• 人们工作生活遇到各种困难,经受各种挫折产生挫折感,难免的。

    It's inevitable for people to encounter various difficulties and yield sense of frustration in daily work and life.


  • 无论什么工作总会不可避免遇到各种困难挫折如果摔倒后的埋怨注定悲伤一生一事无成

    A person, whether to engage in any work, encountered difficulties and setbacks are inevitable, because if fell wrestle wrong to blame the cause of their dry, it is bound to lament life, nothing.


  • 我们前进道路上遇到许多可以预料难以预料困难,面临各种各样严峻挑战

    There will still be many predictable and unpredictable difficulties and various severe challenges on our road ahead.


  • 如果载入基本配置使遇到困难,那么参考sdl文档各种教程(参阅参考资料)。

    If you have difficulty loading this basic configuration, consult the SDL documentation or one of the many available tutorials for assistance (see Resources).


  • 网络当然一个出色工具,它可以简化现实世界中所遇到分配问题,排除各种现实中的困难

    The web can of course be a superb tool to simplify distribution and leap over all sorts of practical issues that the non-online world faces.


  • 虽然路途上我们遇到各种各样困难但是只要我们坚持下来。

    Although journey we will encounter all sorts of difficulties, but as long as we persist.


  • 她们梦想计划即使遇到各种各样困难,她们仍然未来感到乐观

    They make the plans for their dreams, even they meet all kinds of difficulties, they are still positive about their future.


  • 尽管任何事情我们都会遇到各种挫折我们不应该失去信心,我们应该自行的克服这些困难而不是越来越逃离他们

    While doing anything, we often meet many kinds of setbacks, but we shouldn't lose heart, we should overcome them with confidence instead of getting away from them.


  • 我看来,将各种不同动作流畅结合起来非常困难的,遇到很多挫折犯很多的错误可以做到

    The linking of combination of a series of moves are hard to do, and you come across a lot of trial and error until it was acceptable.


  • 生活中不是一切都尽人意每天我们都会遇到各种各样困难烦恼

    But in life, not everything is perfect, every day we will encounter various difficulties and troubles.


  • 我们一生将要遇到各种各样困难我们面对困难克服我们父母告诉我们的。

    All lour life, we will meet all kinds of difficulties, we have to face them and fix them, that is what our parents tell us.


  • 对于我们过去成就,感到非常骄傲;同时我也清楚地知道将来我们还会遇到各种各样的困难

    I am very proud of what we have established and I am very realistic about the difficulties that wait in our future.


  • 知道你们开展这个活动容易遇到各种各样的困难不理解甚至反对

    I know it is not easy for you to hold this program. You would meet all kinds of difficulties, misunderstood, and even objections.


  • 翻译实践中,要充分了解语言文化差异才能解决翻译中遇到各种困难

    In the practical translation, it is essential to fully understand the difference of the cultural background of the two concerned languages so as to solve various difficulties of translation.


  • 很多时候我们设定目标实现过程中受到沿途各种因素的影响,因为遇到各种各样困难各种意外情况需要不断调整优先级

    Often times, the goals we set and our goal achievement process are subjected to a lot of changes along the way, due to varying obstacles, unanticipated circumstances and changing priorities.


  • 每个人都会他们一生中遇到各种各样的困难当然人们喜欢接受成功但是实际上他们时而不时失败

    Everybody will meet all kinds of difficulties during their lives, of course, they are willing to accept success, but the fact is that no one can win all the time, they will meet failure now and then.


  • 她们梦想计划即使遇到各种各样困难,仍然将来乐观

    They make the plans for their dreams, even they meet all kinds of difficulties, they are still positive about their future.


  • 我们一生将要遇到各种各样的困难我们面对困难克服我们的父母告诉我们的。

    All our life, we will meet all kinds of difficulties, we have to face them and fix them, that is what our parents tell us.


  • 大学生学习生活人际交往社会适应等方面遇到越来越多的困难挫折导致各种心理问题和心理障碍的出现。

    University students meet more and more difficulty and setback in study, life, human communication, society, these cause all kinds of different psychological questions and psychological obstacles.


  • 我们遇到各种各样困难如果我们能挺住向前进,所有艰难时刻终将过去美好的明天迟早回来到

    We will meet all kinds of difficulties, if we can hold on and keep move on, all the hard time will pass, the bright future will come sooner or later.


  • 一般我们遇到困难问题各种情绪感觉就会生起﹐例如进攻性的心态。

    Generally, when we encounter differences and problems, different kinds of emotions and feelings arise, such as aggression.


  • 年,虽然遇到了一点困难,但是成功利用各种资源,最后取得了很好的名气不错的利润

    Though I met a lot of troubles, I made use of all kinds of resources to make it successful on reputations and profits. 2010.


  • 年,虽然遇到了一点困难,但是成功利用各种资源,最后取得了很好的名气不错的利润

    Though I met a lot of troubles, I made use of all kinds of resources to make it successful on reputations and profits. 2010.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定