什么东西不能正常工作忍不住干涉,试图修好(当然符合他思维方式的)。

    Confronted with anything that does not work as it should, Malcom just can't help himself but meddle with it, to try to put it right, to his way of thinking that is.


  • 要转变,成长,进化只有遇见遭遇差异性时候才会发生。在我们提到差异性碰面的时候,我们完全不是礼貌的讨论一番,而是直接说重点。

    When I speak of meeting up with otherness, I do not mean having a polite chat with it, but rather a truly plunging into it.


  • 首先遇见新的人民蜷缩而是挺身而出调查信心一个标志

    When it first meets new people it does not cower, but comes forward to investigate, which is a good sign of confidence.


  • 路上遇见只大象只孔雀只兔子

    Danny goes away when his parents are sleeping. On his way he meets an elephant, a peacock and a rabbit.


  • 遇见一部分叫做缘分一部分,我们劫数,有命中注定就有在劫难逃。

    Part of the meeting is called fate, the other part, we call it the doom, is doomed is decreed by fate.


  • 吓坏了记得麻雀告诉过自己遇见雄鹰要么钻进屋檐要么草丛里

    It frightened it, remember the old sparrow told myself, or meet the eagle drilling under the eaves, or hiding in the bushes.


  • 天国好像宝贝地里遇见藏起来,欢欢喜喜变卖一切所有的,这块地。

    The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all he has and buys that field.


  • 明莉遇见只流浪小狗狗,着实惹人喜爱,就收养了

    One day, Ming li met a stray little dog to see if it really endearing to adopt it.


  • 避免遇见葡萄牙人麦哲伦一直行驶,最后抵达一个废弃港口叫做卢西亚,即现在里约热内卢

    In order to avoid the Portuguese, Magellan headed south until he came to a deserted harbour , which he called the Bay of Santa Lucia, now known as Rio de Janeiro Bay.


  • 天国好像宝贝在地里,人遇见了就起来欢欢喜喜地变卖一切所有的,这块地。

    The kingdom of heaven is like a secret store of wealth in a field, which a man came across and put back again; and in his joy he goes and gives all he has, to get that field.


  • 遇见农夫,农夫的样子非常苦恼天使诉说:“我家水牛死了帮忙犁田怎能下田作业呢?”

    One day, he met a farmer in great trouble. The farmer told him, "My buffalo is just dead, how can I plough the field without its help?"


  • 因为我们被完成并且此时一定遇见强烈的抵抗建筑物一半所以非常重要

    It is very important because we have the building half completed and must meet the strongest resistance at this point.


  • 因为我们被完成并且此时一定遇见强烈的抵抗建筑物一半所以非常重要

    It is very important because we have the building half completed and must meet the strongest resistance at this point.


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